Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra has its plate well and truly full. Not only is Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra putting the player in the boots of both Captain America and Black Panther - two beloved Marvel heroes with huge fan-bases behind them - it's also throwing in a member of the Howling Commandos and a Wakandan Spy for good measure, both of whom will also be playable. That's already a lot for developer Skydance Media to balance, but the game's first story trailer did give the impression the studio knows what it's doing.

Released about a month ago, Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra's first story trailer finally gave fans a proper look at Skydance's WW2-era Marvel game, showing off its incredibly impressive Unreal Engine graphics, teasing the game's intense story, and hinting towards the type of gameplay that players might expect in this action-adventure title. There's one element of Marvel 1943's story that the trailer paid particular attention to, and that's its climactic clash between Black Panther and Captain America, an event that should actually strive to be as divisive as possible.

DC Games Need to Swing for Marvel’s Fences

DC has yet to meet the output or standard of Marvel games and to do so it needs to closely examine Marvel's upcoming lineup of diverse titles.

Marvel 1943's Black Panther Vs. Captain America Fight Needs to be Divisive

Marvel 1943's Superhero Clash Could Be Divisive in the Best Ways

Normally, division among fans is something that the comic book industry tries to avoid where it can, with it often alienating a large portion of the paying public. However, Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra can not only afford to take some potentially divisive risks, but could thrive from them, just as long as they are handled carefully. One of the biggest risks that Marvel 1943 can take is with its big superhero clash, where players could be forced to pick a side, or have that side chosen for them.

One potential avenue that Marvel 1943 could go down for a Captain America vs. Black Panther fight is to let players choose which hero they control during the boss fight, a move that could potentially split the fan-base right down the middle and begin discussions in real life about why players made that choice. Alternatively, Marvel 1943 could force players to switch roles several times during the fight, presenting both of the heroes' perspectives on the conflict and letting them resonate with each one in turn. This would also make for an intriguing boss fight gameplay-wise, as players might find themselves pulling back a little if they don't fully side with the character they're controlling.

There's also a third potential avenue for Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra's Captain America/Black Panther boss fight, an approach that combines both aforementioned ideas. Players could be given a choice of who they want to play as and side with at the start of the fight, but partway through, they could be given the opportunity to either stick as that character or swap sides, which could be an interesting way for the game to allow players to change their mind about their character's motivations and ideals.

Marvel 1943's Black Panther Vs. Captain America Fight Shouldn't Be a Flash in the Pan

While there are many different ways Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra could approach its superhero boss fight, there's one thing that needs to be true regardless. It's all too frequent in superhero media for a pair of heroes to duke it out for a few minutes before suddenly realizing it was a simple misunderstanding, allowing them to go back to the regular friendly dynamic fans are used to. Marvel 1943 should subvert this. While Black Panther and Captain America should definitely end up working together to take on Hydra, the tension between them shouldn't just be dropped completely following their tussle. Instead, Marvel 1943 should keep the heroes' differences as a core part of the narrative, both before and after the fight.