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Even after completing the game's tutorials, it can take a little while to fully get the hang of Mario Strikers: Battle League. As is often the case, players will generally improve with each match that they play, as they'll begin to get a better understanding of how both the game and the computer AI really work. For those who'd rather flatten the learning curve, however, there is a much easier way to achieve success right from kick-off.

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These helpful hints will not only give players a better idea of how to win matches in Mario Strikers: Battle League, but also how to do so in style. With these strategies, players should be able to destroy opposing teams rather than just beating them. They should come in handy in both single-player and multiplayer matches too, thus helping players to win both cups and bragging rights for their efforts.

Always Follow Up Hyper Strikes


A perfectly-executed Hyper Strike is pretty much guaranteed to find the back of the net. Anything less than perfection will probably be parried away by the goalkeeper though, leading to an easy rebound opportunity. Whether taking or defending against a Hyper Strike, players should always be prepared for this outcome by having a striker or defender lurking around the six-yard box and hitting the A button as soon as the ball comes back into play.

It's also worth noting that characters preparing to unleash a Hyper Strike can be interrupted right up until their second A press on the accuracy meter, so a well-placed tackle or item could potentially prevent a certain goal. Conversely, players using a Hyper Strike should take this into account when positioning their active character, while also considering the bonus effects and ball movement pattern of that character's unique strike.

Attack the Opposition's Kick-Off


It's often said that the best defense is a good offense, and that is very much the case in Mario Strikers: Battle League. Each time they score a goal, players should be ready to press the opposition's striker right from the resulting kick-off. Items work best in this regard, but a well-timed tackle can also be effective, particularly against weaker opposition or while playing on the Normal difficulty setting.

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Unleashing a bomb, shell, or banana peel immediately after play resumes will almost always result in the opposing forward being knocked off the ball. Green shells are arguably best here, as they'll continue moving in a straight line even after wiping out the first player, often taking out the other team's central defender too as they rush to collect item pickups. Sadly, obtaining items in Mario Strikers: Battle League can be incredibly difficult after taking a two-goal lead, so it's always a good idea for players to hold onto any offensive items that they do get for use at kick-off.

Keep One Eye on the Opposition Keeper


The goalkeepers in Mario Strikers: Battle League can be pretty bad at times. Though it can be frustrating to be on the wrong end of this, astute players can also learn to use it to their advantage and get themselves some easy goals. In particular, keepers love to come off of their lines when the ball is near the halfway line, providing eagle-eyed players with ample opportunities to chip them with a well-placed charged shot into the top corner.

A great time to take advantage of this is at kick-off, as the computer AI will usually stand off the player for the first few seconds after the restart. This should be more than enough time to charge up a shot and lift it over the keeper, though players will obviously only be able to get away with this at times when Boom Boom has strayed from his line. Being aware of the goalkeeper's position can also be important when striking rebounds, as Boom Boom will still block shots that are fired straight at him even when he's incapacitated.

Find the Right Team Composition


For a game that favors fun over realism, it's amazing how much of an impact team composition can have in Mario Strikers: Battle League. Players might opt for a team of speedsters in the hopes of being the first to item drops and Stike Orbs or build their team using characters with a lot of strength so as to be able to flatten the opposition with bone-crunching tackles. As is often the case though, balance will probably end up working best for the majority of players.

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Generally speaking, players will want a character with a lot of strength and solid passing at the back, two central players who are fast and can chip in with goals and assists, and a striker with a high Shooting stat. Rosalina is by far the best striker in the game, while Donkey Kong's bulk makes him an excellent defender. The other two slots are a little more flexible, so players should experiment to find the team composition that works best for them.

Play Aggressively


Though it is rightly frowned upon in the real world and would almost certainly lead to a red card if seen by the referee, intentionally taking out players is all part of the fun in Mario Strikers: Battle League. Knocking an opposing player off the ball with a bone-crunching tackle can be incredibly satisfying, but players needn't limit their aggression to the opposition player who's on the ball.

At higher difficulty settings, the computer AI loves to string together combos while on the offensive, which can make it very difficult for players to win the ball back without the other team taking a shot. One way to combat this is by wiping out opposition players off the ball. This can severely limit the player who has the ball's options; forcing them to either play it backward toward the halfway line or hold onto it for long enough to be tackled.

Prioritize Strike Orbs


Items can be incredibly useful in Mario Strikers: Battle League, particularly for attacking the opposing team's kick-off. That said, they're far from essential, and so it's rarely worth going out of one's way to pick them up. The same cannot be said of Strike Orbs, however, with the incentive to grab them effectively two-fold. Not only does it provide the player with a chance to score a guaranteed goal, but it also prevents the other team from having one.

Once a Strike Orb has been collected, players should keep an eye on its duration regardless of which team got it. More often than not, they should be looking to use theirs as soon as possible, though should always be aware of any nearby opposition players who could put in a tackle before the Hyper Strike has been completed. If the other team managed to pick up the Strike Orb, players should keep hold of the ball until the timer runs out or try to keep them pinned back in their own half where they're unable to use it.

Mario Strikers: Battle League is available now for the Nintendo Switch.