Since 2008, Nick Fury has been the glue that holds the Marvel Cinematic Universe together. First appearing in the post-credits scene in Iron Man, Fury introduced the Avenger Initiative which would ultimately lead to the formation of the Avengers. But he didn't originate on the silver screen. Nick Fury has a long and distinguished history in Marvel Comics as well.

Along the way, Nick Fury has worked with some of Marvel's best characters to save the world time and time again. Fury has allied himself with some of the strongest superheroes and some of the smartest Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. But no matter who he's working with, he always finds a way to save the day.

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10 Thor

Chris Hemsworth as Thor

When it comes to brute strength and magical powers, Thor may be Nick Fury's strongest ally. The God of Thunder has lived for thousands of years, and he killed Thanos.

While the Fury and Thor may have similar goals that lead to an alliance, they are often at odds with each other. The two have clashed over the interference of Asgardians on Earth, particularly Loki. Fury is also frustrated with Thor because of his inability to count on Asgardian resources while Thor Avengers. But when Thor is on his side, Fury has a powerful ally.

9 Spider-Man

Tom Holland as Spider-Man.

In the MCU, Spider-Man is essentially Iron Man's protégé, which encourages Fury to send Talos to recruit Spider-Man in Spider-Man: Far From Home. Spider-Man is agile and durable with superhuman strength, making him invaluable in a fight.

Spider-Man's only problem as a superhero is his immaturity. Peter Parker is reluctant to get involved in other plans after the fights with Thanos. Understandably, the teenager wants to be a teenager, which doesn't always mean being reliable.

8 Hawkeye

Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye

Despite having no superpowers and not being a super assassin, Hawkeye is one of the most valuable members of the Avengers Initiative. He's very good with a bow and arrow, but he is also incredibly dependable. Fury counted on Hawkeye to take out Black Widow, and then trusted Hawkeye's decision to save her, giving Fury another valuable ally.

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Hawkeye is also the most important member of the Avengers in onscreen battles. The Avengers have never lost a battle when Hawkeye was present. But when Hawkeye isn't there, the Avengers lose.

7 Talos

Ben Mendelson as Talos

A Skrull who worked with Nick Fury during the events of Captain Marvel, Talos has the ability to disguise himself as anyone. This becomes handy when Talos disguises himself as Fury in Spider-Man: Far From Home. He makes it difficult for others to know who to trust, which can come in handy for Fury.

Both Talos and Fury are set to appear in the Marvel and Disney+ Original Series, Secret Invasion. Neither character's fate is clear at this point, but the Skrulls are set to play a major role in the series.

6 Iron Man

Chris Evans as Steve Rogers. Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark. Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury.

While Iron Man may have been one of the first approached for the Avengers Initiative, he has been a tenuous ally at times. At one point, Fury believed Iron Man would be a great Avenger, but Tony Stark would be too reckless. Eventually, Fury brought him in, and Stark was invaluable in stopping Loki's invasion of New York.

Over time, Iron Man and Fury would work together again several other times, with Stark becoming a necessary cog in Fury's Avengers machine. The respect between the two was enormous with Fury (or possibly Talos as Fury) attending Stark's funeral.

5 Captain America

Chris Evans as Captain America. Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury.

While Iron Man was the beginning of Nick Fury's Avengers Initiative, Captain America was its head and its heart. Steve Rogers stopped HYDRA and rooted out the threat that had infected S.H.I.E.L.D from within. The revelation that Fury was still alive is one of the biggest moments of the entire MCU.

Captain America takes over the Avengers and brings Fury's vision to life. He leads the team and demonstrates his faith in Fury and Fury's vision.

4 Black Widow

Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow. Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury.

Whenever Nick Fury needed some spy work done, he sent in Black Widow. A Russian assassin that S.H.I.E.L.D. was supposed to murder, Hawkeye saw something special in Black Widow, and Nick Fury agreed. Black Widow has gone on to prove both Hawkeye's and Fury's trust in her multiple times.

Black Widow infiltrated Tony Stark's company to test if he was really worth of the Avengers. Widow helped Captain America take down Alexander Pearce who was leading HYDRA's attack on S.H.I.E.L.D, and was called in when Hawkeye was compromised by Loki. Black Widow was someone Fury could trust implicitly.

3 Phil Coulson

Clark Gregg as Phil Coulson. Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury.

Nick Fury may hang out with some super-powered individuals, but some of his most trusted allies are regular old humans just like him. Phil Coulson proves his worth as an inside man and an authority figure for Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. They first worked together in the 1990s when a newer Agent Coulson let Fury go while other S.H.I.E.L.D. members were hunting Fury believing him to be compromised.

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That morphed into Coulson performing recon for Fury in the first two Iron Man films, as well as Thor. After Fury is forced to fake his own death, Coulson was named the new Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Coulson was also valuable when it comes to bringing the Avengers together to fight Loki.

2 Maria Hill

Cobie Smulders as Maria Hill. Samuel L. Jackson

Often seen at Fury's side, Maria Hill is basically his right-hand woman. She debuted in the Avengers as a fellow Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and has appeared in several films and on television shows to represent the agency. Maria Hill has proven her trustworthiness for Fury when he has needed it most.

She was the one who protected the secret that he was still alive in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and she allowed herself to be copied by a Skrull during the events of Spider-Man: Far From Home. With Secret Invasion on the horizon, she is someone who should be featured with Fury.

1 Captain Marvel

Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury. Brie Larson as Captain Marvel.

Thor may be the strongest when it comes to brute strength, Captain America may lead the superheroes, Coulson may lead S.H.I.E.L.D., and Maria Hill may be right by Fury's side. But the secret weapon is Captain Marvel. She had the beeper that Fury used when the world needed it most, during Thanos' attack in Avengers: Infinity War.

She was integral in bringing Iron Man back to Earth. Captain Marvel helped the remaining Avengers go to space to fight Thanos. And during the time heist, she came back to save the day when it looked like Thanos was going to win again. Captain Marvel was the inspiration for the Avengers Initiative, and Nick Fury's strongest ally in the universe.

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