In Manor Lords, Development Points function like skill points, typically found in many games. Development Points allow players to tailor their experience in Manor Lords, enabling them to focus more on industry, farming, or trade. Since each territory is limited to using seven Development Points, it’s necessary to know how to spend them wisely.

It’s advised that players unlock Development Points as soon as possible, since it improves their ability to meet the growing challenges of their settlement. Players wishing to understand how to earn Development Points and where to invest them, will benefit from this comprehensive guide.

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How To Earn Development Points

Showcasing how to check settlement upgrade requirements in Manor Lords

The most common way to earn Development Points in Manor Lords is to upgrade the settlement. Each time players upgrade their settlement, they earn one Development Point, for a maximum of 6 points. A settlement’s level can be identified by looking for the territory’s name, located in the middle of the top hot bar. Hover on the territory’s name, and pull up the context menu. This menu lists a number of settlement objectives. Completing these objectives upgrades the settlement and rewards the player with one Development Point.

Players start the game at settlement level 1, and upgrade it to level 7 through six upgrades. Listed below are the upgrade requirements to improve the settlements to their maximum level:

Settlement Level

Upgrade Requirement

Small Village (Level 2)

5x level 1 burgage plots.

Medium Village (Level 3)

5x level 1 burgage plots, 2x level 2 burgage plots.

Large Village (Level 4)

10x level 1 burgage plots, 5x level 2 burgage plots.

Small Town (Level 5)

10x level 1 burgage plots, 7x level 2 burgage plots, 3x level 3 burgage plots.

Medium Town (Level 6)

10x level 1 burgage plots, 10x level 2 burgage plots, 10x level 3 burgage plots.

Large Town (Level 7)

30x level 1 burgage plots, 20x level 2 burgage plots, 15x level 3 burgage plots.

While players can earn one Development Point when conquering a new territory, they are limited to spending the point within the conquered territory only.

It’s also important to note that since Manor Lords is still in early access, some upgrades within the Development Point skill tree are currently unavailable.

Best Ways To Spend Development Points

Showcasing Development Skill tree in Manor Lords

Since players can only spend six Development Points per territory, it’s important to figure out the settlement's objectives. Some players could be drawn to exploring food options, while others may want to increase their regional wealth. Deciding on the settlement’s objective is the first crucial step towards spending Development Points wisely.

To help provide a direction on Development Point investment, outlined below are some of the important investments players can make in each of the four sections of the development skill tree.

Farming Investments

The Farming section primarily focuses on food production and improving farming efficiency. Players who wish to spend more time on the starting territory must ensure a consistent supply of food and food surplus. The following investments ensure thriving agriculture:

  • Orchardry: Allows citizens to plant apple orchards to increase food production.
  • Heavy Plow: Increases plowing process of farms. This is especially useful in large farms.
  • Rye: Alternative crop to wheat, and can be cultivated in less fertile fields.
  • Bakeries: Allows extension of burgage plots to make bread.
  • Sheepbreeding: Enables importation and breeding of sheep. Players can export additional sheep and wool to increase regional wealth generation.

Industry Investments

Industry includes mining, blacksmithing, and armor making. Players wishing to prepare and annex nearby territories should focus on investing Development Points under the Industry section. The following investments should help in battle and annexation endeavors:

  • Basic Armor Making: Enables armorers to produce helmets.
  • Advanced Armor Making: Enables armorers to produce mail armor.
  • Master Armor Making: Enables armorers to produce plate armor.
  • Charcoal Kiln: Converts 1 firewood into 2 charcoal, increasing fuel supply and extending fuel duration.
  • Deep Mining: Enables unlimited mining of resources like iron ore and clay.
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A Cobbler's Workshop gives settlers the ability to make shoes in Manor Lords. Here's how to build one.

Trade Investment

Investing Development Points in the trade section improves the settlement’s trading ability, such as establishing trade routes at a lower cost and lowering import costs. However, the trade section is limited to only three upgrades at early access. Players wishing to increase regional wealth over anything in their territory should consider investing in the following developmental upgrades:

  • Trade Logistics: Sets all trade route establishment costs to 25.
  • Better Deals: Lowers import costs by 10.
  • Foreign Suppliers: Allows trading of bread and firewood in exchange for regional wealth.

Gathering Investment

The Gathering section governs resource collection and new occupations like beekeeping and improving hunting. The following Developmental skills are worth unlocking if players are interested in diversifying occupations across their settlement:

  • Beekeeping: Enables inhabitants to access an apiary and collect honey.
  • Advanced Beekeeping: Bees also produce wax in addition to honey.
  • Trapping: Enables hunters to lay traps that provide passive meat.
  • Advanced Skinning: Doubles meat production.
  • Pelt Extraction: Traps also provide pelts in addition to meat.

Finally, it’s worth noting that players cannot respec Development Points once invested. So, it’s worth taking the time to analyze your settlement’s needs before investing in them.

manor lords
Manor Lords

April 26, 2024
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Strategy , City Builder