Manor Lords sees players take on the role of a local lord tasked with caring for and managing a settlement from scratch. One of the biggest concerns right from the get-go is finding a way to provide the villagers with multiple sources of food.

Once a burgage plot is upgraded to level 2, the families residing within start demanding more than one food source. Depending on the layout of the region, this can be an impossible demand to meet by just harvesting the local resources. Players will be forced to look for alternate means of food production. This is where Vegetable Gardens - and other backyard extensions - come in. Here is everything there is to know about them.

Manor Lords: How to Clear Land

Players will run out of land fast when expanding their settlement in Manor Lords. Here's what they need to do to remove the trees blocking the way.

How to Build a Vegetable Garden in Manor Lords

Players can build a Vegetable Garden in any Burgage Plot with a backyard extension for 15 Regional Wealth. Select a burgage plot with a backyard extension, click on the gear wheel icon next to the upgrade button, and select the carrot to set up a Vegetable Garden. The family living in the burgage plot will be responsible for maintaining the garden and will start working on construction immediately.

Vegetable Gardens start producing vegetables much faster than farms, and the family responsible for managing them will set up a stall in the Marketplace to sell their vegetables as soon as the yields start to come.

How to Create Backyard Extensions in Manor Lords

backyard extensions in manor lords

Backyard extensions can only be created during the initial placement of a burgage plot. If the boundary of a burgage plot is large enough, a smaller house icon with a hammer appears at the back of the house. This is a backyard extension. Existing burgage plots cannot get backyard extensions.

Once a burgage plot with a backyard extension is built, players will be able to upgrade that plot with a Vegetable Garden - or any of the other backyard extensions - for a set amount of Regional Wealth.

How to Maintain a Vegetable Garden in Manor Lords

reassigning workers in manor lords

There is no limit to how big of an area a backyard extension covers. However, larger extensions take longer for the residing family to manage, though the yield will correspond to the size of the plot.

If a family is assigned to work in a building far away, this will reduce the time needed to manage the Vegetable Garden. To avoid delays, players can either unassign a family directly or reassign them to a nearby job. Do this by selecting the Burgage Plot, tabbing over to People, and choosing ‘Reassign family to a new workplace.’ Doing so will give the family more time to tend to the garden, increasing the yield.

On top of that, not all jobs are created equal. A logging camp worker will work the entire day without free time, but a Church worker’s duties are much more lax, giving them time to tend to the garden. Even if the Church is physically farther from the burgage plot than the Logging Camp, working there is still the better choice.

Vegetable Gardens stop being worked on during winter .

manor lords
Manor Lords

April 26, 2024
Slavic Magic
Strategy , City Builder