Marvel has a lot of heroes on their roster and some have made their way to the big screen. Some are waiting for their turn to shine on it while others are being introduced with shows on Disney+. With plenty of Marvel characters, there’s a lot to choose from.

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There are many heroes who aren’t in the MCU yet but will be appearing in shows or have their own movies. Then, there are some who might not ever appear. Maybe they’ll show up one day, but it could be a long time before they ever make their debut in the MCU.

Update by Sarah Prado: The Marvel Cinematic Universe is expanding at a good pace and continues to bring in new characters. Though there are plenty to choose from, it doesn’t seem like others will be making their big or small screen debut anytime soon in the MCU. Some might appear in other works outside, but their MCU appearance doesn’t seem like it’s on the horizon. To better illustrate some of these characters, the following list has been updated.

12 Jessica Drew AKA Spider-Woman

Jessica Drew Spider Woman

A young woman who was experimented on due to uranium radiation she was exposed to when she was a child, Jessica Drew spent her formative years in stasis in order to let the serum help treat the radiation. After coming out of stasis, Jessica set out to build a life for herself, but she was brainwashed by Hydra after a tragic accident. She eventually left and is now a single mother while being a full-time hero.

Even with Spider-Man: No Way Home opening up the possibility of seeing other versions of Spider-Man, seeing Jessica on-screen is a long shot. Other popular Spider-Man heroes like Miles Morales, Spider-Man 2099, and Spider-Gwen/Gwen Stacy are her top competition and very popular characters. Even though Jessica is pretty popular too, the competition might be too much for her. She is set to appear in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Part One), but this isn't part of the MCU and might lower her chances of appearing to none.

11 Hercules

Hercules Marvel hero

Based on the mythological figure, Hercules has actually been a longtime member of the Avengers. He’s helped them numerous times and even founded a group called The Champions. Hercules was part of Team Captain America in the Civil War comics and defeated a Thor cyborg. He is also known to team up with fellow superhero Amadeus Cho, successor to Bruce Banner and the new Hulk. The two of them have gone on many adventures and are known to be a balanced duo similar to Bucky and Sam from the MCU.

It doesn't seem like he'll be appearing anytime soon since he hasn't been mentioned or referenced. So far the only gods who have been shown in the MCU are the Norse gods and the movies have made no mentions of the Greek gods or myth figures existing.

10 Amadeus Cho AKA Brawn

Amadeus Cho Hulk Brawn

A Korean-American scientist who is the successor of Bruce Banner. Unlike Bruce, who resented having the Hulk inside him, Amadeus embraced his newly-given powers. He is one of the smartest people in the whole world and was Hercules’ sidekick when they started going on their adventures. While they seem like an unlikely duo, they have accomplished a lot, even helping take on Hera, queen of the Olympian Gods.

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With the She-Hulk series coming out in 2022, it seems like the mantle of the Hulk will be given to her and lowers Cho's chances of ever being seen.

9 Kevin Plunder AKA Ka-Zar

Ka-Zar Marvel comic

A man that lives in the Savage Land, a land hidden underneath Antarctica by extraterrestrials and is populated by dinosaurs. Ka-Zar’s parents were killed by the natives on the island. He was found and raised by a sabretooth named Zabu, who possessed near-human intellect thanks to a mutation.

Ka-Zar is overall just a man that's stronger and faster than the average man with primitive equipment. Compared to heroes like the X-Men, Captain America, and Iron Man, he's a little bland and hasn't been in any major battles.

8 Moondragon

Moondragon Marvel

A very powerful woman with powerful telepathic abilities and a master martial artist. Moondragon lived on Earth until her parents were killed by Thanos. His father Mentor picked her up and took her to the planet Titan where she was raised by the Shao-Lom monks there. She develops her body to its fullest potential and becomes a very powerful telepath and master martial artist. She’s been part of The Defenders, Avengers, and Guardians of the Galaxy, even helping fight and defeat Thanos.

Adding her into the MCU would add on to the powerful line of strong female heroes, but it doesn’t seem like she would fit in right now. With the third Guardians of the Galaxy movie coming out and seems poised to be the last one, her connection to Drax wouldn’t make sense being added in. Plus, The Defenders are no longer around and the Avengers seem to have their new group of heroes already lined up.

7 Death, AKA Mistress Death or Lady Death

Death Mistress Death Lady Death Marvel

She’s not exactly a hero or a villain, but she tends to be more on the side of good thanks to her connection with Deadpool. Death is a cosmic entity in the Marvel universe with nigh-omnipotent powers. The whole reason why Thanos wanted the Infinity Stones in the comics was so that he could earn her love and acceptance of him. He felt that by wiping every star in the universe, she would love him. Sadly for Thanos, she falls in love with Deadpool after they continue to run into each other after his many near-death experiences. Thanos curses Deadpool with immortality to prevent them from being together in a fit of jealousy.

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With Thanos now gone and Deadpool in a relationship with Vanessa Carlyle, it doesn’t seem like adding Mistress Death is necessary. Most of her appearances revolve around them so it doesn’t make much sense to add her in right now.

6 Alpha Flight

Alpha Flight team Marvel

Think of this group as the Avengers but from Canada. Some of the characters have Inuit/First Nations or French Heritage. All of them have superpowers and superhuman abilities that can rival the power of the Avengers or X-Men. They initially appeared as a part of Wolverine’s backstory but managed to branch on their own in the comics.

There are plenty of hero teams that Marvel can choose to introduce so the chances of seeing Alpha Flight are pretty slim. The name of their group appeared as an Easter egg in Deadpool 2 as an advertisement on Dopinder’s taxi.

5 Man-Thing

Man-Thing comic Marvel

He looks like something out of a sci-fi horror movie, but Man-Thing is a very powerful being. He doesn’t desire to communicate with the outside world and has lost most, if not all, of his human intellect. Man-Thing is able to sense human emotions and he secretes a very powerful corrosive that can melt just about anyone’s skin. There was a head statue that looked a lot like him on the Grandmaster’s tower in Thor: Ragnarok.

It is unknown if it was actually Man-Thing or someone that looked like him, but it was a nice little Easter egg. At the moment, he doesn't seem like he'll fit into the MCU. Plus, the 2005 movie Man-Thing didn't do good when it was released and has poor ratings and reviews that could be working against him.

4 Captain Britain

Captain Britain Marvel comic

A man who became a hero after thinking he wasn’t a warrior, Captain Britain is part of an inter-dimensional corps of protectors. His powers are linked to the Amulet of Right, and he has superhuman abilities and can fly. Captain Britain is also the fraternal twin brother of Betsy Braddock, also known as Psylocke.

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Psylocke appeared in X-Men: Apocalypse, but there has been no mention of Captain Britain (though some believe he’s been teased in Avengers: Endgame). However, his appearance doesn't seem like it'll happen especially after Peggy Carter became Captain Carter in the What if...? series. Her superhero appearance is very similar to Captain Britain, making his appearance a bit unnecessary by this point.

3 Squirrel Girl

Squirrel Girl Doreen Greene Marvel comic

She might look cute and harmless, but Squirrel Girl is a strong warrior. Doreen Greene/Squirrel Girl is a college student that balances hero work and her studies. She has the abilities of a squirrel and even has a tail that she uses. She can also understand and talk to squirrels, a handy ability that has helped her take out villains. Her bite is very powerful and can bite through solid steel.

Squirrel Girl's stories are usually a little more light-hearted compared to other heroes; however, this doesn’t mean she’s not ready for a serious fight though. She might not be the strongest hero, but she’s taken on big names like Thanos and MODOK. Squirrel Girl's stories aren't quite as dramatic or dark as other heroes in Marvel so this could be working against her and hindering any chance of her appearing in the MCU.

2 Beta Ray Bill

Beta Ray Bill Marvel comic

An alien that is worthy of picking up Mjolnir. Beta Ray Bill has fought against and with Thor since his debut. Stormbreaker was made for him and helped give him the powers Thor has. Beta Ray Bill is the successor of Thor and has fought against some of the toughest villains in Marvel like Tyrant.

In Thor: Ragnorak, there is a head statue that looks very much like Beta Ray Bill, leaving some fans hopeful he will appear. However, with Thor: Love and Thunder coming out in 2022 and Jane taking Thor's place, Beta Ray Bill probably won't be making an appearance anytime soon.

1 Sentry

Sentry Marvel comic

One of the most powerful beings in the world. Sentry was one of Earth’s greatest heroes, but all memory of him was wiped. He was able to beat the Hulk at his most powerful in World War Hulk. An impressive feat since the Hulk is almost invincible. Sentry had to be knocked out before he lost control of his powers. One thing that tends to work against him is his own mental health. He’s been shown to be agoraphobic due to being afraid of unleashing his powers in large-populated areas. He can be one of the deadliest warriors to fight for or against the world.

There hasn't been any mention of him in the MCU and nothing has been said about him for future plans. Other characters like Adam Warlock have been teased and from looking at the MCU lineup, Sentry's chances of appearing are extremely small.

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