In an advanced city-builder like Manor Lords, deciding on the perfect place to construct the establishments can be tricky. Oftentimes, you may feel the need to relocate a building, whether it is impeding the production of your town in some manner or simply not fitting the aesthetic of your settlement.

Whatever the cause, Manor Lords allows you to move most of the structures and rebuild them in a new location. However, shifting multiple buildings or a whole section of the city in this game can be time-consuming and needs a significant chunk of your workers; therefore, planning before constructing any structure for the first time is always advised.

Manor Lords: Which Difficulty Setting Should You Choose?

Every difficulty setting in Manor Lords affects the gaming experience in different ways for players, so here's what to know before choosing.

How to Relocate Buildings in Manor Lords

relocating a building manor lords

Several factors can affect the layout you follow to build your city, like soil fertility or underground water sources, natural resources, and forests, among others. For example, it is preferable to build Gathering buildings such as the Logging Camp and Woodcutter's Lodge near the forest and connect them to the settlement by building a road.

In this manner, the workers will not have to go far to chop up trees and collect wood for you. This will save them time traveling around and transporting the woods, allowing them to work more on gathering resources and restocking the storage faster.

However, if you have mistakenly built a structure on the incorrect site without enough consideration and now realize that it would operate better if relocated, there is an easy way of doing this.

To relocate, click on a building, which will bring up the building's primary menu of actions. The Relocate button (Arrow Cross symbol) is located in the menu's upper right corner. Click that symbol, then move the building to the desired new location.

Once you've decided on a new location, development on the new building will begin. Make sure at least one family is unassigned, so they can handle the construction, and to speed up the process, you can set the construction priority to "Highest".

This method does not apply to all building types. Some of them will have to be demolished and rebuilt.

How to Demolish Buildings in Manor Lords

demolishing a building manor lords

However, the aforementioned technique can only transfer a few structures, including the Logging Camp, Sawpit, Woodcutter's Lodge, and Forester's Hut. Other notable structures, such as the Sheep Farm, Storehouse, or Burgage Plots, must be demolished and manually rebuilt on a new site.

While this may take longer than just relocating it to a new location, there will be no loss as allbuilding supplies will be returned to your inventory. To demolish a building, click on it to open its menu, then click the Demolish button in the upper right corner. This will permanently remove the establishment from the location, and you will have to rebuild it again.

If you want to rebuild the establishment after demolishing it, you can always do that from the Construction menu after finding a new location. However, this time, ensure that the natural layout of the map is properly observed, and then place any critical building.

Demolishing buildings like the Burgage Plot can hurt your Approval Rating if any family has already moved into it. To avoid any family being even temporarily homeless, it is highly recommended to avoid demolishing any burgage plots as much as possible.

manor lords
Manor Lords

April 26, 2024
Slavic Magic
Hooded Horse