Marvel's Avengers is developer Crystal Dynamics' take on the team-based looter action RPG genre. As players progress through the game and upgrade their characters' gear and abilities, they can build their heroes to fit specific roles, such as a tanky Hulk, crowd control-oriented Thor, or Black Widow ranged DPS build. The roles that each character can take largely depends on their Heroic abilities, which are game-changing, rechargeable moves unique to each character.

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After nearly a month with the game, players have started to get a sense for which abilities are worth building around, and which abilities leave more wanting.

18 Iron Man (Assault): Unibeam

Iron Man Unibeam Assault Heroic Ability Marvel's Avengers

Iron Man can unleash a deadly energy beam from his arc reactor-powered RT node using his Unibeam Assault Heroic ability. Unibeam takes the bottom spot due to its relatively underwhelming DPS along with its clunkiness to use on multiple targets due to its unforgiving turn radius.

17 Black Widow (Assault): Widow's Bite

Black Widow Widow's Bite Assault Heroic Ability Marvel's Avengers

Black Widow's Assault Heroic, Widow's Bite, is an electric projectile that can be shot at enemies and deal damage over time in a small radius. With the right spam build, Widow's Bite can be a powerful tool in Black Widow's arsenal, but as a standalone ability, it lacks a large enough AOE to make a meaningful impact.

16 Hulk (Assault): Stranglehold

Hulk Stranglehold Assault Heroic Ability Marvel's Avengers

When used as a crowd control ability to disperse a tightly grouped swarm of enemies, Hulk's Assault Heroic, Stranglehold, can be a powerful tool at the player's disposal. However, it's awkward to use, difficult to line up properly and doesn't do as much damage as other Heroic abilities.

15 Ms. Marvel (Assault): High Five

Ms. Marvel High Five Assault Heroic Ability Marvel's Avengers

Essentially an easier-to-use Stranglehold that can deal more damage to multiple targets at a higher range, Ms. Marvel's High Five Heroic has her stretching her arm to smack any enemies unfortunate enough to be standing in front of her.

14 Captain America (Assault): Steamroller

Captain America Steamroller Assault Heroic Ability Marvel's Avengers

Once fully upgraded, Captain America's Steamroller Assault Heroic can knock out a small army of enemies with a single throw of his iconic shield. Cap's Assault Heroic is one of the best-in-class, but Assault Heroics as a whole are weak compared to Support and Ultimate abilities, which have a more meaningful impact in team fights.

13 Iron Man (Support): Arc Overload

Iron Man Arc Overload Support Heroic Ability Marvel's Avengers

Iron Man's Arc Overload deals Shock damage to nearby enemies and stuns them, leaving them vulnerable to follow-up attacks. In addition, Iron Man's suit becomes Overcharged, thus enhancing his other abilities.

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Unlike other Support Heroic abilities, Arc Overload doesn't affect nearby teammates and thus doesn't have as big of an impact in a squad-based multiplayer game like Marvel's Avengers.

12 Hulk (Support): Boneshaker

Hulk Boneshaker Support Heroic Ability Marvel's Avengers

Hulk can unleash his Boneshaker Support Heroic to smash his fists into the ground and yell out a monstrous roar to taunt nearby enemies, thus taking their attention away from allies. This lets Hulk act as a tank with increased defense to enemy attacks, making this an impactful and flavorful ability to build around.

11 Thor (Assault): God Blast

Thor God Blast Assault Heroic Ability Marvel's Avengers

Thor's God Blast ability is the best Assault Heroic in the game due to its high damage output over a large AOE. Its intrinsic Shock damage also leaves enemies more vulnerable to follow-up attacks due to increased damage and a higher chance for critical attacks.

10 Thor (Ultimate): Bifrost

Thor Bifrost Ultimate Heroic Ability Marvel's Avengers

While still very powerful in the right situation, Thor's Bifrost Ultimate Heroic is the most underwhelming ability in its class due to its relatively small impact on the battlefield. Basically Doomfist's Meteor Strike from Overwatch, Bifrost has Thor launching himself into the heavens, which can be used to get out of a pinch in a heated fight, and crash back to earth to unleash a devastating beam of energy in a small area.

9 Ms. Marvel (Support): Healing Spirit

Ms. Marvel Healing Spirit Support Heroic Ability Marvel's Avengers

The best and only true healing ability in the game, Ms. Marvel's aptly named Healing Spirit is essential in hectic firefights when all team members are taking a beating thanks to its AOE instant Willpower regeneration. There's no feeling quite like seeing a sliver of health left on screen and suddenly being boosted back near full health thanks to Ms. Marvel.

8 Hulk (Ultimate): Thunderclap

Hulk Thunderclap Ultimate Heroic Ability Marvel's Avengers

With a single clap of his oversized green hands, Hulk can make a whole crowd of enemies disappear right before his eyes. When upgraded, Thunderclap will even destroy any enemy projectiles caught in its massive radius. From a pure damage standpoint, Thunderclap deals some of the highest damage of any ability in the game, but doesn't do much else besides that.

7 Ms. Marvel (Ultimate): Embiggen

Ms. Marvel Embiggen Ultimate Heroic Ability Marvel's Avengers

Watch out Hulk, there's a new metamorphosing badass superhero in town. Ms. Marvel can unleash her fury over an extended period of time on a wide area of nearby enemies with her Embiggen Ultimate Heroic. Ms. Khan will probably be giving Ant-Man lessons soon on how to not pass out when going big.

6 Iron Man (Ultimate): Hulkbuster

Iron Man Hulkbuster Ultimate Heroic Ability Marvel's Avengers

Iron Man can out-Hulk the big guy himself using his Hulkbuster suit. This Ultimate ability can even be utilized by other teammates and instantly heals the user, making it a useful ability in a pinch as well as a massive damage dealer over a large area.

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Think of Ms. Marvel's Embiggen but with lasers.

5 Thor (Support): Warrior's Fury

Thor Warrior's Fury Support Heroic Ability Marvel's Avengers

Arguably the most fun Heroic in the game, Thor's Warrior's Fury ability supercharges himself with Shock damage and makes nearby allies invulnerable for a short period of time, making it an incredibly versatile and game-changing ability. All of Thor's attacks deal Shock damage and his Odinforce Intrinsic ability is amplified, turning him into the unstoppable god-like force that Marvel fans know him to be.

4 Black Widow (Ultimate): Power Surge

Black Widow Power Surge Ultimate Heroic Ability Marvel's Avengers

Black Widow's Ultimate Heroic, Power Surge, is one of the best in the game thanks to all the different ways it can deal out damage. Power Surge amplifies Widow's ranged attacks and equips her with a deadly staff that can dish out large amounts of AOE damage quickly. The only slight drawback of this ability is its lack of defensive capabilities and Willpower regeneration compared to others in its category.

3 Captain America (Support): Rally Cry

Captain America Rally Cry Support Heroic Ability Marvel's Avengers

Captain America is widely regarded as the most powerful hero in the endgame thanks to how easy it is to keep his powerful Support and Ultimate Heroic abilities up with the right gear and build. His Support Heroic, Rally Cry, buffs nearby allies in a multitude of ways, most notably including increased Heroic ability regeneration, and debuffs nearby enemies by making them take increased damage. Rally Cry may not seem flashy, but it's an incredibly powerful and versatile ability that is all but essential in endgame content.

2 Captain America (Ultimate): Brooklyn Brawler

Captain America Brooklyn Brawler Ultimate Heroic Ability Marvel's Avengers

Captain America can deliver a beatdown with his Brooklyn Brawler Ultimate ability. The shield-based combos enabled by Brooklyn Brawler, the Willpower regeneration, and the amount of synergy in this ability's upgrade trees make it arguably the best ability in the game and the hardest for enemies to deal with. There's no stopping Cap when he starts brawling.

1 Black Widow (Support): Veil Of Shadows

Black Widow Veil of Shadows Support Heroic Ability Marvel's Avengers

At first sight, Black Widow's Veil of Shadows Support Heroic, which has Black Widow cloaking herself and nearby teammates, may not seem like much. After getting to play around with it and upgrade it, players realized how game-breaking Veil of Shadows can be in the right hands. It effectively stops all attacks while leaving enemies wide open to attacks, which may increase the cloaking duration and/or enable increased damage depending on the chosen specialization.

NEXT: The 10 Strongest Weapons In Marvel's Avengers