Marvel's Midnight Suns is loosely based on the team in the Marvel comics known as the Midnight Sons. The story follows Hydra after having awakened Lilith. Her offspring, The Hunter, is a new character created just for this game and is customizable. They lead a team to fight their mother and Hydra in a more dark Marvel storyline.

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Right now there are ten confirmed characters. Besides The Hunter, there is Blade, Iron Man, Captain America, Wolverine, Ghost Rider, Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange, Magik, and Nico Minoru. It is set to release in March 2022 and will be a tactical RPG from the X-Com developers. Will there be room for more characters? Hopefully so and these ten should make it into Marvel's Midnight Suns.

10 The Punisher

The Punisher from the comics

The Punisher was a part of the Midnight Sons in the comic. It would only make sense to add him into this game on that fact alone. The Punisher is also a ranged character who uses an assortment of guns to get the job done which is needed for a tactical RPG.

The character is also one of the darkest in the Marvel universe meaning that he would fit the tone of this game as well even if he isn’t literally superhuman.

9 Elsa Bloodstone

Elsa Bloodstone from Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3

Elsa Bloodstone is another weapon heavy member of the Midnight Sons. Unlike The Punisher, she does have some supernatural aid as she is a monster hunter in the comics. She’s also one of the newer heroes in the Marvel comics having being invented in 2001.

That was a long time ago.But given that the rest of these characters are even older, that’s still pretty new. She was just in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 as one of many great characters in that game.

8 Gambit

Gambit from the comics

Wolverine can’t be the only member of the core X-Men on the team. Gambit is not as dark a character, but he would still fit the motif of this game. Gambit has been both on the side of good and evil in the comics.

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He would be a good mid-range character as he can both attack foes with his staff or throw cards at enemies from afar. This seems like an easy fit.

7 Black Cat

Black Cat from the comics

Someone has to represent Spider-Man’s universe and Black Cat would be perfect. Spider-Man himself is a great superhero but he’s been in enough games and he’s too much of a good guy to be in this game.

That’s why it’s weird to see Captain America in this game as well. Getting back to Black Cat, she was a part of the Midnight Sons in the comics. She’s usually on the side of good but as she is a thief, her motives aren’t always crystal clear.

6 Venom

Venom from Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3

Another great character to include from Spider-Man’s continuity is Venom. There isn’t really anyone on the team right now that is built like a brick house but Venom would fill that void.

The character is also plenty dark but has plenty of redeemable qualities as well depending on who the host is. If Venom doesn’t make it in at launch or through DLC, it will be quite a surprise especially with the movies getting bigger.

5 Storm

Storm from the comics

Storm would be another great character to include from the core X-Men team. She would be a great character to attack enemies in groups as her powers are all about weather.

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She’s often one of the sounds of reason on the team as well. Even though she is not as tortured a soul as Wolverine, putting her next to him could create some fun banter.

4 Rocket Raccoon

Rocket Raccoon from Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3

Someone has to represent the Guardians of the Galaxy team as that franchise is still huge thanks to the movies. Rocket would be the best pick.

The team needs more characters that have experience with weapons and in turn long-ranged capabilities. Rocket would be cool to use as sort of an engineer-type class in other tactical RPGs. From grenades that could slow down enemies to giant rocket launchers, Rocket would be a blast.

3 Scarlet Witch

Scarlet Witch from Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3

If Doctor Strange is on the team then Scarlet Witch should get to be there as well. She is a literal witch and this game is all about the occult. It just makes sense to add her.

Scarlet Witch might be a better pick than even Storm as far as the X-Men go, but either way one of these mage-like female heroines should make it in. She should be in more games in general as she is a true powerhouse just waiting to get unleashed.

2 Winter Soldier

Winter Soldier from Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3

Bucky, or the Winter Soldier, would actually be a better pick than Captain America. His past is much darker than Steve’s who, again, seems like too virtuous a character to fit into this game.

Bucky could carry a gun, but he would probably be more effective as a melee fighter thanks to his metal arm. Bucky and a Rocket had good chemistry in the films so it would be cool to see them both make it into this game to continue that relationship.

1 Black Widow

Black Widow from Marvel’s Avengers

Black Widow, right now, is the poster woman for female representation in the Marvel films. If Iron Man and Captain America are going to be in this game then it only makes sense to include Natasha.

She would be great for getting the drop on the enemies thanks to her spy background. Every good tactical team needs some stealth on their roster, and Natasha would be perfect for the job.

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