
  • Deadpool's disregard for his own daughter's safety, using her as bait for his plans, is one of his most despicable acts.
  • Deadpool's mistreatment of his friends, such as imprisoning Blind Al and subjecting Hydra Bob to mental and physical anguish, is on another level.
  • Deadpool's willingness to work for the evil Galactus, even being excited to help destroy civilizations, makes it hard to see him as a hero.

Deadpool is a character who has committed a slew of atrocities, knowledge that would surprise absolutely nobody who has read any of his comics or seen any of his movie appearances. Wade Wilson is purely anti-heroic, which means he manages to do a lot of good things while generally being a pretty bad person.

10 Characters Who Might Be Appearing In Deadpool 3

Rumors surrounding cameos in Deadpool 3 continue to make the rounds, and Wade's Multiverse adventure could see some familiar faces.

There is a huge list of deeds to pick from for what is the worst thing Deadpool has managed over his many years in Marvel Comics. Since the Merc with the Mouth first entered the Weapon X Program all those years ago and donned his iconic mask, he has become legendary on and off the page for his disastrous exploits.

6 Using His Child As Bait

Deadpool And His Daughter

Wade Wilson is pretty despicable, and when it comes to making plans, he’ll generally put anybody he has to in danger to get the job done. Of course, even many Deadpool fans never expected this to include his daughter. When Deadpool first uncovered he had a daughter, Ellie, he didn’t exactly seem delighted, and the comedy of this could be played off in Deadpool 3.

But that’s still no excuse for using her as a piece of bait to lure MadCap to him. Ellie was saved in time, not by Deadpool but by Quicksilver, but even so, Deadpool’s disregard for one of his children, putting her life on the line when there was no need to, is one of the most despicable acts he’s pulled off over the years.

5 Killing Agent Coulson

Deadpool Kills Agent Coulson

One of the more infamous moments in Marvel Comics history is the day that Captain America said “Hail Hydra” and was revealed to be working with the criminal organization. As he worked towards enacting an alien invasion of Earth, he hired a bunch of heroes who weren’t actually such heroes. This new team included, of course, Deadpool.

While just joining a team of evil Avengers set to destroy the Earth is already pretty nasty for Deadpool, it gets worse from there. Obviously, the team didn’t succeed in destroying the Earth, but Deadpool did stop the one person who had uncovered Cap’s secret Hydra affiliation from spilling the beans. Unfortunately, this person was Agent Coulson, a beloved SHIELD agent who was murdered in cold blood by Deadpool, though this wasn't replicated in the MCU, due to Deadpool's first movies not being part of that universe.

4 Mistreating His Friends

Deadpool And Blind Al

Initially, this doesn’t sound as bad as murder. But when Deadpool mistreats somebody, he does it on a scale hitherto unimaginable. Being a friend of Deadpool is often more akin to extended psychological torture than anything else. Other superheroes become frequently exasperated by Deadpool, but even his most loyal friends are brutally mistreated.

Marvel: Weirdest Powers Deadpool Has Had

Marvel's Deadpool has utilized a variety of strange powers throughout the comics.

Blind Al, whom Deadpool has often lived with in the past, is usually his prisoner instead of a happy roommate, and Deadpool kills anyone who tries to help her escape and tortures her if she even considers the idea. Additionally, there is Hydra Bob, who became one of Deadpool’s best friends, and his sidekick, whom Deadpool has put through constant mental and physical anguish over their adventures together. This has included shooting him, forcing Bob into horrific situations and even making him ride on the outside of a moving aircraft.

3 Killing His Ex

Deadpool Attacked By Anastasia

Even for Deadpool, this one was surprisingly random and cold-blooded. At one point, Wade Wilson was dating a tattoo artist called Anastasia. Throughout their relationship, the two treated each other horrifically. It wasn’t all one-sided terror in this particular relationship to be fair to Wade.

However, that being said, he did murder her. After Anastasia turned on him and buried him alive, she came back and dug him up again because she was desperate for help. Deadpool insisted that he couldn’t trust her, so she handed him a gun and told him to shoot her if he really couldn’t trust her, so he did. One of the more brutal and shocking endings to a relationship in comic history, Deadpool would go on to marry Anastasia only to find out it was Copycat impersonating her, and that Anastasia really was dead.

2 Working For Galactus

Deadpool Working For Galactus

There are many morally gray figures in the Marvel Universe, like Deadpool himself, and many of his friends like Cable. But there are other figures whose all-encompassing evil is so devastating that simply the idea of not working actively against them is despicable. Galactus is one of these beings, as he literally destroys whole planets frequently.

Deadpool 3: Who is Stronger, Deadpool or Wolverine?

Deadpool 3 might just pit Wolverine and Deadpool against one another, but which of the two is going to come out on top?

This should make Galactus too evil for even Deadpool to team up with, but, despite knowing everything about Galactus and his work, Deadpool agrees to be his herald. He mentioned that he was pretty excited to help end whole civilizations, which makes it hard to look upon him as a hero in any shape or form.

1 He Killed Everyone

Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe

There was once a comic book series titled “Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe” and he actually followed through. Throughout the series, Deadpool killed, ate, and even wore heroes’ skins as clothing.

Deadpool goes through the entire lot, able to take down the entire Fantastic Four team, Wolverine, even Thor doesn’t manage to survive his wrath. It all happened because a villain tried to brainwash Deadpool and accidentally made him even more insane, leading to that same villain becoming Wade’s first victim on his crazed bloodbath journey. When you’ve killed the entire universe of superheroes, there’s pretty much nowhere left to go in terms of evil deeds, and Deadpool topped the whole list of possibilities with this one, far worse than anything other shady characters like Nick Fury have managed.

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