Manor Lords is a city-builder strategy game featuring several complex gameplay mechanics. New players to the genre can feel overwhelmed at Manor Lords' confusing building systems. One such mechanic is the construction feature that allows players to build houses, mine resources, and eventually run sophisticated industries.

The Sawpit construction item is a technology players must build to produce planks. However, using the Sawpit effectively entails following a sequential set of steps. Fortunately, players struggling to figure out the Sawpit in Manor Lords should find this guide helpful.

Manor Lords: How to Get Sheep

Sheep are needed to generate Wool in Manor Lords, a vital resource in the game. Here's how you can get and breed the animal.

How To Build A Sawpit In Manor Lords

Sawpit under constructions in Manor Lords

The Sawpit is the third 'Gathering' structure under the 'Construction' menu. Building the Sawpit is as easy as clicking on the structure's icon and placing it at a specific location on the field.

Building a Sawpit requires two timber, acquired by setting up a Logging Camp or importing the resource at Trade Posts.

Trading is expensive in the early game, so it's best for players to skip it. Instead, building a Logging Camp and assigning a worker ensures a consistent flow of timber .

How To Obtain Planks From A Sawpit

Inspecting Sawpit in Manor Lords

The Sawpit turns one timber into five planks, but it only stores one timber at a time in its storage. To speed this process up, build a Storehouse that stores a large inventory of resources.

Players should also doublecheck their Sawpits to ensure at least one active worker is assigned to the structure. Since the game doesn’t notify workers' absence from structures, it becomes even more important to actively verify worker assignments.

Meeting the criteria mentioned above, players can ensure consistent production of planks.

Manor Lords: How to Increase Population

Increasing the population is one of the main goals of Manor Lords, and here is how to do it.

Why Sawpits Appear Bugged?

Proceeding to stop a construction in Manor Lords

Players might sometimes notice that despite ensuring resource supply and assigning workers to Sawpits, the structure fails to produce planks. This typically occurs when the entire settlement uses one ox to haul wooden logs.

Since the game prioritizes construction over production, players might notice a halt in plank production when an active construction project is underway.

Should players desire plank production over construction, they can effectively pause the construction. When all constructions are paused or completed, the ox focuses on transporting the wooden logs to the Sawpit.

How To Stop Ongoing Construction

  • Click on the structure under Construction to pull up the structure management menu.
  • Look for the blue ribbon at the top of the menu that includes the structure's name, ‘close’ button, and a few other options.
  • The pause option is the second icon from the left, signified by two short perpendicular lines.
  • Hitting the pause button freezes the structure’s construction, freeing up resources and workforce to focus on other important tasks in the settlement.

Players can also assign priorities to structures under construction manually. A structure assigned the highest priority gets all resources and workforce concentrated, accelerating its construction.

The limitation to priority assignment is its unavailability on production structures like Sawpits.

manor lords

April 26, 2024
Slavic Magic
Hooded Horse
Strategy , City Builder