With over 200 cards and constantly rotating rosters, Marvel Snap’s deckbuilding can be overwhelming for beginners. However, thanks to the game’s balanced META and rather fair RNG, assembling effective decks is possible from the get-go. With the following tips, any Marvel Snap fan can figure out the ins and outs of creating good setups to make the most of their current cards without unlocking new ones.

Marvel Snap: Best Decks For Beginners

Looking to get into Marvel's new card game? These decks are great for players just getting started.

Build Decks Around Archetypes

marvel snap best pool 1 on reveal

Center each deck around one of the main archetypes. The most common archetypes to consider are Ongoing, Discard, Destroy, Move, and On Reveal.

Think of archetypes as a team’s formation. While they don’t restrict the playstyle, they do strategize the match. With a move deck, for instance, the goal becomes moving cards between the lanes. In a destroy deck, however, the main strategy develops into destroying friendly or opposing cards for extra buffs.

Look for Synergizing Cards

Marvel Snap Kitty Pryde Broken Combos Moon Girl

Create ability-based combos. In Marvel Snap, each card can synergize with multiple other characters. Having these matching effects is crucial for creating the best setups.

For example, Angela synergizes with Kitty Pryde: The former earns +1 Power each time the latter is played to her location. (The trick is that Kitty automatically returns to hand at the end of each round.)

Consider the Cost-Energy Balance

agatha, helicarrier, and destroyer in marvel snap

Build decks with manageable Costs. In each round, players have Energy points equal to the round number. When building a lineup, they should consider the Cost of each card to avoid expensive setups they cannot afford to play.

As a rule, don’t exceed five cards with 1–2 cards in any deck. Also, do not include more than three 6-Cost cards in a deck unless there’s a way to give them discounts.

Filter Deck Options

marvel snap deck filters.

Group cards based on Cost, Power, or Ability. This way, those that suit a specific archetype or synergy can be easily found. Do this by clicking the filters in the deck-building menu and setting parameters that go well with the desired setup. For example, set the filters to 1-Cost cards to find the best candidates for a Killmonger destroy deck.

Include a Surprise and Support Element

Sera Control deck in marvel snap

Don’t replicate metagame decks. Use them as inspiration, but go creative. Include surprise elements that the enemy wouldn’t predict. Also, employ tried-and-true tech cards like Cosmo, Shang-Chi, Armor, and Luke Cage to support the lineup (these characters are ideal as defensive options for risky plays).

Unrevealed Location in Marvel Snap

Build decks that benefit from common locations. In Marvel Snap, Featured and Hot locations happen 50% more often. Preparing for them in advance will, therefore, increase the chances of ranking up faster—while experimenting with different combinations.