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Pipe Rock Plateau Palace is the final course in Super Mario Bros. Wonder's first World, Pipe-Rock Plateau, and there are three Purple Flower Coins and one Wonder Seed to obtain within it. While players are likely to encounter many of these collectibles without putting much effort towards the endeavor, some of them are a bit tricky to grab. If a player is indeed struggling to collect all the Purple Flower Coins and Wonder Seeds in Super Mario Bros. Wonder's Pipe Rock Plateau Palace, this guide should prove to be quite helpful.

Pipe Rock Plateau Palace Wonder Seed #1

Mario Wonder players will find a Wonder Flower just after passing the first checkpoint in Pipe Rock Plateau Palace, and they can access it by entering the right side of the horizontal pipe that is near the ground. Touching the Wonder Flower will cause the pipes in the next part of the course to fall, and fans will obtain the Wonder Seed when they reach the end of this section.

RELATED: Super Mario Bros. Wonder: Angry Spikes and Sinkin' Pipes 100% Course Guide (All Wonder Seeds & Flower Coins)

Pipe Rock Plateau Palace Purple Flower Coin #1

After triggering the Wonder Flower event, players should jump up and to the right to reach a horizontal pipe that has two Star Coin fragments on top of it. From this position, fans can get onto the adjacent platform, and coming into contact with the flower that is attached to its right side will cause the course's first Purple Flower Coin to appear.

Pipe Rock Plateau Palace Purple Flower Coin #2

As players work through the Wonder Flower section, they will reach a row of vertical pipes that fall to create something akin to a pyramid. Once that occurs, fans should head to the left, use Elephant Mario's trunk to break the six brick blocks, and run across the gaps to collect the second Purple Flower Coin.

Pipe Rock Plateau Palace Purple Flower Coin #3

Players will see the third Purple Flower Coin hovering above the deadly goop during the Wonder Flower section, and there are several ways to collect it. One way is to jump onto the falling pipe just as it passes the Coin, though fans only have a small window within which they can execute this maneuver.

mario wonder pipe rock plateau palace collectibles

If the player has missed that opportunity, they should simply stand on the platform to the right of the Purple Flower Coin, jump through the collectible (making sure to hit the right side of the left platform), and then perfrom a wall jump to return to safety. Fans will then be free to make their way to Bowser Jr., and Mario Wonder's Parachute Cap Badge and Elephant power-up are very useful tools in that fight.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder is available now exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.