After defeating Donkey Kong for the second time, players will enter Fire Mountain, World 3 in Mario vs. Donkey Kong. The levels in World 3 are riddled with fire enemies, and the threat of drowning in hot lava is persistent, so players must plan their moves carefully while completing Fire Mountain.

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The Mario vs. Donkey Kong title brings back one of the most classic rivalries in all of gaming, but how does it rank amongst other Mario & DK entries?

This guide will tell players how they can finish the first level in World 3. Here, fans will be introduced to a new enemy, the Ninji toy, as well as the platforms that rise due to dangeorus lava gushes.

Area 1

There are no enemies in Area 1 of Level 3-1; gamers only have to focus on not falling into the lava as they hop from place to place.

How to Get the Red Present

mario jumping to reach red gift over lava

The red Present can be found between the two large blocks above the lava. Gamers can get it by getting onto one of the platforms, crouching to avoid falling into the lava when they go under the blocks, and jumping to reach it once the platform rises with the gushing lava.

How to Get the Key

After grabbing the red gift, players can get the key by jumping onto the large block and then getting back down to collect it. However, it's not possible crouch while holding a key in Mario vs. Donkey Kong, so they must take the platform up to the block on the left, and to reach the door, they'll have to do it again once one of the platforms rises in the middle of the rocky blocks.

Area 2

free scroll mode in level 3-1

Area 2 has three moving platforms, two of which are momentarily lifted into the air whenever lava gushes out of the pool of lava down below. On top of this, there are several Ninji toys in the area; they will continue to jump up and down, oftentimes allowing players to reach higher places.

How to Get the Blue Present

To get the blue Present, players will have to hop onto the platform close to the Area 2 spawn point. They must crouch as the platform goes under the large rocky block, and then wait for it to reach the smaller block in the middle, the one that separates the two moving platforms. This platform will lift high into the air, allowing players to jump onto the block near the first Ninji toy.

mario grabs blue present area 2 level 3-1

This enemy will continue to go up and down right below the blue gift; to get it, players have to jump onto the Ninji's head in order to reach the gift.

How to Get the Yellow Present

To continue, players must get back down and jump onto the small block between the two platforms. This way, they will be able to reach the other platform, which will take them farther right.

mario attempting to reach 1-up mushroom over lava

Gamers can grab the 1-Up Mushroom by jumping left as the platform rises from the lava. To avoid losing a life to the spikes, players must carefully land on the Ninji's head.

Once the platform returns, players can quickly jump onto it, which will allow them to get to the area on the right, on the edge of the screen. Afterward, they must climb onto the Ninji's head to get a boost up to the platform above. Unfortunately, a standard Mario jump isn't enough to reach the yellow Present, so gamers will have to do a handstand jump or a backflip in order to successfully collect it.

How to Get the Mini Mario Toy

To get the Mini Mario Toy, players just have to use the last two Ninjis as platforms in order to reach the upper area where the toy awaits.

Mario vs. Donkey Kong
Mario vs. Donkey Kong (2024)

Mario vs. Donkey Kong
February 16, 2024
Platformer , Puzzle