When it comes to the dreaded video game movie, it's shocking how successful a few standouts have managed to be. Thankfully, every once in a while, something like the Super Mario Bros. movie comes along to make sure gamers don't get too optimistic.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is on its way and fans are extremely excited to see fan-favorite characters and concepts on the big screen. Hype is so abundant for the franchise, that the studio has already greenlit a third film, along with a spin-off series. Meanwhile, Mario's scant announcements and bizarre decisions have been met mostly with fan backlash and many hilarious jokes at their expense.

RELATED: Why Sonic Movies Work, And Why Mario Movies Won't

This wasn't always the law of the land, however. When the first trailers for Sonic the Hedgehog dropped in 2019, the internet exploded with hate and memes about the terrible initial design of the eponymous hero. Popular belief suggests that the backlash was so savage that Paramount and the crew swiftly fixed Sonic for his big-screen debut, leading to a generally rosier response. Even after creating a new non-terrifying hedgehog to lead the film, general distaste for the medium led many to assume the worst. But then the film came out, wowed audiences, became beloved by fans new and old, and shattered records at the box office. A negative response in a film's early marketing period is no death knell for a project, Theoretically, the still-untitled Mario movie could hold some pleasant surprises in its question mark-covered box, but it's facing a substantially steeper climb to get there. There are a few lessons Sonic can teach his old rival.


sonic leaked art

The Blue Blur of the film is different in many ways from his source material. Though his effervescent personality is much the same, his origin story takes more from some of the cartoon adaptations. Movie Sonic comes from an unnamed planet, which he escaped under duress. He fled with the help of his guardian, the original character Longclaw the Owl, and wound up on Earth as a child. Sonic grows up lonely but finds a ton to love about his new home. He learns tons about Earth's pop culture, he develops his irreverent sense of humor, he idolizes a local sheriff, and he longs to befriend his human neighbors. Every detail of his character that will be important later is established in a quick but fun backstory. Mario is going to need some similar work in the film's first act to star in a satisfying narrative.

Sonic doesn't have much of a backstory in the games, he's usually depicted relaxing in a field before the villain of the week attacks. This brief introduction and new mythos make Sonic a more fleshed-out character and give the events of the story weight as they go on. Mario is also light on backstory, but a new past for the character could really help the story. Maybe something akin to the Brooklyn plumber origin story of the cartoon. Of course, he doesn't need anything terribly complex, just enough to set up the pieces and add gravity to the ongoing narrative.


sega video game voice actor ben schwartz

Sonic's personality is the biggest draw of the franchise that surrounds him so of course, the film adaptation is packed with jokes. One of the impressive things about the film's writing is the way it incorporates the unique sense of humor enjoyed by the fan base alongside the character's usual quippy banter. Memes like Sanic appear in the film and characters get to drop references to classic gags surrounding the franchise. Mario's fan base isn't as dedicated as Sonic's, but there are still plenty of fun jokes that the franchise has attracted over the years that could make it into the movie. The Mario movie has been so heavily mocked and memed that it alone could inspire dozens of comic beats. Jokes at the expense of the strange casting decisions are all over the place, cynical jabs about possible worst-case scenarios go in multiple directions, there's plenty of comic material to draw from. Mario's film adaptation needs to be funny in a way that works for everyone, and Sonic pulled that off with ease.

Get the Fans Involved

sonic the hedgehog movie after credits scene

The first scene in Sonic the Hedgehog depicts the Blue Blur in his youth on his home planet. He runs through a classic game-inspired environment, but the track in the background is a beautiful electronic track fans would be familiar with. "Friends" by Hyper Potion was initially set as the backing for the animated intro for the franchise's best game Sonic Mania, but its popularity got it into the film. Perhaps more impressively, artist and Sonic super-fan Tyson Hesse has been one of the most important figures in the character's recent history. After the tremendous backlash to Sonic's initial design, he was brought in to lead the rework. Fan-favorite fan artists are the greatest revelation for the often troubled Sonic franchise. Look to the Mario fan community, bring them in, they'll lead the way. Much of the bad reception the concept has received comes from its obvious studio domination. A Mario movie should be handled by the people who see the good in the franchise.

MORE: What The Mario Movie Needs To Do To Be Successful