Mario Party has been going strong for over 20 years. With 10 numbered entries and a handful of spin-offs, it's safe to say that Mario Party is one of the most popular series to spawn from the Mario franchise and possibly one of the best party games of all time. Mario Party Superstars brings back some of the best boards and minigames from throughout the series, as well as a few new game modes, and puts them into one nostalgic game.

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For returning fans of the series, Mario Party Superstars brings back five familiar boards and a slew of minigames from past Mario Party games. All of the boards look great on the Switch, with each receiving a modern visual revamp. Every board brings a unique mechanic, though some don't work quite as well as others.

5 Woody Woods

Mario Party Superstars Woody Woods Board

Woody Woods is a remastered board from the Nintendo 64's Mario Party 3.While it is visually gorgeous, its map mechanics offer less strategic value than its fellow Superstars maps, leaving much of the games played on this board up to luck and chaos. While none of the boards included in Mario Party Superstars are bad, Woody Woods lacks where the others excel. Additionally, some changes have been made that make this version of Woody Woods less fun than its N64 counterpart.

The main obstacle in the Woody Woods board is the Monty Moles that litter the map, changing directional cues after each turn. These cues decide which tiles the player can move to on their turn. They can be manually activated by stepping on the corresponding event spaces causing the Monty Moles to turn the directional arrow. Stepping on a Monty Mole event space will only change the directional arrow in from of the player, leaving the other arrows on the board unchanged. This makes the event spaces, and the directional arrows in general, more of a nuisance to the player than a strategic tool.

In Woody Woods N64 counterpart, a Monty Mole Hut could be visited where the player could change the direction of the arrows by using 5 coins. This feature has unfortunately been removed from the Superstars version of the map. It's a shame, as it allowed for more calculated decisions from players.

4 Peach's Birthday Cake

Mario Party Superstars Peach's Birthday Cake Board

Peach's Birthday Cake is a map from the original Mario Party, and this board's visuals alone make it worthy of a game or two. The visual difference between the original board and the one featured in Mario Party Superstars is enormous.

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Peach's Birthday Cake also has a large amount of strategic value. As one of the more linear maps featured, the design and event spaces on this board keep it interesting for both new and seasoned players. The board features event spaces every few spaces, where the player can plant piranha plants to steal coins and stars from their opponents should they land on the corresponding event space.

Peach's Birthday Cake is very linear, which offers less variety in each playthrough, but more strategic opportunities for players to take. Players who enjoy planning out turns far in advance will enjoy this board.

3 Yoshi's Tropical Island

Mario Party Superstars Yoshi's Tropical Island Board

Yoshi's Tropical Island is another linear board from the original Mario Party, and features two islands that players can travel between using thwomp bridges. Players will have to pay a toll to the thwomp when crossing the bridges, and can decide to increase the toll for any players following after them.

The main obstacle of this board is the ever-changing position of the star. It changes location between each island when players land on event space, and when it is moved, it is replaced by Bowser himself. Bowser takes coins from the player, occasionally throwing them an item for their troubles.

Yoshi's Tropical Island is at its peak when playing with a group of friends or CPUs set at a high difficulty setting, as the event spaces on this board offer many opportunities for players to strategize their movements.

2 Space Land

Mario Party Superstars Space Land Board

Space Land is one of the larger boards available, which can sometimes be overwhelming when playing shorter games. This isn't much of an issue though, as the unique events and outcomes that Space Land delivers make up for the complexity of the board.

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Space Land has many unique features, like a giant timer in the center of the board that sets off a giant Bowser-shaped laser, resulting in a tense and competitive race to the finish. The laser and the Snifit Patrols can be a pain in the side of all players, but they add to the complexity of the map compared to some of the other boards in Superstars.

1 Horror Land

Mario Party Superstars Horror Land Board

Horror Land embodies the Mario Party spirit more than any other board in Superstars. With endless options and variations in play from game to game, Horror Land has tons of replay value.

Items come in handy on this map, as there are many opportunities to steal from opponents and many opportunities for them to steal from you. Using Skeleton Keys, Chomp Calls, and Golden Pipes is a must, as the size and difficulty of Horror Land can at times make getting and keeping stars a struggle. It's the difficulty of the board that makes Horror Land the best map in Mario Party Superstars. The chaos that can ensue from Horror Land's event spaces, and the competitiveness that results, is Mario Party at its best.

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