It's been a tough 2010 for gamers (and American hockey fans) so far. With so many great games releasing left, right and center you better believe you are going to have to pinch some pennies in order to afford that paper bag lunch you bring in to work everyday. So Game ZXC, being the kind, caring, compassionate, and modest souls that we are, have compiled a list of games coming out in the current month of March so you can map out your game budget and ensure that your dollar is well spent.

Mega Man 10

System: Wii, PS3, and Xbox 360

Release Dates: March 1st, March 11th, and March 31st

Finally, the long awaited sequel to Mega Man 9 is here! On the very first day of March Wii owners everywhere are now able to rub Mega Man 10 in all of their "graphically superior" friends' faces!... for a few days anyway. Mega Man 10 features a brand new "easy mode" so that players with less skill can still have fun. The game will also have Proto Man as playable from the get-go, but I'm going to wait until the game releases on Xbox 360... my reason? Achievement whore.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2

System: PS3 and Xbox 360

Release Date: March 2nd

The game that EA is trying to build as the Modern Warfare 2 killer releases tomorrow and that means we will then finally be able to gauge just how close it is to Infinity Ward's 800 pound gorilla. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 picks up where the story was last left leaving our heroes driving off into the sunset with a truck full of gold and an early retirement. Unfortunately over the course of a year the four have been thrown back in the battle. The Russians are trying to move into Alaska and conquer the USA, but it's up to the core four to prevent them from even thinking about pulling that stuff and a bullet to the dome usually helps. The game also has some pretty fun multiplayer that you can look forward to.

Sonic Classic Collection

System: DS

Release Date: March 2nd

Any Sonic fan is going to be excited for this collection. It takes Sonic 1-3, as well as Sonic and Knuckles and puts them on one convenient cartridge for your gaming pleasure. This is a great way to introduce kids to the greatness that was Sonic, something that we ourselves are hoping to revisit when Sonic 4 releases in the coming months.

Yakuza 3

System: PS3

Release Date: March 9th

Yakuza 3 is actually the fourth game in the Yakuza series. The game has been out for over a year  in Japan and North America is finally getting it now. Come on Sega that's just laziness. They have removed the Hostess Clubs, which means I can't get my twinkie on, but the game is still looking to be pretty darn decent and is certainly worth a look.

Final Fantasy XIII

System: PS3 and Xbox 360

Release: March 9th

It's almost here folks. In about a week we can all sink our teeth into the delicious morsel that is Final Fantasy XIII. The game has been out in Japan for a little while and hasn't been receiving the stellar reviews that the hype seemed to be indicating, but that isn't killing the excitement we all have for this title. This is a day one purchase for anyone who is a fan of the Final Fantasy series.

Pokemon Heart Gold & Soul Silver

System: DS

Release Date: March 14th

Pokemon Gold and Silver were the GameBoy classics that released back in 2000, and now they are coming back bigger and better than ever! Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver are taking everything that made the original property great and adding a bunch of stuff! The updated graphics render the all too familiar world of Pokemon in wondrous high quality that looks even better than the recently released Pokemon Platinum. The game allows you to pull a "Yellow Version" and have a Pokemon follow you as you walk around, but the best part of all is the Pokewalker that comes packaged with both versions!

March Madness

God of War III

System: PS3

Release Date: March 16th

Kratos is back and he is causing all sorts of trouble for the Gods of Olympus. The fighting in this game is looking to be somewhere along the lines of epic. No that's not a mountain you're battling on; it's a Titan. The battlefield is going to be one of the coolest aspects of the new game and I can;t wait to see how the God of War fairs against the powers of Zeus in this epic showdown.

Metro 2033: The Last Refugee

System: Xbox 360 and PC

Release Date: March 16th

It's 2033 in a post-apocalyptic Russia; fortunately you are one of the few survivors of the nuclear holocaust. This game actually has an option to listen to the entire dialogue in Russian for that authentic feeling. Most of the gameplay takes place in the metro tunnels, but you will occasionally venture to the surface to collect valuables. Bullets are currency in this game so it is actually possible to buy a brand new gun and have no ammo to use it.

Perfect Dark

System: Xbox 360

Release Date: March 17th

FINALLY! Perfect Dark has comeback! I can't tell you how long I have been waiting for this title. The improved graphics and newly added online play is sure to suck up countless hours of mine when it releases on Xbox Live this month. It's not Golden Eye or a proper remake of  Conker's Bad Fur Day, but it is looking to be one of the best games this month.

Just Cause 2

System: Xbox 360, PS3, PC

Release Date: March 23rd

Grappling hooks and home-made propane jetpacks? Yeah this game has got that. Just Cause 2 isn't like your standard 3rd Person Shooter it's more like an adventure title. If you don't want to follow the story than you don't have to because the game is a huge sandbox. I'm probably going to attach an enemy to a propane tank and watch it launch him 200 feet in the air.

Red Steel 2

System: Wii

Release Date: March 23rd

The previous game in the series launched with the Wii and it was nothing short of a disappointment. The sequel aims to add to the fun by utilizing the WiiMotion Plus. 1:1 sword control mixed with revolver action sounds pretty bad-ass, but we will see if Ubisoft is able to pull it off when it launches later this month.

WarioWare DIY

System: DS

Release Date: March 28th

Those DS heads whom aren't satisfied with a retro Sonic revival or the long anticipated Pokemon Soul Silver and Heart Gold will be happy to know that WarioWare is making its return. There are an unlimited amount of mini-games in this title. How is that? Well you actually get to make and then play your own! For those who are lazy however, you also have the option to download levels that other players have put together via Wi-Fi.

This ends the exciting month of March! There are going to be some tough calls in terms of which games to get this month, but it's a win, regardless, for gamers everywhere. That's what I call March Madness.

What games are you picking up this month? What is your most anticipated title releasing this month?