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Marvel Snap contains hundreds of different cards showcasing a Marvel character on each face. Because of the wide variety of figures in the game, Marvel Snap introduces "pools" of cards to choose from based on a player's collection level. So, if a player was at a collection level of 15, they'd be in pool 1. These pools go up to 3 different collections, and each has various cards within them. Pool 1 starts players off with cards that are simpler in strategy to organize; players who've only gone as far as this pool will all have the same cards.

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In pool 2, there are only a little more than 20 cards, so the variety isn't grand, but the cards themselves start to get a little more interesting. The effects and abilities of some cards really change up the strategic gameplay once players hit pool 2. Though there aren't many, there are some cards that seem to have a wide scale of potential; more so than some other cards in the second pool.

10 Shang-Chi

shang chi cards

Shang-Chi made his Marvel Cinematic Universe appearance in 2021. With wide praise for Shang-Chi's movie, it was likely fans would see him in upcoming Marvel projects. In Marvel Snap, Shang-Chi debuted in pool 2 as a fierce card. He has a cost of 4 energy, and he only has 3 power.

Fortunately, though, Shang-Chi has the unique ability to destroy every enemy card that has a power of 9 or higher within his location. This makes him a very valuable asset when dealing with enemies that have put a lot of power into a location. Shang-Chi can instantly turn that around.

9 Hobgoblin

hobgoblin cards

The infamous Hobgoblin introduces himself into Marvel Snap with an extremely villainous approach to cards. When a player reveals Hobgoblin on to a location, his control is instantly transferred over to the enemy. Without knowledge of his stats, one might believe that's an incredibly redundant action, but Hobgoblin's power is -8.

This means that when used on to a location and control of Hobgoblin is given to the enemy, their attack power goes down by a solid 8 points. Hobgoblin can also take up a space within the opponent's location. That's an aggressive way to throw a wrench into an opponent's plans.

8 Rhino

rhino cards

Rhino makes a destructive revelation during a game of Marvel Snap, but not in the way one would assume. Rather than destroy a card, he destroys a location's effect. This means that if Rhino were played on a location like Strange Academy, no cards would be shuffled around; nothing happens.

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Rhino would be utilized in specific situations so that his strategy doesn't entirely benefit the opponent to victory (because the lack of a location's effect benefits/hurts both players). If it were near the end of a game, Rhino can make a surprise appearance and ruin an opponent's strategy involving a location.

7 Bucky Barnes

bucky barnes and winter soldier card

Bucky has one of the unique abilities in Marvel Snap; he turns into the Winter Soldier when he is destroyed. So, if Bucky Barnes were to be holding down a location and unfortunately be destroyed by a destructive action, the Winter Soldier reclaims that spot.

This is considerably a card for the metagame, since he has two chances at being valuable within a game, and holding a location down for victory. His power also increases when he's forced to turn into the Winter Soldier, granting his location a quick buff toward friendly power. This can overpower an enemy at the last minute.

6 Storm

Storm cards and variant card

Storm brings natural disaster to the virtual tabletop game; she has a special ability that matches her canonical power, in which she floods a location. When she floods a location, the next turn is the last turn that either player can play cards on. Simply put, she locks the location down.

This is a wonderful strategy that players can utilize to heavy extents, especially considering that her energy cost isn't very high. In retrospect, she does have low power, but that won't matter if an opponent can't apply any more power to the location in which Storm flooded.

5 Okoye

okoye cards

The Wakandan warrior Okoye represents herself to be a fairly supportive sort of card. This is because she gives every card in a player's deck, 1 additional power. For cards that have unique abilities, and have lower power because of that fact, Okoye can help to make them more powerfully assertive.

She can make the ferocious likes of Hulk and Abomination even more impactful. Okoye also only costs 2 energy, making her a quick asset at the start of a game. Her ability also makes for great strategy when used with cards that duplicate abilities or such.

4 Iceman

Ice man cards

Iceman's ability within Marvel Snap hits close to his power to manipulate ice. He gives one random card within a player's opponent's deck an additional 1 to cost. This spins off of the fact that he uses ice to slow others down.

Though his ability won't make a 6-cost card go up to 7, the ability will stop lower-costing cards to be played earlier, or even at all. This strategy is capable of ruining the plans of an opponent and can be the sole means of winning a game.

3 Swarm

swarm cards

Swarm seemingly is a generous card — for a villain. His ability relies on the fact that he is discarded. This is because once he is discarded, two copies of Swarm spawn into a player's hand, and this time with 0 cost.

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This means that a player is given two cards with 3 power into their hand, and they don't even cost any energy at all. This makes for a quick means of power, especially when combined with cards that boost other cards' powers. Swarm is a valuable asset to any decks based on discarding.

2 Killmonger

killmonger cards

Killmonger's effect can make an extremely powerful impact within a late game. He has the ability to destroy all 1-costing cards. Though this means that 1-costing allies will be destroyed, an opponent's deck relying on lower-costing cards will be utterly useless upon Killmonger's reveal.

Some strategic combinations can easily be connected with Killmonger; making use of valuable cards that are 1-cost won't be the right way to really use Killmonger unless a player is going for a "Hail Mary." It's better to use Killmonger in decks that don't utilize powerful 1-costing cards.

1 Jubilee

jubilee cards

Jubilee has one of the most powerfully controversial cards in Marvel Snap. She has the ability to pull a card from the player's deck, and instantly reveal it on her location. This makes for incredible gameplay strategies that can be utilized with ease. Not only that, but she costs a measly 4 energy.

Her power, of course, is devastatingly low (1), but bringing in a random card from a fairly small deck of cards can alter the course of the game entirely. When used in a deck with multiple high-costing cards, she can simply put one to use for free (aside from her energy cost).

Marvel Snap is available to play for free on Mobile and PC.