Marvel Snap developer Second Dinner has confirmed that the game's Battle Mode, which allows players to battle their friends, will be released in an update later this year. The Marvel collectible card game is off to an impressive start despite relatively limited features. A post-launch roadmap has made clear that Second Dinner has big plans for Marvel Snap. Today's news is the first indication regarding when some of that new Marvel Snap content could be arriving, though.

The current build of Marvel Snap has only one way to play the game. Players are randomly matched up against opponents to play quick matches against each other, during which they can bet Cosmic Cubes based on the match's outcome. Earning Cosmic Cubes moves players up in Marvel Snap's rankings while losing Cosmic Cubes moves them down. There are no PvE modes in the game, nor is there a way for players to play with friends or through custom matches.

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Changes will be coming to Marvel Snap before the end of 2022, however. Talking with The Washington Post, Second Dinner confirmed that it plans to release Marvel Snap's Battle Mode before the end of 2022. Marvel Snap players will recall that the game's development roadmap listed "Battle Mode VS Friends" under the subheading "In Development" in October. Apparently, it's nearing completion and should be arriving before long.

marvel snap cards

Second Dinner also provided some information regarding how Battle Mode will work. Instead of betting Cosmic Cubes like in Marvel Snap's ranked mode, players will have health pools and can bet amounts of health. A full Battle Mode match will take place over multiple games, though each player will be using the same deck the whole way through. Each player will start with 10 health and the Snap mechanic will work similarly to Battle Mode, meaning aggressive play could lead to a match ending in two rounds while passive play could go back and forth one health point by one.

Battle Mode isn't just a way for friends to play against each other, of course. Second Dinner explains that it thinks the Battle Mode will also be an optimal option for players to host community tournaments, as well. While there have been no announced plans for official esports leagues, Battle Mode could definitely help move Marvel Snap in that direction, too.

Marvel Snap may be fully available on mobile devices but in many ways, it's still a game that's mid-development. The PC version of Marvel Snap remains in early access, several key features are planned for the future, and most players will take months yet to unlock many of the game's key cards. But the quick release of a big feature like Battle Mode is definitely a good sign. Hopefully, other Marvel Snap features like Unranked Mode, Collector Tokens for new cards, and more aren't far off, either.

Marvel Snap is available now on PC and mobile devices.

MORE: Marvel Snap: Who Reveals First?

Source: The Washington Post