
  • Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra explores World War 2 through the eyes of Captain America and Black Panther, teaming up against Hydra.
  • The Howling Commandos, led by Nick Fury, play a crucial role in the storyline, with Gabe Jones taking the spotlight in the game.
  • The game's focus on lesser-known characters like Gabe Jones and Nanali may be overshadowed by the presence of an iconic character like Nick Fury.

Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra throws Captain America and Black Panther deep into the conflict of World War 2, forcing the two characters to team up against Hydra. There have been some great Marvel-based games in recent years, like Insomniac's Spider-Man franchise and Guardians of the Galaxy, but Marvel 1943:Rise of Hydra takes a new turn by diving into how the titular terrorist organization came to life.

There may not be much known about Rise of Hydra at the moment, but based on what bits and pieces can be gathered from the trailer, the Howling Commandos are set to play a major part in the story. In Marvel canon, the Howling Commandos were an elite force of soldiers tasked with taking down Nazis and other threats from the Axis powers during World War 2. This era provides plenty of opportunities for Rise of Hydra to feature some great Marvel characters, but one of the main questions revolves around the Howling Commando's leader; Nick Fury Sr.

Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra - The Backstory of Captain America's Shield Explained

Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra is putting Captain America front and center, but his iconic shield might cause some in-game tensions with his co-star.

Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra and the Question of Nick Fury

Nick Fury is Currently Missing From Rise of Hydra

The Howling Commandos were a force to be reckoned with in World War 2 under Nick Fury's command, but he's nowhere to be seen in the trailer. There is a lot of speculation about what characters could make a surprise appearance in Rise of Hydra, and Nick Fury almost seems like a given. Not only is he an iconic character, but as the head of the Howling Commandos, it would be surprising for him to not be in the game. However, it looks as though the special squadron may have its main representative through the character of Gabe Jones.

Gabe Jones' Role in the Story

In the trailer for Rise of Hydra, there were only a few glimpses of Gabe Jones, but it's clear that he will play an important role in the overall story. As one of the four main characters players will get to know, Gabe Jones has been featured in both Marvel Comics and Captain America: The First Avenger. It's clear that he will be the main face of the Howling Commandos, but that doesn't mean Nick Fury's presence will be completely left out.

There are bound to be plenty of surprises in store for Rise of Hydra, and Nick Fury being given at least some sort of cameo is a direction that the game's story will likely take. However, there is still the real possibility that Nick Fury remains nowhere to be seen, leaving Gabe Jones as the sole member of the Howling Commandos featured. Nick Fury being left in the shadows could actually prove to be an interesting way for a new character to present insight into the special forces group.

Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos was a Marvel Comics series that ran from 1963 until 1981.

The Howling Commandos in the Spotlight

The Howling Commandos are clearly one of the main points of focus in the game, but this can still be done without Nick Fury's obvious presence. Captain America and Black Panther are already iconic Marvel characters, who will get most of the attention in the game, and featuring Gabe Jones and Nanali presents the opportunity to further explore lesser-known characters. Throwing Nick Fury into the mix could potentially overshadow Gabe Jones and his role in the Howling Commandos.

Nick Fury is one of Marvel Comics' most beloved characters, but Rise of Hydra could be the perfect opportunity to give other characters a chance in the spotlight. If Nick Fury is eventually revealed in some capacity, it may be best for the character to play a less prominent role in the overall story. This leaves Rise of Hydra with an important choice to make about how it handles the Howling Commandos, and it will be fascinating to see which route the game takes.