Manor Lords provides a realistic city-building gaming experience with a few distinct features, such as fire, drought, and fertility. With so many aspects in the game, it is important that you analyze each one that may have an impact on your settlement's production and growth.

Choosing a place for your settlement should not be done at random because it might lead to several complications when your village expands into a town. To guarantee optimum utilization of all natural resources and boost worker productivity, it is important to choose the right location that caters to all the requirements.

Manor Lords: Best Village Layout

While traffic doesn't play a major role in Manor Lords as it does in other city builders, a good layout will mean less walking and more working.

All Map Overlays Explained

map overlays explained manor lords

Each player will begin in a different random region therefore, there is no predetermined starting point for your settlement's first constructions. The perfect place to build buildings is a location that doesn’t have many resources or fertility underneath.

In the construction menu, you will see numerous map overlays; it is important that you understand what each overlay signifies since you will have to determine where to begin constructing depending on this overlay.

Underground Water

The underground water overlay depicts the path along which water travels beneath the earth. If you have selected the Underground Water option in the Well Placement difficulty settings, you must build a well atop the water flow to ensure that the well receives a enough quantity of water.

Building a well is one of the most critical tasks you have to complete as soon as you establish your village because it is the villagers' only supply of water. Furthermore, a well is required to meet one of the conditions for upgrading your burgage plots and putting out fires.

Emmer Fertility

Emmer Fertility identifies the most fertile plot of ground for growing wheat, one of the most essential crops in Manor Lords farming. Wheat is processed into flour and then baked into bread, which may serve as a source of food for the people and give them a variety of options. The most fertile lands will be green, the moderately fertile fields yellow, and the less fertile lands red.

Flax Fertility

Flax Fertility refers to land that is fertile enough for growing flax, which is used to make linen. Linens are necessary to meet the villagers' level 1 clothing needs, and they are subsequently used to manufacture clothes and cloaks, which can fulfill the requirement to upgrade your burgage plot to level 2.

Barley Fertility

Barley is another major crop used to produce malt from the Malthouse. Malt is then used to produce Ale in the brewery. Ale is a crucial item to begin making for level 2 burgage plot dwellers as a form of amusement.

Manor Lords: How to Play in Third Person

Learn how to play Manor Lords in third person so you can explore every bit of the map and marvel at its beauty.

Rye Fertility

Rye is a replacement crop for Wheat that must be obtained from the Development Tree. Rye, like Emmer, yields wheat, which is then processed into grain, flour, and bread for the people. Rye is often more fertile than Emmer in most places and may be grown in low-fertility locations.

All Map Icons Explained

rich iron deposit manor lords

Apart from the map overlays, several resource icons are marked on the map that are important to consider while building your settlement. Let’s take a look at all five natural resources:

  • Wild Animals: This is the area where your village's hunters will hunt wild creatures and gather the food they need to survive. Aside from food, wild animals are required to provide hide, which is used to make leather and shoes. You must set up a hunting camp near the jungle and assign a family to continue hunting. However, do not install any buildings too close to wild animal habitats since this will drive the animals away, leaving you with little to no food supply.
  • Berry Deposit: Berries are an additional source of food for the locals. You must construct a Forager Hut near the Berry deposit so that the workers may pick the berries and sell them to the locals in the marketplace.
  • Stone Deposit: Your only supply of Stone, which is required to construct several crucial buildings as you progress through the game. To begin mining stone from the deposit, you must first create a Stonecutter Camp.
  • Clay Deposit: After constructing the Mining Pit, assign a family to it, and they will continue to labor to extract Clay from the deposit. Clay is used to make Rooftiles, which are used to upgrade the Church and thus increase your influence.
  • Iron Deposit: The Mining Pit can not only extract clay but also gather iron from the Iron Deposit. You won't need much iron until you get further in the game when it is necessary to manufacture Iron Ore for weapons.

The markers with a crown above their emblem are Rich Deposits, which indicate that they contain an abundance of that particular resource. If you have an abundance of stone, clay, or iron, consider yourself fortunate since these resources are scarce and will not be replenished like wild animals or berries.

Manor Lords: All Military Equipment & How to Get Them

Building an army in Manor Lord involves figuring out the logistics of equipping that army with the appropriate weapons and armor.

Unfortunately, if you are low on resources and do not have any Rich Deposits, you should prioritize gaining Regional Wealth and importing what you need. Furthermore, you should scout additional unclaimed regions on the map with Rich Deposits and seek to conquer them as quickly as possible after assembling an army and accumulating enough influence.

Where to Build Your First Settlement

new settlement manor lords

Now that you've identified all of the necessary natural resources on your map, it's time to pick where to start developing your village. The ideal location for constructions such as Burgage Plots, Market Places, and other residential buildings is one with a water supply but no fertile ground beneath.

In this manner, fertile lands will not be wasted for residential reasons, while barren grounds will be used more efficiently. However, you must avoid building structures near wild animal habitats since this may lead the animals to relocate to another place.

Furthermore, avoid building in the middle of forests, as these regions will be largely used for collecting wood and timber. So, search for an ideal unoccupied spot with a water flow below and poor soil fertility.

The Gathering structures should be built near their respective resource sites. Logging Camp and Woocutter's Lodge, for example, should be located close to the forest so that workers may easily gather and transport wood.

When creating any of these structures, you must plan ahead and consider how much time the workers will spend moving all of the things they are bringing from their workplace to the village marketplace.

Once you have completed the basic structures for your village, link them all with well-planned roads. Roads are significant because they lessen the time necessary to move any object from one location to another using the Oxen.

Manor Lords: How to Defend Against Raiders

The Raiders Near! message pops up to give players ample warning about an approaching army of criminals bent on looting player settlements.

How to Increase Settlement Level

advanced settlement manor lords-1

The ultimate winning condition in Manor Lords is to grow your small village into a large town, which requires you to complete multiple stages to develop your settlement. Your settlement level will increase as you construct and upgrade Burgage Plots in your settlement.

Each level has specific requirements, and after you've met them, your settlement will automatically level up. Here are the settlement levels and their corresponding requirements in Manor Lords.

Settlement LevelRequirements
Small Villagex5 Level 1 Burgage Plots
Medium Villagex5 Level 1 Burgage Plots, x2 Level 2 Burgage Plots
Large Villagex10 Level 1 Burgage Plots, x5 Level 2 Burgage Plots
Small Townx10 Level 1 Burgage Plots, x7 Level 2 Burgage Plots, x3 Level 3 Burgage Plots
Medium Townx10 Level 1 Burgage Plots, x10 Level 2 Burgage Plots, x10 Level 3 Burgage Plots
Large Townx30 Level 1 Burgage Plots, x20 Level 2 Burgage Plots, x15 Level 3 Burgage Plots

Upgrading each burgage plot will require you to meet some of the demands of the people that live there. Once all of the requirements have been met, the Burgage Plot will be eligible for advancement to the next level.

manor lords
Manor Lords

April 26, 2024
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