When it comes to Marvel rumors, the X-Men are right up there with the biggest and most exciting. Every Marvel fan on the planet knows that it’s only a matter of time until the X-Men officially make an appearance in the MCU, but which iconic mutants will be appearing and how is a question some can’t wait to get an answer to. There have been plenty of small hints and rumors over the past little while, all of which can be taken as hints of a promising future.

The X-Men haven’t even really been mentioned properly in the MCU in any sort of big way for the universe fans get to experience, but it’s possible that the right decisions are already being made. In fact, if a few rumors in particular turn out to be true, it’s possible that the MCU’s X-Men team will be one of the most exciting iterations seen on screen. Only time will tell if Marvel can truly nail the introduction of the infamous mutants, but if their previous track record is any indication, everything is going to be just fun, especially if meetings for the team have recently begun.

Marvel: Strongest X-Men

The X-Men are some of the strongest mutants in Marvel's history. These individuals are the strongest of the bunch.

Marvel Is Reportedly Taking Meetings For The X-Men Movie

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If the rumors are indeed true, Marvel has begun the process of planning out meetings with key figures who will potentially be working on the X-Men movie now that the writers strike is over. The fact that writer meetings are happening at this point means that a full release is still a long way out, but this kind of movement is something that is bound to excite fans of the X-Men. Knowing Marvel, it wouldn’t be a surprise to learn that they already have some massive plan and story arc for the team of mutants in the MCU, as even with a plan, a team of skilled writers would still be required to fill in the gaps between the larger points.

Another key aspect of Marvel taking meetings for the X-Men movie is that development as a whole has begun. While it’s not likely that anything is solidified, the development phase of making the movie is likely to determine which key mutants are and are not a part of the MCU’s version of the team. This development shouldn’t be taken as the beginning of pre-production, as that would mean filming would only be a few months out, instead, it is important to understand that these are the preliminary phases of the film and are much more of a feeling-out period. Writers likely won’t be solidified anytime soon, meaning an X-Men movie is still at minimum two to three years out.

While that may sound like a long time to some fans, the lengthy development and production should be seen as a good thing. Marvel has done their best to treat their teams right, something that has never been more evident by how The Avengers films were received, and that’s just as true for the Guardians Of The Galaxy. With a lot of time to play with different ideas, the many villains and mutant heroes writers can have access to, and the storylines that can be told as Kang rises to power, likely eventually causing multiverses to collide, there is a lot of room for some serious creativity to be sparked. Taking the right amount of time will keep the team from feeling like a redo of the Fox teams, especially if yet another big rumor is true.

The X-Men Movie Reportedly Won't Feature Wolverine

Wolverine Hugh Jackman

While it is still a relatively fresh rumor, it is currently going around that the X-Men movie won’t feature the incredibly powerful Wolverine in any meaningful way. That might be something that turns some people off from the team entirely, but those same people shouldn’t forget that Wolverine was never a founding member of the team in the first place. He might be one of the most iconic X-Men characters at this point, but he’s had his time in the spotlight, and the MCU has the chance to tell a new story without relying on old favorites.

There is a lot that can be done with Wolverine, but at this point, both thanks to Hugh Jackman’s run as the character and the effort put into the character creatively, Wolverine has run his course. All of that is doubly true for the character's many game appearances as well. That doesn’t mean that Wolverine shouldn’t ever pop up in the MCU and it doesn’t mean that he should never interact with the team, but the news that he may not be featured on the team should be something that yet again is more exciting than it is deflating. Marvel is willing to risk not using the most famous X-Men character to build up a seemingly unique roster.

Marvel's New X-Men Can Come Out From The Shadow Of Previous Movies

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Even fans of the X-Men have grown a bit tired of the limelight that Wovlerine’s been hogging with his long list of movies that he particularly has been the star of since the original X-Men movie in 2000. It’s not uncommon to come across people voicing their concerns that classic characters from the team like Cyclops, Rogue, Gambit, and Psylocke have never been given their due on the big screen despite varying attempts. If the plan for the team is only just now in the beginning stages of finding writers with the right ideas to flesh out key characters without the reliance on an old favorite, whatever this new X-Men team looks like can be completely unlike anything seen on screen before.

Marvel’s X-Men could be all-new (excuse the Marvel comic pun), in the best way possible. When thinking about possible team lineups, it’s not hard to think of which characters are likely bets thanks to what aspects of the MCU have been focused on. Heavy hitters like Cyclops, Jean Grey, and Storm are all easy guesses, but thanks to how wide open the MCU is those behind the scenes could get much more creative. Thanks to the X-Men tease in the Ms. Marvel series, it’s not a stretch to think that a young mutant hero like Kamala Kahn could use the guidance of someone like Professor X. With enough care, creativity, and effort, Marvel’s X-Men movie might just stand out from its predecessors to become something truly special.

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