Some vampires can be deadly, but they're nothing compared to these blood-sucking Marvel villains. When it comes to Marvel villains, some can really pack a punch. After all, there seems to be evil wherever the intrepid Marvel heroes turn, ranging from titans to vampires. So, when it comes to fighting some of these villains it's easy to think of the likes of Thanos and place the more simplistic vampires at the easier end of the battles. This is where the poor superheroes get it wrong.

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Most of the evil vampires in Marvel pack more of a punch than ever expected. They're manipulative, sneaky, powerful, and often deadly. However, not all vampires were made equally, some are much more powerful than others.

8 Lucas Cross

Marvel Lucas Cross vs Blade

While Lucas Cross may not be the most powerful Vampire in MarvelComics, he's so cruel that he uses his power to try to force the hero Blade to drink an innocent young girl's blood. He's undeniably evil and really succumbs to his vampirism in the worst possible way, posing a real threat to his biological son. The power he has over Blade is problematic at best and all the evil doings certainly make Lucas Cross a vampire many don't want to contend with.

It's made worse with the fact that Blade had to chew off his own hand to avoid his fathers' torturous ideology. He's also a prominent member of the Order of Tyrana in the comics, an organization that isn't exactly famous for being kind.

7 Baron Blood

Marvel Baron Blood comic attacking Captain America

Baron Blood is one of the most used vampires in Marvel Comics. There are multiple versions of this rather famous character, with the first one being in the book, The Invaders. Baron Blood is a rich young man who fell into the hands of the legendary Dracula after visiting the castle. After this meeting, he became a powerful villain to everyone in England after seeking to destroy the entire country.

In doing so he ends up working for the Nazis in World War II and even ended up nearly killing his daughter in his desire for blood. Ultimately, he may not be as powerful as a titan but Baron Blood is a key aide for Dracula and can really pack a punch when needed.

6 Deacon Frost

Marvel Deacon Frost in the Blade Film

Deacon Frost is a cold-hearted vampire who preyed on just born child's mother as she begged for help. He attacked and killed Blade's mother as she gave birth, something Blade would always try to avenge. Its endless battles like these that show many fans just how powerful this cruel vampire really is.

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For the most part, it's not Frost's actual physical power that sets him above so many of his counterparts. For this horrible vampire, it's all about his brains. He's a scientist with a knack for cloning, something that really gives him an edge when fighting the good guys.

5 Michael Morbius

Marvel Michael Morbius film

As one of the more recent villains to be explored on the big screen, Michael Morbius is an extremely problematic creature who turned into a vampire for some understandable reasons, a little like Deadpool. However, all that can't really change him from being evil at the beginning of his bloodlust.

Luckily he promises to only feed off criminals but again, being evil is a subjective term and one that shouldn't be taken lightly. He's still feeding off humans and is still a pretty powerful threat, especially with his animalistic traits.

4 Xarus

Marvel Xarus in the comics

Dracula made sure he had a lot of offspring to succeed him should anything happen. However, what he failed to acknowledge was the fact that, as an evil father, it's probably predictable to read about his children rebelling against him to try and gain his throne.

This is exactly what Xarus attempted. In fact, he succeeds which is a real testament to his power and intelligence. Ultimately, the incredible powers Xarus has and the intelligence he possesses often make him a real threat to any hero he intends to fight, particularly the X-Men.

3 Lilith

Marvel Lilith and Dracula

It goes without question that anyone related or descended from Dracula will probably be pretty powerful and relatively evil. However, for Lilith, it's sometimes hard to choose whether she is being evil or justified. Nevertheless, some of the things she does to innocent people before working briefly with the X-Men, even if it was purely for her own gain.

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In seeking revenge for what Dracula did to her mother and to her childhood, Lilith kills multiple innocent people and really just causes a lot of havoc considering she's an all-powerful vampire. The worst part is the fact that she's a vampire without any of the negatives. She's an incredibly powerful creature who is bound to Dracula, meaning, as long as he's alive she can never die.

2 Dracula

Marvel Dracula in the comics

Contrary to popular belief, Dracula was not the first vampire to appear in Marvel, however, that doesn't take away from how terrifyingly evil this creature really is. He's powerful, manipulative, and incredibly evil. Often wiping out his children, creating other evil vampires, and just causing havoc across the Marvel Universe.

Dracula is an incredibly intelligent vampire, often hinting at his military background and his swordsmanship. All this makes him a truly deadly foe for anyone who chooses to go up against him.

1 Varnae

Marvel Varnae comic

As one of the first vampires in the Marvel Universe, it's easy to look upon Varnae as the most powerful vampire who started it all. In fact, that's true. Unlike many of the other vampire villains in Marvel, Vaenae was never defeated, instead, creating a successor then ending his own existence willingly.

He often has a vampire army who does everything he says and is just a relatively terrifying creature with an unbelievable amount of strength, power, influence, and terror behind him. Varnae is one of the first vampires superheroes need to avoid.

More: The Scariest Dracula Portrayals