Ben Brode, creator of Marvel Snap, recently shared his feelings about adding a single-player mode to the smash-hit collectible card game. With just one play mode at launch, Marvel Snap has still managed to become the most-talked about new collectible card game in years. A large part of its success has come from the simple ease of play and the fast-paced matches that can be as short as 2 minutes.

Marvel Snap lets players craft a deck of 12 cards with costs ranging from 1 to 6. Most of the cards, based off of Marvel characters, has an ability that can give a player extra power, more cards, or alter the board state in unique and creative ways. Each turn, players can spend energy to play a card to 1 of 3 locations, which themselves can have special abilities that alter the rules of the game. Ranging from such locations as Dr. Pym's Miniaturization Lab to Ego the Living Planet, guessing where the opponent will play cards is a large part of the Marvel Snap experience.

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Creator of Marvel Snap, Ben Brode, revealed in a recent IGN interview how he feels about expanding the core gameplay to include a single-player mode. Brode explained that a lot of the fun in Marvel Snap comes from the multiplayer aspect of mind games against the human opponent and guessing what they will do next. Expanding on his answer, Brode went on to say that developer Second Dinner has not done enough thinking about what a single-player mode would look like to know if they could design something really fun. Players will have to get used to playing Marvel Snap against live opponents instead of the AI.

Marvel Snap Gameplay Image

When asked, Brode said that he thinks there is a lot of room for more multiplayer modes and additional PvP elements, though no hints or timetable was given for this potential content. Already, Second Dinner has made changes to Marvel Snap's Collector Cache Boosters, showing that the team is looking at ways to continually adjust the game just a month after launch.

Fans of Marvel Snap that want a single-player mode can take some solace in the evolution of the last Ben Brode-developed game, Hearthstone. The Warcraft universe collectible card game also had just one competitive mode at launch, but expanded over the years to include single-player adventures and a roguelite dungeon mode. For now, the frequently updated Marvel Snap remains a competitive game, but the door has not been completely shut on single-player arriving in the future.

Marvel Snap is available now on PC and mobile devices.

MORE: Marvel Snap: Best Cards For The Left Location

Source: IGN