
  • Balancing two iconic superheroes in Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra requires equal screen time and unique gameplay mechanics for each character.
  • Black Panther's gameplay in Marvel 1943 shouldn't rely solely on stealth, but also focus on his athleticism and fighting style with Vibranium claws.
  • To differentiate Black Panther and Captain America's gameplay, developer Skydance can emphasize their unique equipment and fighting styles.

Balancing two playable protagonists is no easy feat for a video game developer. Both characters need to have equal screen time in the game's story, and when it comes to gameplay, both characters need to simultaneously stand out, but also be similar enough to make the game feel cohesive. These issues are only made worse when the characters in question are two iconic superheroes, which is exactly the case in Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra.

Set in WW2-era Paris, Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra sees players take control of both Captain America and Black Panther as they try to put a stop to the titular villainous organization. The recently released story trailer for Marvel 1943 seems to suggest that a classic comic book misunderstanding is going to take place between the two protagonists, which will undoubtedly lead to the "they punch for a bit, and then they're friends" trope seen countless times in the superhero genre. It's currently unclear how the game will split its time between the heroes, but one thing that developer Skydance needs to avoid is making Black Panther feel like a one-note hero.

Marvel’s Wolverine is in the Same Boat as Insomniac’s Spider-Man, Venom

Insomniac's Marvel outings have worn unabashed inspirations on their sleeve and while Marvel's Wolverine likely will, too, it has a rare opportunity.

Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra Can't Make Black Panther Boring

Marvel 1943's Black Panther Shouldn't Rely Solely on Stealth

Due to his sleek superhero attire and animal namesake, Black Panther is often portrayed as quite a stealthy fighter, often choosing to ambush foes when they least expect it. But Black Panther is no stranger to tackling threats head-on, something that the MCU actually did quite a good job of showcasing, though he's often shown relying on his futuristic tech a little too much. It's important that Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra manages to deliver both of these combat styles for Black Panther.

In the recently released Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra story trailer, a few snippets of gameplay-like combat sequences can be seen. Preluded by the line "Please stick to the rooftops," Black Panther's combat sequence in the trailer shows the hero sneaking up behind an enemy, placing a hand on his mouth, and dragging him down, before cutting to a shot of the hero catching two enemy soldiers by surprise and taking them down silently. While stealth is an inherent part of Black Panther's character, it shouldn't be the only type of gameplay that the hero receives in Marvel 1943.

There Are Better Ways to Differentiate Black Panther and Captain America's Gameplay

It's hard to make multiple video game protagonists stand out from one another, especially when they're superheroes with fairly similar abilities. But there are plenty of ways Skydance can differentiate Black Panther and Captain America's gameplay without having to resort to restricting one to stealth and the other to action, something that could make their cycling appearances start to feel a bit repetitive after a little while.

One potential way to differentiate Black Panther and Captain America's gameplay is to really embrace each character's unique equipment and fighting style. For instance, Captain America's gameplay could really hone in on using his shield in combat along with his brute strength, while Black Panther's gameplay focuses on the hero's athleticism, putting more of an emphasis on dodging and countering foes up-close with his Vibranium claws.