Manor Lords offers the players a lot of realism regarding its gameplay features, and one of the most significant examples is the need to transport resources from one place to another before using them. While most games simply add it to the inventory after collecting it, you must depend on an Ox or a worker to transport it to your desired location in Manor Lords.

Oxen are essential for transporting resources like timber throughout the territory under your control. These adorable creatures labor diligently, trekking through the village's roadways, carrying huge logs on their backs and delivering them to the required location. However, as you scale your village to higher levels, the demand for additional Oxen will gradually rise.

Manor Lords: How to Get Fuel

Fuel is essential for keeping your villagers happy in Manor Lords. Here's how to get and maintain your supply.

How to Get More Oxen in Manor Lords

ordering ox from the hitching post manor lords

Unfortunately, players are only given one Ox when they begin the game. While one is enough to perform the day-to-day activities of a small or medium village, it becomes increasingly difficult to complete the duty as the village grows in size.

With many buildings comes a lot of operations and construction and, as a result, it becomes more difficult for one ox to carry all the supplies as tons of tasks pile up on top of each other. This might result in a backlog of work, increasing the time required to build or upgrade the structures on the map. To combat this, getting more Oxen as soon as you have acquired sufficient regional wealth is a good idea. You may add extra Oxen to your stable in two ways: order it from the Hitching Post or import it through the Livestock Trading Post.

Ordering an Ox from the Hitching Post

The Hitching Post is used as a living place for your Oxen, and each Ox costs you 20 Regional Wealth. However, you can only order one Ox every month from the Hitching Post or Small Stable. To order, click on the Hitching Post, then from the menu, click on the Ox icon with the plus sign that says "Order Another Ox". Once the order is placed, a livestock merchant will deliver the Ox to the Hitching Post the next day.

To accommodate more than one Ox at a time, upgrade the Hitching Post to a Small Stable, which gives you two stable places for the Oxen. Ensure there's an additional place for the animals to live, as livestock without living space are more likely to run away.

Order from Livestock Trading Post

ordering ox from the livestock trading post manor lords-1

Oxen may also be ordered from the Livestock Trading Post in Manor Lords. Unlike the Hitching Post, the Livestock Trading Post allows you to order unlimited Oxen if you have enough Regional Wealth to spend. Aside from oxen, you may also order horses, mules, and sheep at the Livestock Trading Post.

To order from the Livestock Trading Post, click on the building, and the menu will appear. Go to the Trading Section and, to the left of the Ox icon, change the status from No Trade to Import, then raise the desired excess amount to the number of Oxen you want to order.

If you are still a medium village, having two or three Oxen can help boost the productivity of your town and decrease the time required to transport goods. If you have unlocked the Heavy Plot development point, you can order more Oxen to use in the farmland and make farming easier and faster.

What Happens If Your Ox Dies in Manor Lords?

fire in manor lords

Many players have reported losing Oxen in fires that destroyed their settlements. While a fire breaking out is sad for any ruler, its adds a realistic element to the city-building experience of Manor Lords. A fire can start for various reasons, including enemies burning up the structure or a lightning strike that causes a big fire to erupt.

In either case, a fire can pose a significant risk to the Oxen who live in your village's hitching post or stables. Unfortunately, if you lose an Ox in a fire, there is no way to get it back; you must get a replacement by ordering it from the Hitching Post or the Livestock Trading Post.

However, if the fire has engulfed all of your Oxen and Hitching Posts, and you still haven't built the Livestock Trading Post, then unfortunately, there is no way to recover. This will mark the end of the advancement of your settlement, and you will have to start a new game since you cannot build (or rebuild) anything if you don’t have an Ox.

To avoid such situations, ensure you build multiple hitching posts or stables for your oxen and place them far from other buildings to keep them safe from fires. Moreover, you should focus on getting multiple Oxen as fast as possible so that if one or two die in the fire, you still have some backup.

manor lords
Manor Lords

April 26, 2024
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Hooded Horse