Selene, the newest 1-Cost card in Marvel Snap of the Hellfire Gala season, brings a hazardous ability that affects both players. For Snap veterans, such toxic skills can be a gamble—they’re either perfect or downright terrible. So, the big question is, where does Selene land on this spectrum? Is she a reliable card worth the price, or is it safe to skip her for now? Find all the answers in this card overview.

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Selene Card Overview


Selene is an On Reveal card with a Cost of one and a Power of negative one. When played, she inflicts negative Power on one card from both hands. In terms of gameplay, Selene shares similarities with Scorpion, as both cards impact enemy cards at hand with -1 Power. (Though, Scorpion’s effect happens on a larger scale.)


  • Early attacker. Selene is a turn-one drop, which makes her quite hard to predict or counter.
  • Excellent junk synergy. Her disruptive ability is ideal for toxic lineups.
  • Repeatable harm. Bouncing Selene with Falcon or Beast could allow for multiple disruptions.


  • Limited synergy. Outside junk and toxic archetypes, Selene can’t blend in with most decks.
  • Friendly fire. If your hand’s not prepared, Selene is useless because you don’t want her to hit the main cards.

How Selene Works

selene ability in marvel snap.

As soon as she’s dropped, Selene targets one card from each player’s hand with the lowest Power. These cards then receive -3 Power from Selene, rendering them disruptive or diminishing their effectiveness.

For instance, suppose you have Green Goblin in your hand, and your opponent's lowest-Power card is Iron Man. Upon playing Selene, your Goblin's Power will decrease to -6, while your opponent's Iron Man will be reduced to -3.

Best Synergies for Selene

annihilus, hobgoblin, green goblin cards in marvel snap.

Since she’s a toxic card, Selene works best with other disruptive players like Green Goblin, Hobgoblin, Black Widow, and Annihilus. She also synergizes well with Viper, forming a duo that transfers Selene to the enemy side once her effect is unleashed. (Note that Selene herself is a -1 card, potentially causing harm to the location.)

Who Should Get Selene in Marvel Snap

selene card marvel snap.

Selene proves to be a valuable investment for junk and toxic archetype players. She effortlessly blends into troublemaker decks, creating consistent win conditions. However, she is a niche card, and her worth is most evident in Annihilus-inspired lineups. (Average players are better off without her unless they lean toward the archetypes mentioned.)