
  • Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra, set during World War 2, features Black Panther's grandfather Azzuri, along with Captain America.
  • Adding Wolverine and Sabretooth as possible characters in Rise of Hydra would add depth and connect to the larger Marvel universe.
  • It's likely that Red Skull and other iconic villains like Baron Zemo and Arnim Zola will appear in Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra as they were involved with the rise of Hydra.

Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra is an upcoming action video game that is set in the Marvel universe. This game will feature both Captain America and Black Panther, as well as some of the Howling Commandos. Rather than setting this game in the modern day, though, the main story is going to take place in 1943, during World War 2. As such, the main Black Panther in this game will be T'Challa's grandfather, Azzuri.

5 Things Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra Could Learn From Spider-Man 2

Skydance's Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra looks great, but the Captain America and Black Panther game should take some lessons from Marvel's Spider-Man 2.

While the trailer has revealed how this time period has given the game a great, action-packed backdrop, there is a lot that players will not see in this game. For example, it is unlikely that Captain America and Black Panther will fight Ultron in this era. However, there are plenty of Marvel villains who could appear in Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra.

6 Sabretooth

An Immortal X-Men Character Who Can Easily Appear In This Era

  • First Appearance: Iron Fist #14 (1977)
  • Created by: Chris Clairemont and John Byrne

It is unclear whether Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra will include many other Marvel heroes during its story. However, adding other heroes to this game helps to flesh out the world, which is one of the biggest strengths of the Marvel universe. A character that many fans would expect to see pop up during this era is the mutant, Wolverine. He is an immortal man who is known to have fought in World War 2 in some continuity, and his presence would confirm the existence of mutants in this timeline.

When mutants are introduced into a Marvel property, it also means their villains are never far behind. One common Wolverine villain in the comics is the similarly immortal man, Sabretooth. This character has already been shown fighting in the war in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, so it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to have Victor Creed in the background as a soldier or included as a small boss fight.

5 Crimson Dynamo (Anton Vanko)

Howard Stark's Presence May Bring With It A Rivalry

  • First Appearance: Iron Man #28 (1970)
  • Created by: Archie Goodwin and Don Heck

While little is known about the other characters who will appear in Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra outside the playable heroes, the developer has revealed that Howard Stark will have a role in this game. The inventor was alive and present during World War 2, and he eventually survived to become the father of Tony Stark, AKA Iron Man. However, being a playboy philanthropist does have its drawbacks, namely a series of villains who want him dead.

Marvel: 5 Heroes Who Hate Iron Man

These Marvel heroes have a bone or two to pick with Tony Stark.

One of Iron Man's most famous enemies is the Crimson Dynamo. This Russian scientist has another suit of power armor and claims that the Stark family stole their tech ideas from his father, Anton Vanko. There is no official timescale as to when Vanko first worked with Howard Stark, so players may see the pair working on the first suit of armor in the background of this next game. Plus, Marvel never misses a chance to name-drop or reference Iron Man.

4 Namor

The King Of Atlantis May Have A Score To Settle With Black Panther

  • First Appearance: Marvel Comics #1 (1939)
  • Created by: Bill Everett

Namor the Submariner is one of the oldest Marvel characters in the company's history. As such, this powerful king is repeatedly shown fighting alongside Captain America in comics set in the 1940s, and he is largely depicted as a hero. However, Namor is also known to fight the Black Panther from time to time.

Sadly, there aren't many Black Panther villains who could exist in 1943. Therefore, the developers could introduce Namor as a potential villain for this version of the character in Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra. The Wakandans and Atlanteans are often shown in a dispute at certain points in history, and this story was even adapted as part of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.

3 Baron Zemo

A Line Of Villainous Characters

  • First Appearance: Avengers #6 (1964)
  • Created by: Stan Lee and Jack Kirby

Most Marvel fans are more familiar with the charismatic version of Baron Zemo, who is depicted by Daniel Bruhl in the MCU. This version of the character exists in the modern day, yet most fans are unaware that the title of Baron Zemo is one that has been passed down in that family since the first Baron Zemo in 1480. Therefore, it is highly possible that a version of Baron Zemo will be present in 1943.

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Captain America's shield is not all people think it is. This wonderful weapon has some secrets hidden in those red and white and blue stripes.

The version of Baron Zemo who fought in World War 2 is Heinrich Zemo, and he is the villain who first fought against Captain America in this era. Since Baron Zemo has strong links to the villainous organization, Hydra, and is often a hired sword for the group, it makes sense for Zemo to appear in a video game with the "Rise of Hydra" title.

2 Arnim Zola

Hydra's Chief Scientist

  • First Appearance: Captain America and The Falcon #208 (1977)
  • Created by: Jack Kirby

There have been many different versions of Arnim Zola that have appeared throughout the years. As the chief scientific mind behind the villainous Hydra, Zola originated as an ordinary mortal man in the 1940s. However, his brilliant mind was also able to download his consciousness into a digital form, so that he appears in the modern day as a robot with a face on his stomach. A version of this bizarre concept was shown in the MCU as Arnim Zola appeared in Captain America: The Winter Soldier as a face on a computer monitor.

Therefore, it seems inevitable that Arnim Zola will make a big appearance in Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra. His human form would be a good inclusion for the story, and it would be easy to digest for players who are unfamiliar with the character. However, his robot form would make more sense as an inclusion if Zola were to be a boss encounter.

1 Red Skull

Hydra's Villainous Leader

  • First Appearance: Captain America #1 (1941)
  • Created by: France Herron, Jack Kirby, and Joe Simon

This may seem redundant to suggest, as it is clear the Red Skull is most likely going to appear in Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra. This red-faced maniac is Captain America's most fearsome villain, and he has all the powers that the super-soldier also uses. Red Skull is one of Marvel's most evil and most iconic villains, and his origins place him firmly in 1943 as he fought in World War 2 on the side of the Nazis.

On top of all this, Red Skull is also the leader and founding member of Hydra. Therefore, a video game depicting the rise of Hydra in 1943 would have a hard time telling that story without the Red Skull being present. Unless the developers are looking to drastically change Marvel continuity, Red Skull is a perfect villain to appear in Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra.

marvel 1943 rise of hydra
Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra

Skydance New Media