
  • Marvel Rivals boasts an impressive roster of 18 characters, ranging from heroes like Iron Man and Spider-Man to villains like Loki and Magneto.
  • Despite a strong lineup, Marvel Rivals is missing key Avengers like Captain America and Thor, as well as iconic villains like Green Goblin and Venom.
  • Future updates to Marvel Rivals can add these high-profile characters to get more eyes on the game.

Marvel Rivals is arriving on the scene guns blazing, with a closed alpha test coming in May and a trailer that shows off a great deal of action-packed gameplay. Despite already having a strong start, one element of Marvel Rivals feels a bit confusing—its roster.

In fairness, the roster is no slouch. Marvel Rivals' roster consists of 18 characters, including heroes like Iron Man and Spider-Man, as well as villains like Loki and Magneto. There are also some deeper cuts within Marvel Rivals' list of confirmed characters, such as Luna Snow and Magik. It's also a roster with a wide scope, catering to Avengers, X-Men, and Guardians of the Galaxy fans. Naturally, the game will be receiving content updates that will bring new heroes and villains into the fray. Nonetheless, the game has a strange roster.

Marvel Rivals' Peni Parker Could Feel Very Familiar to Overwatch Fans

With Marvel Games and NetEase Game's newest hero-shooter, Marvel Rivals, officially announced, one character may seem familiar to Overwatch fans.

Marvel Rivals' Roster Has Some Glaring Omissions

Most of Marvel Rivals' roster makes sense, with heavy-hitters like Black Panther, Iron Man, Spider-Man, and Loki that have huge cultural weight thanks to the MCU and other media. Marvel Rivals' niche characters also add some great spice, appealing to hardcore fans and drawing new fans into the wider Marvel canon. However, there are more than a few characters who would fit the title perfectly, yet remain conspicuously absent. Marvel Rivals is probably waiting for future updates to add these options, but many of them would be better sooner rather than later.

Marvel Rivals Is Missing Some Key Avengers

  • Captain America
  • Thor
  • Black Widow
  • Hawkeye
  • Ant-Man
  • Wasp

While Captain America is getting his own game with Marvel 1943, that's no reason not to include the first Avenger in Marvel Rivals. He'd make a perfect tank with his trusty shield, which could also double as a ranged option. That's without mentioning all the potential for team attacks that come with him, many of which are shown off in the MCU. On that subject, Thor is also a strange character to skip. His lightning could work off Iron Man similarly to Hulk's gamma ray, and it's odd to have Loki in the game without his brother.

Black Widow and Hawkeye may be more mundane, but unique tech or combat moves could make them viable melee and ranged options respectively. Ant-Man and the Wasp would be harder to work around, due to their size-shifting abilities. However, Hulk is already set up to be an ability of Bruce Banner rather than his own character, as shown in Marvel Rivals' trailer, so Wasp and Ant-Man could work similarly. Though they came into the MCU late, they're a mainstay of the Avengers team in comics and animated shows.

Marvel Rivals Needs More Villains

• Green Goblin

• Venom

• Mysterio

• Hela

Marvel's iconic rogues' gallery isn't given nearly as much representation as they deserve in Marvel Rivals. Green Goblin in particular would be a great addition with his bombs and glider, a perfect match to the game's destructible environments. Venom would be an excellent tank, whilst Mysterio could confuse enemies with illusory distractions (similarly to Mirage from Apex Legends, perhaps). Hela would finish off the sibling trio of Odin's children, while also having the strength and dark might to lend some heavy DPS.

Other Characters That Would Be Great To See

• Wolverine

• Deadpool

• Moon Knight

• Daredevil

• Winter Soldier

• Captain Marvel

There are so many characters fans have wanted in the game since Marvel Rivals rumors began. Wolverine should be noted in particular here, as he's definitely one of Marvel's biggest names. Deadpool and Moon Knight also share a meme status that has uplifted them into fame, so the pair would definitely grab attention if NetEase ever adds them.