Marvel Snap is exciting to hop back into daily due to its rotation of variant card skins and the potential for new rewards as players progress through collection levels. Matches are so quick to run through that it can almost be instinctual to hit the ‘play’ button instantly after having completed one, and it can be exhilarating betting a handful of Cosmic Cubes when the odds look to be in the player’s favor. That said, unless fans find playing back-to-back matches to be fun on its own, it is quite difficult to earn any in-game currencies by playing frequently, which leads to an inherent issue that Marvel Snap has when it comes to progression.

Regardless of whether players are trying to complete seasonal or regular daily challenges, there isn’t much to earn in terms of credits at any given time. Thankfully Marvel Snap doesn’t require an amount of in-game ‘energy’ or some other resource to continue playing matches. But if there are no mission challenges at all available, there is simply no way to earn credits. This seems to encourage fans not to play consecutively, wait until other missions are available in a few hours, days, or weeks, or succumb to Marvel Snap’s microtransactions. Seasons have to last quite a while, sure, but Marvel Snap could improve player engagement by making progression smoother.

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Marvel Snap’s Collection Levels Should Award More Than 50 Credits

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One way to quell this issue would be to simply award more credit rewards in the collection level tree. Currently, the collection level tree only reliably awards credits in increments of 50, which is only enough for two Uncommon upgrades and half of one Rare upgrade.

But in order to even earn these rewards in the collection level tree, players need to have spent enough credits on an upgrade toward it in the first place. So unless players have enough credits from missions to gain upgrades, there is hardly any progression happening in the collection level tree anyway, and players will have needed to gain quite a few levels to amass a decent number of credits again.

If there were enough credits per associable collection level, players could feel a renewed vigor in wanting to continue grinding through challenges. Still, challenges themselves are entirely too short-lived and players can soon find themselves putting Marvel Snap down for an extensive period of time to wait for all of its cyclical rotations to repopulate the game’s features.

Marvel Snap’s Missions Leave Too Much Time Between Each Refill

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If mission challenges repopulated sooner, Marvel Snap would be able to almost fully engage players in nonstop progression through the collection level and therefore allow for a more constant stream of card upgrades. Of course, it is probably in Marvel Snap’s best interest to maintain a reliance on microtransactions since that is where it will make its money.

But for Season Passes to be stretched thin across an entire month requires players to wait a prolonged period of time before anything is available for them to complete in its mission challenges. Season Pass XP can actually be gained when playing matches alone, but it seems like only a marginal amount for each win with all the progress in a Season Pass coming exclusively from seasonal weekly challenges.

While waiting a literal week for the next collection of challenges to drop, players will be left once more in a progression slump. This would even be admissible if there were a lot more challenges per chapter increment, but they are relatively quick to get through in a sitting. That is unless one of these seasonal challenges requires hard-level daily challenges to be completed, in which case players must wait even longer with no way to progress and earn credits otherwise.

Marvel Snap is available for PC and mobile devices.

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