Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg and current Twitter owner Elon Musk have both agreed to a cage fight, although it is unlikely to actually happen. This supposed bout came up after a report suggested that Zuckerberg and Facebook as a whole were working on a Twitter alternative, reportedly known as Threads. This project supposedly began 3 months after Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter.While the veracity of this report remains to be seen, it does not come as a surprise. Since Musk's acquisition of Twitter, many folks have left or at least considered leaving the blue bird app, while possible alternatives like Mastodon, Hive Social, and Bluesky Social have gained some traction too. There are a plethora of reasons fans have looked for an alternative, and plenty of reasons that the alternatives presented thus far haven't worked. Facebook's expertise, however, could be a game-changer in this competition.RELATED: Elon Musk Stepping Down as Twitter CEO, Names ReplacementIn response to this report, Elon Musk criticized the notion of social media being "under Zuck's thumb," to which someone suggested Musk be careful because Zuckerberg knows jiu-jitsu. Musk responded with a simple, "I'm up for a cage match if he is." All of this, of course, happened on Twitter, but that didn't stop Zuckerberg from responding on Instagram with a screenshot of Musk's tweet and a "send me location." The Verge was able to confirm via Meta PR that Zuckerberg was not joking, with a spokesperson saying that the "send me location" message speaks for itself. Musk, on the other hand, appears to be joking.

zuck send me location

Responding to The Verge's report, Musk named the "Vegas Octagon" as the location, which is an obvious reference to UFC's caged fighting arena. However, this tweet was followed up by a series of jokes. Musk claims to "almost never" work out, aside from tossing his children in the air, and claims to have a move called the Walrus where he just lays on top of the opponent. Among various jokes and seemingly avoidant language on the topic, Musk did say that the most entertaining result of this is the most likely. However, whether he means most entertaining to him or to a general audience remains to be seen.

After all, while there is a supposed skill difference between Zuckerberg and Musk, there's no doubt many would enjoy seeing the two enter the Octagon. It would even make a great argument to see Zuckerberg and Musk star as cameos in future UFC video games, but how the situation develops from here is up in the air.

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Source: The Verge