Wolverine is easily the most iconic member of the X-Men. The Marvel rogue straddles the line between hero and anti-hero. He plays by his own rules and loves getting down and dirty with the worst dregs that this comic universe has to offer. His unbreakable metal claws and superhuman healing mean he usually comes out on top. These factors make him a tremendous asset to Charles Xavier's mutant team. However, that's not the extent of his exploits.

The Canucklehead has a long history prior to joining the X-Men. His exploits range from isolated incidents to larger career paths. Many of his deeds involve his special skills, which have carried him to some staggering accomplishments. Wolverine is truly the best there is at what he does.

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The Marvel multiverse contains a lot of bleak worlds that should be avoided at all costs.

5 Fought In Wars

Constantly Embroiled in Global Conflicts

Captain America and Wolverine during WWII in X-Men: Evolution

Wolverine's healing factor means that he ages at an exponentially slower rate than most humans. Because of that, he's privy to conflicts dating back at least a century. Through patriotism or his own violent nature, he fought in these conflicts. The most prominent example was World War II, but some continuities place him in the Civil War, World War I, and the Vietnam War.

Logan has an extraordinary capacity for trauma. A single war is enough to leave deep scars, both physical and emotional. However, Wolverine weathered several and kept fighting. This behavior showed either a passion for heroism, or an insatiable appetite for carnage. Maybe it was a bit of both.

On a less serious note, he also showcased an admirable adaptability. Tactics and weaponry changed significantly between each of these wars. Regardless, Logan picked up all of these innovations until they became second nature. They say that an old dog can't learn new tricks, but Wolverine has refuted that notion time and again.

4 Trained As A Samurai

In Japan, He Channeled His Anger Constructively

Wolverine in Japan in Marvel Comics

Japan is a recurring locale in Logan's life. Fans love his exploits with Mariko and the Silver Samurai, but a precursor to those adventures occurred after WWII, when the wayward warrior found himself training under Bando Saburo. The old guy was a master of the samurai discipline, and learning this mindset helped Logan control his anger.

Marvel: Wolverine's Best Friends

Despite Marvel's favorite X-Men member, Wolverine, featuring as more of a loner, he's built up some great friendships over the years.

Such a noble goal showed palpable growth on his part. Fans might argue that anger is his best asset, aiding him in his unfriendly professions. With his claws, he's practically built for a hostile mentality. However, he determined not to let that emotion define him. The resolution was invaluable in maturing the character, and the fact that he stuck with this training demonstrated dedication to that goal. Unfortunately, Romulus's murder of Saburo (as well as Logan's wife) reignited the mutant's rage.

3 Worked For The CIA

Killer Skills Extended to Covert Ops

Wolverine in Team X in Marvel Comics

Logan's service didn't end in the wars. He was later part of a CIA project called "Team X," so named because it consisted of mutant members. Aside from Wolverine, it had familiar faces such as Sabertooth, Maverick, and Kestrel. Together, they tackled black ops missions that ordinary agents couldn't handle. These tasks let Logan show off talents other than raw combat.

Completing these objectives usually required infiltration and assassination. For instance, he killed Epsilon Red to prevent the Russians from reaching the moon before the United States. Contrary to popular belief, Wolverine is not a rabid animal who charges in, guns blazing. He is capable of subtle methods, which resulted in pivotal political shifts throughout the 20th century. One wonders what else he had a hand in. Moreover, these events make one think about how effective he'd be if he returned to the dark profession.

2 Survived Weapon X

A Horrific Operation

Weapon X in X2: X-Men United

Perhaps his most famous achievement, the Weapon X program gave Wolverine his metal claws. The cost was a horrific, invasive procedure which only he could survive. It involved drilling into his body and coating his entire skeleton in searing metal. His healing ability let him endure the operation, but it wasn't pleasant.

Marvel's Wolverine: 8 Characters That Need To Appear In The Game

Hopefully, these characters might make an appearance in the upcoming Wolverine game by Insomniac.

Rather, it involved more pain than anyone could (or should) endure. Logan's regenerative mutation almost worked against him, as it prevented anesthesia from having any effect. Thus, every fiber of his body was crying out in agony. Worse, most versions of the procedure show it performed in a tank of liquid. As a result, the subject is practically drowning at the same time. In short, Weapon X offered no relief, only overpowering torture.

It's a miracle that Logan emerged from this ordeal with his sanity intact. The feat showed the lengths he was willing to go to survive. Truly, Wolverine is the pinnacle of the human spirit.

1 Toppled Two Titans

Played David to Two Goliaths

Wolverine and the Hulk in The Incredible Hulk comic

Wolverine started his comic career with a bang. He debuted during an issue of The Incredible Hulk, during the unstable hero's battle with the Wendigo. The ensuing three-way brawl was brutal and destructive. After taking down the Wendigo, Wolverine turned his attention to the Hulk. Knockout gas then cut their fight short, which is unfortunate. Fans would have paid good money to see it through.

The Hulk and the Wendigo are two of the biggest brutes in the Marvel pantheon. Any sane person would have run the other way, yet Wolverine jumped right into the action. To say this took courage would be an understatement. True, his healing factor and unbreakable skeleton prevented any permanent injury from the monsters' blows, but they still hurt. Given their sheer size and ferocity, a single punch would hit like a freight train. Regardless, Logan holds his own. He might be a bigger beast than both of them.

9 Unfinished Storylines In The MCU

With how vast the Marvel Cinematic Universe has grown, it's unsurprising that there are a few loose ends throughout the films.