It seems like every new game in the Mario franchise needs to introduce a new character to go along with the aesthetic and gameplay of the title. While some characters have become major mainstays, like Donkey Kong and Yoshi, others have fallen by the wayside and have seemingly been forgotten by Nintendo since their first introduction.

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On the flip side, there are more than a few characters in the series that have overstayed their welcome and are used more as padding in an already overstuffed roster of characters, rather than bringing anything new or interesting to the table.

10 Disappeared: Mouser

Mouser appeared twice in Super Mario Bros. 2 as an early-game boss, once in World 1-3 and a second time in World 3-3. Both boss battles require the same strategy to defeat him: throwing the bombs he launches at Mario back at him.

This made him an enjoyable although simple boss in the game. Since Super Mario Bros. 2, however, he hasn't been seen in any Mario game, and his role was even reduced in the GBA remake, Super Mario Advance, taking away his second battle in favor of Robirdo.

9 Should Disappear: Rosalina

Let's get one thing clear: female representation in video games is an important topic of discussion in this day and age, but re-skinning Peach and Daisy is not a good way to go about it.

Rosalina was introduced as a powerful figure in Super Mario Galaxy, but her character never really went anywhere and now just sticks around because of how much she looks like Peach and Daisy. She didn't even do that much in the sequel, where she arguably should have been front and center in the story.

8 Disappeared: Toadsworth

From his first appearance in Super Mario Sunshine, Toadsworth was able to stand out from the crowd of Toads that plagues the Mushroom Kingdom. Unlike the rest of his species, his look and mannerisms are more elderly and wise, which makes him unique among even the human characters in the Mario series.

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Unfortunately, his role now has been reduced from a potentially interesting side character to an old forgotten mushroom, only appearing a few times in the Mario & Luigi series and as a spirit or trophy in Smash Bros.

7 Should Disappear: Toads

No, not THE Toad, he can stay in the franchise as long as he wants. His copy-paste species of citizens that flood the Mushroom Kingdom though, it's high time they were shown the door.

It was fine in the days of more primitive gaming when it was difficult to have many characters on screen, especially to make them all individual and recognizable, but now it's just a bore to watch. It doesn't even make that much sense that a human is in charge of the kingdom when barely a handful of its citizens are the same species.

6 Disappeared: Birdo

Like Mouser, Birdo was introduced in Super Mario Bros. 2 as an early-game boss and has largely been forgotten about since then, with some minor appearances is spin-off titles. What makes this such a shame is that her character had one line of information in the user manual that made her a more interesting character, especially in modern gaming.

The North American user manual states, "He thinks he is a girl and he spits eggs from his mouth. He'd rather be called Birdetta", making her one of the few opening transgender characters in gaming, which is a feat in and of itself considering how long ago Super Mario Bros. 2 has been available.

5 Should Disappear: Daisy

In much the same way as Rosalina should disappear, Daisy also needs to be shown the door. Her character boils down to a simple reskin of Peach, with much of the same characteristics and mannerisms as the original princess, but with less screen time.

Before her first time as a playable fighter in Smash Bros. Ultimate, Daisy was nothing more than a color change option for Peach, highlighting how unnecessary she is in the franchise as a whole.

4 Disappeared: Tatanga

Tatanga first debuted in Super Mario Land as the central antagonist, kidnapping Daisy and hypnotizing the citizens of Sarasaland to do his bidding. After his defeat at the hands of Mario, he returns in Super Mario Land 2 as a side villain, with Wario taking over his role from the first game.

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Tatanga could have been an interesting mainstay villain in the series, as he was the first extraterrestrial villain introduced in the series and could have made for some interesting dynamics in the likes of Super Mario Galaxy had he stuck around.

3 Should Disappear: Fly Guy

Shy Guy is a fan-favorite side character in the Mario series, with his signature look and quirky noises making him stand out in a crowd of bad guys. Fly Guy, on the other hand, is just a Shy Guy with a propeller on his head and doesn't need to exist as a separate group of characters.

At least in the case of Koopas, each has its own design and coloration to differentiate them between one another, but Fly Guy didn't get this treatment and somehow still gets his own unique name.

2 Disappeared: Geno

Not to be confused with the cyborg with a very similar name, Geno the wooden doll made his debut in Super Mario RPG on the Nintendo 64 as a valuable team member, as well as being instrumental in informing Mario of the role and importance of the Star Pieces.

Aside from making a cameo appearance in a few later Mario titles, Geno hasn't been seen much in the years since, aside from being a Mii outfit in Smash Bros. for Wii U.

1 Should Disappear: Baby Characters

Protecting Baby Mario in Yoshi's Island made for a unique way to play a Mario game, as he was still one of the main characters despite the player not controlling him.

It seemed like Nintendo thought this meant that every other human character needed a baby form, and now character rosters are bloated with unnecessary baby additions, particularly in the Mario Kart series. Had they just been skin changes on the original characters, they might not feel so unwelcome on the character select screen.

Next: Nintendo: 10 Super Mario Cameos We All Forgot About