As a character in the Marvel universe, Thor has been on comic pages for over 70 years. As well as being an old character, in the world of Marvel, he is over 1,500 years old, if not older. It’s no surprise that in his tenure as the god of thunder, he would have killed many people, friend or foe.

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Although Marvel comics can be reasonably child-friendly, some themes seem more adult. As such, Thor presents some of these themes with his kills. Thor has been in eight MCU movies, and his kills are far different from the comics.

8 Gorr The God Butcher

gorr the god butcher fighting thor

As the antagonist to the new Thor movie in Marvel StudiosThor: Love and Thunder, Gorr was far more horrifying and menacing than in the comics. Gorr was seen in Thor: God of Thunder and met his end at the hands of three Thors. The Thors of past, present, and future all came together to battle this ghastly foe.

After the three Thors claim victory, Gorr screams out in anguish in the face of defeat. His plan to eradicate all gods has failed, and with one swift blow, the Thor from the past decapitates Gorr with an axe. Thus ends the tale of Gorr the God Butcher, who ends up butchered by a god himself.

7 Bor, Father Of Odin

thor fighting grandad bor

After being resurrected by Loki, Bor had his sense of reality altered to appear in a nightmare version of modern Earth. Bor, being the father of Odin, was an Asgardian who fell long ago and demanded much respect. Bor began a rampage on Earth, believing his son, Odin, to be dead, and fell at the hands of the people of Earth.

Without knowing that this madman was his grandfather, Thor was left with no choice but to kill Bor. Both Bor and Thor were ready to deliver a killing blow, but Thor came out the victor. This event led to Thor’s exile from Asgard, as well as his horror and grief for such an unstoppable act.

6 Kang The Conquerer

kang the conquerer exploding

In the early pages of Marvel’s span, 1963 saw Thor battle Kang. Kang is the upcoming Avengers-level threat for the next phase in the MCU. The character has already appeared in Disney Plus’ Marvel show, Loki, and is set to return in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. Many characters have fought Kang in the past, but Thor’s battle is one of the more memorable.

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As the two fight, Thor warns Kang that this will be his last, that Thor is the most powerful Avenger that will finally put an end to his conquering tyranny. Despite being shot with dissolution beams, Thor seems unphased, and in fear, Kang overloads himself with power and destroys himself. Although Thor did not strike the final blow, he indirectly killed Kang.

5 Sentry And The Void

thor fighting sentury

An extremely powerful Marvel character, Sentry, saw his end at the hands of Thor. The Avengers are forced to battle Sentry after he is corrupted by the Void. His powers are beyond his control, and a complete threat to the universe due to the intense power that they hold. What doesn’t help the situation, is that the Void killed Loki.

After using a blast of lightning from Mjolnir on Sentry, the man, Robert Reynolds comes out to beg from underneath the superhero clothing. Thor tells him that he will live in penance, and not be killed. That is until the Void re-emerges in Sentry, and Thor has no choice but to use a blast from Mjolnir to kill him.

4 Captain America

thor killing captain america

Imbued with the infinite power of Odinforce, Thor is practically unstoppable. Thor sees himself betrayed by his friends, The Avengers, and battles them one by one. The 1998 run of Thor sees him kill his friends, in horrifying ways.

As Captain America fights Thor and tells him how he is not the Thor that he knew, Thor grows tired of Captain America’s aggressive attempts to defeat him. Thor holds him by the neck and uses the Odinforce to melt his skull, and his almost invincible shield.

3 The Thing

thor fighting hulk and the thing

Despite declaring it was “clobberin’ time”, the Thing meets his end at the hands of Thor. There’s a great battle against the former astronaut. Ben Grimm, turned into a super-strong rock monster, laid siege against Thor to try and stop his madness. However, he was unsuccessful.

Related: Thor: Love And Thunder - Things About Gorr The MCU Changed From The Comics

Despite an epic battle that had him crashing through buildings, Thor comes out the victor and seems uninjured by the battle. The battle lasted hours but ends in the death of the Thing, where Thor triumphantly places his golden boot atop the rock monster’s body.

2 The Incredible Hulk

thor after killing hulk and the thing

In the same issue of Thor (1998) as Captain America and The Thing’s deaths, The Hulk also meets his end. In something far from incredible as his title suggests, The Hulk dies with a gigantic wooden pillar stabbed through his back. It’s clear Hulk is dead since he lays in a pool of his blood, unmoving.

Thor battled The Thing and The Hulk, 2 versus 1, and still came out the victor. It shows how incredible the power of the Odinforce is, but how ghastly and dangerous it can be. The battle saw buildings and lives destroyed as they fought for hours.

1 Wolverine

thor killing wolverine

With Thor holding his newborn, Magni, he expresses his desire to teach him when he is older. Until Wolverine smashes through the wooden structure, and immediately attacks Thor, who quickly puts his son out of harm’s way. Thor, in a fit of rage against his former ally, scolds Wolverine for such an attack.

There is nothing to ensure the wrath of Thor, especially when so mighty with the power of the Odinforce. Out of pure rage for Wolverine’s insolence, Thor eradicates Wolverine with the power of flame from his eyes. Wolverine’s body melts into a skeleton, and his adamantium claws melt until he is dead.

More: Thor: Love And Thunder - End Credits Scenes, Explained