
  • A Manor Lords player creates a massive city, impressing the game's developer and sparking competition among players to surpass the achievement.
  • Busy-Shallot spent over 50 hours building the 4.5k inhabitant city, pushing the game's limits and prompting developer optimization efforts.

A Manor Lords player has built an incredibly large city. The sheer size of the city in this strategy game has impressed not just other Manor Lords players, but the developer as well.

Manor Lords is sometimes compared to other games like Civilization. It was released on Steam and PC Game Pass in April of this year, quickly gaining popularity. Since being launched, this city-building game has managed to maintain a high rating on Steam and sales keep going up. The incredibly large city built by an avid fan shows how far the game can currently go. Apparently, this city is so huge that it is pushing the game to its limits.

Manor Lords: Best Ways To Increase Efficiency Fast

Improving settlement efficiency in Manor Lords has cascading effects, leading to more goods, happy citizens, and healthy approval.

A Manor Lords player has built an incredibly large city that took more than 50 hours to create. Busy-Shallot initially shared this achievement in a Reddit post, stating, "I have reached the destination of my journey." And, "I have reached 4,548 inhabitants in one region. The game is no longer really playable, and pathfinding is practically non-existent." This city-building feat caught the eye of the game's developer, Greg Styczeń from Slavic Magic who commented, "Holy moly that's a huge one, I'm impressed," Styczeń went on to pledge to "continue work on optimization" to allow players to keep hoarding villagers without remorse or lag. This probably means that upcoming Manor Lords patches are already in the making or at least being planned.

Manor Lords Player Shows Off Incredibly Large City

Now that other Manor Lords players have become aware of Busy-Shallot’s city-building achievement, others will surely try to surpass it. Those players who make it their priority to beat or match this impressive accomplishment should be aware that the master builder behind it has logged about 92 hours in the game and spent between 50-70 hours working on the incredibly large city. With this in mind, Busy-Shallot said that they "hope that someone manages to beat this record."

Manor Lords sold 1 million units on launch day and the concurrent player count went above 170,000 on its opening weekend. Those figures then went up to a milestone of 2 million Manor Lords units sold in just three weeks. These impressive sales figures show Manor Lords’ popularity right out the gate and were unexpected by both the game’s developer Slavic Magic and publisher Hooded Horse. The popularity being enjoyed by Manor Lords ensures that more players will build and share cities, probably surpassing Busy-Shallot’s achievement in the near future.

Slavic Magic has stated that it plans to keep the game in Early Access status for a year, which should lead to plenty of time to incorporate additional Manor Lords features such as monasteries and story events. The developer also confirmed the intention of bringing the game to Xbox as soon as it can, but no date has been provided.

manor lords
Manor Lords

Slavic Magic's Manor Lords combines city-building, tactical warfare, and other strategy elements to create a deep medieval experience.

April 26, 2024
Slavic Magic
Hooded Horse