
  • If NetherRealm develops a Marvel fighting game, Spider-Man would likely have a role similar to Scorpion in Mortal Kombat.
  • Spider-Man's fame and popularity make him a prominent choice for a Marvel fighter and a potential resident mascot for the game.
  • Spider-Man and Scorpion share similarities in their fighting styles, such as their mobility and ability to control a fight, but they also have differences in their powers and approach to combat.

If NetherRealm develops a Marvel fighting game, then Spider-Man would be the most likely candidate for a role similar to that of Scorpion. Whenever there is a Marvel crossover game in the works, it would be more of a surprise if Spider-Man wasn't involved in some way. The same would be true for a game made by NetherRealm, such as Mortal Kombat 1, but Spider-Man has more to offer than merely being another member of the roster. He could be as integral to the game as Scorpion is to Mortal Kombat, and he has a better argument for such a role than most.

There have been rumors of NetherRealm making a Marvel game for some time, and it's not hard to be excited about the idea. After all, NetherRealm is the developer behind the powerhouse Mortal Kombat games, and they have also adapted DC characters into a successful fighting format with the Injustice games. If Marvel is given a similar treatment, it would only be expected for the result to be just as much of a gift to that company's fans. Few developers can boast a better record with fighters than NetherRealm, after all. If Marvel gets an NRS game, there will likely be reason to celebrate.

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Spider-Man Could Be as Iconic in a Marvel Fighter as Scorpion in Mortal Kombat


According to the latest storyline, Scorpion should be Mortal Kombat 2's star, but he's been a major player in the series since the beginning. Scorpion appealed to a lot of fans for several reasons, ranging from his cool ninja design to his fierce yet effective fighting style. While characters like Liu Kang and Raiden may have been more historically important, Scorpion is never far behind in terms of relevance. The fact that Scorpion himself adorns NetherRealms's logo should speak volumes for his status. Scorpion is undoubtedly Mortal Kombat's main poster boy, and Spider-Man could play the same role for a NetherRealm Marvel title.

Spider-Man has appeared in many video games, with Spider-Man 2 starring both Peter and Miles for good measure. Even disregarding those games, though, he's still clearly one of Marvel's most famous characters. Captain America may be the leader of the Avengers, and Iron Man's first film began the MCU, but Peter Parker still has them all beat in terms of overall exposure and popularity. For that reason, it's almost certain that in a Marvel fighting game, he would be one of the most prominent characters. Spider-Man is perfectly suited to the role of a Marvel fighter's resident mascot due to his fame.

Popularity isn't the only similarity between Spider-Man and Scorpion. In fact, some aspects of Scorpion's fighting style in Mortal Kombat 1 could have similar counterparts in Spidey's toolkit. Most notably, Scorpion's signature "Get Over Here!" chain-pull is a move that Spider-Man could easily replicate with his webbing. Both Spider-Man and Scorpion could fulfill a similar niche of being mobile characters who can control a fight, between Scorpion's chain and teleportation and Spidey's webs. The two still have definite differences, mostly in their specific powers and willingness to use lethal force. However, Spider-Man could certainly learn something from Scorpion's overall fighting style.

A character as iconic as Spider-Man is perfectly set up to be Marvel's equivalent of Scorpion in a NetherRealm game. After Titan Scorpion in Mortal Kombat 1 acted as the Invasion Mode's first true final boss, there's little doubt that the fire-powered ninja's place in the series' hierarchy is set in stone. If NetherRealm does end up with the chance to create a fighting game with Marvel characters, it's almost a certainty that Spider-Man will be one of the best options for its resident mascot. As far as NetherRealm games are concerned, Scorpion and Spider-Man could be much more alike than expected.

Mortal Kombat 1 is available now for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.