Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy tells a rich, linear, single-player story that spans multiple planets, bringing the titular team into contact with characters from various backgrounds and intergalactic organizations. The game digs deep into Marvel lore to bring its story to life, introducing characters that haven't even been teased yet in the MCU.

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While the game's central narrative wraps up nicely by the time the credits roll, there are a few loose threads that Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy leaves unresolved, for better or worse. And while some are relatively minor, more than a few could point to an even bigger story for a potential sequel.

9 Where Is Richard Rider?

A golden helmet with a red starburst crest on the brow in a glass display case

Richard Rider is a name that gets thrown around a lot in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, and it's one that fans of Marvel's comics will recognize. Rider is the first human (or Terran) to join the Nova Corp and takes on the moniker of Nova while working as a hero.

Rider is lauded as a hero by many characters throughout the game, but no one seems to have any idea where he's been since the end of the Galactic War 12 years earlier. His whereabouts and the mystery of his disappearance are left unresolved by the end of the game.

8 Is Thanos Truly Dead?

a man in an 80s-style leather jacket a tall blonde hair stands next to a green man with red tattoos on his chest, neck, and face

The galaxy believes Thanos to be dead and buried after the events of the Galactic War. Drax and the Mad Titan fought in single combat on an uninhabited planet toward the end of the war, after which Thanos vanished without a trace. The galaxy heralded Drax as a hero for his victory over the iconic Marvel villain.

But Drax doesn't believe Thanos is gone. He can still feel the Mad Titan's life force out in the cosmos, and he believes this means that his enemy is still very much alive. But the rest of the galaxy seems content with the reports of Thanos' death, and the matter isn't brought up by any other characters.

7 How Did Rocket Escape Halfworld?

A racoon wearing a west and goggles in a bar

Rocket is the resident tech genius onboard the Milano, and the Guardians hot-headed sharpshooter with a heart-of-gold. As Rocket starts opening up to his teammates he reveals that the nature of his creation involved traumatic and downright cruel testing practices on his home of Halfworld.

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What's never addressed is how he got off Halfworld or even how he escaped the lab he was kept in. The labs there would undoubtedly have extremely tight security, so the story of Rocket's escape would make for a compelling tale.

6 How Does The Collector Have So Many Precious Artifacts?

A large holographic face of a man with a thin strip of facial hair on his chin, flared eyebrows, and tall hair

Taneleer Tivan, also known as the Collector, is one of the more esoteric characters in the Marvel Universe. His M.O. is finding rare and powerful objects (and beings) from all around the cosmos to display in his rather macabre collection.

In Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, though, he has some incredibly powerful easter eggs that would paint a giant bullseye on his back. While a few of his items have explanations for why they're in his care, the fact that he just has Throg, the Frog of Thunder in a glass case is just plain odd. Especially when he keeps Throg's hammer in an entirely separate display.

5 The Continuum Cortex's Alternate Dimensions

a man in a space suit walking toward a large, glowing triangle filled with small, dark orbs

The Continuum Cortex is an incredibly powerful artifact housed on Knowhere that allows the Guardians to leap from Knowhere directly into Ko Rel's ship, Hala's Hope. Along the way, though, players can hear dialogue through various other portals that sound like they're coming from alternate dimensions.

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Captain American can be heard rallying the Avengers on the other side of one portal, while Thanos can be heard congratulating his daughter on a job well done through another. Are these showing different places in space? In time? Or are they showing entirely different dimensions?

4 The Fate Of Spartax

menu screen on a database entry titled "The Spartoi Empire"

Spartax is one of the most technologically gifted planets in the galaxy, creating weapons that far surpass the imaginations of other species. Peter's element guns and how they react to his Spartoi physiology are just one example of their technological prowess.

But the Spartoi Empire has closed itself off ever since it was sacked during the Galactic War, refusing to allow any ships to land on the planet's surface. Peter Quill's status as the prince of Spartax is part of his backstory in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, but the fate of his father's home planet is left largely unexplored in the game.

3 Nikki's Newfound Power

a young girl with light blue skin in a blue-and-gold military uniform

Nikki is a prominent character in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, functioning as both a strong character and a foil for Peter and his team. She's a 12-year-old girl who just lost her mother, and in this emotional state is manipulated by a grief-stricken old man and the dark twin of a literal, golden god.

After she breaks free of their control, though, she undergoes an alarming transformation that gives her a new look similar to Captain Marvel. She uses her power to help the Guardians defeat Magus, but it's still unclear what the nature of this power is and what, if any, limitations she might have.

2 Yondu's Crimes

menu screen on a database entry titled "Ravagers"

Yondu Udonta is the renowned leader of the Ravagers, a group of smugglers, pirates, and junkers who will take almost any job to earn some credits. But the Ravagers in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy are all but extinct after Yondu was thrown in prison, courtesy of one Peter Quill.

The MCU version of Yondu cast him as a dysfunctional-yet-loving surrogate father to Peter, a relationship that the characters don't seem to share in the game. What led Peter to rat on his former partner, and what kind of revenge is Yondu cooking up as retribution?

1 Escaped Brood Queen

Star Lord stands in front of a shattered display case with a plaque the reads "Brood Queen"

The Brood are among the nastiest forces in the galaxy, essentially functioning as the Marvel Universe's take on Xenomorphs. They spread by infesting living beings with their eggs, slowly transforming entire species into specialized versions of themselves.

The Collector somehow got his hands on a Brood Queen egg and added it to his collection. However, when players visit his Emporium all they'll find is an empty display case and some shattered glass on the ground. The game never mentions the Brood again, but a loose Queen is sure to become a problem in the future.

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