Ever since she first appeared in WandaVision, Agatha Harkness captured the attention of MCU fans and proved herself to be one of the best parts of the limited Disney Plus Series. Her character’s popularity earned her a spot amongst the long line up of MCU shows set to be released in the near future.

Agatha has come in contact with a number of well-known faces throughout her time in the Marvel comics, including Captain America, Shuri, and both Sharon and Peggy Carter. There haven’t been too many details released about Marvel's upcoming Agatha Harkness series, so it’s difficult to tell which characters will be joining her, or what time period the events of the show will take place. Given how long Agatha has been lurking around in the world, the series could be either a sequel or a prequel to WandaVision, as well as any other Marvel project that’s been released so far.

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Regardless of when the series is set, the potential storylines for Agatha’s character are practically limitless, especially with the impending multiversal battles that fans will see in movies like Doctor Strange 2 and Spider-Man 3. Until the release of the show draws closer, it’s hard to know where Marvel will take Agatha next, but her incredible powers will certainly make her a key player in the future of the MCU. Below are three potential storylines that could be used for the Agatha Harkness series.

Agatha’s Relationship With Her Old Coven

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As seen in the flashbacks that were included in WandaVision, Agatha’s descent into darkness started when she was attacked by her old coven. There were brief references to Agatha using dark magic, which is why her coven tried to destroy her, but the “how” and the “why” are still left unanswered.

If the Agatha Harkness series is a prequel to the events of WandaVision, or the rest of Marvel’s projects given how long ago her battle against her coven went down, diving deeper into her use of dark magic would make for a compelling plot line. Knowing more about why Agatha turned to dark magic, or how she even discovered it in the first place, would be a great way to structure the series as her villain (or anti-hero) origin story.

Complicated family relationships also seem to be a big selling point of the MCU, and WandaVision revealed that Agatha’s own mother took part in the attempt to destroy her. If the series goes into more depth about Agatha’s past, exploring her relationship with her mother could also be an interesting story for fans to see play out on screens.

The Fantastic Four

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Surprisingly, Agatha fought alongside the Fantastic Four in the Marvel comics. At first, Agatha was falsely accused of having an alliance with them, even though she had yet to come in contact with the group of heroes. When she was later imprisoned by Nicholas Scratch because of these false allegations, the Fantastic Four actually showed up to free her from danger and they worked together to take Scratch down.

An alliance between Agatha and the Fantastic Four is definitely unusual, but fans have been speculating the return of the Four ever since WandaVision was first released. Marvel has officially announced that a Fantastic Four movie is in the works, but introducing them to the MCU during the Agatha Harkness series would be a great way to finally give fans what they wanted from WandaVision.

The Return of Wanda

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In the Marvel comics, Agatha and Wanda faced off against a group of magic-wielding superhumans known as the Salem Seven. The Salem Seven supposedly killed Agatha, leaving Wanda on her own to defeat them, which created a massive blast of energy.

This blast of energy is what Wanda used to magically become pregnant, and the WandaVision finale post credits scene implied that Wanda was using the Darkhold to look for a way to bring her twins back to life. Wanda and Agatha fought each other over the fate of Wanda’s children in the comics, so if Wanda is actually trying to bring her boys back, perhaps the two witches will go head to head for the second time.

The last time MCU viewers saw Agatha, Wanda left her in the town of Westview to keep playing the role she chose for herself in Wanda’s televised universe. Wanda said she’d return if she ever needed Agatha’s help for something in the future. Perhaps she’ll return in the upcoming series to ask Agatha for her assistance in reviving the twins, which will ultimately lead to them fighting about Wanda’s children.

Even if Wanda and Agatha don’t end up fighting each other in the series, there’s still a good chance that Wanda will be making an appearance. Agatha was Wanda’s teacher for a while in the Marvel comics, so perhaps the show will focus on Agatha teaching Wanda everything she knows about what it means to be a witch.

Marvel’s Agatha Harkness series is expected to premiere in 2023 on Disney Plus.

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