Highly anticipated game, Manor Lords, is a survival settlement builder game where the player has to contend with roving bands of outlaws as well as AI players with their own armies. Therefore it's essential for players to have a form of defense against attack, especially as bandits and other enemies are capable of killing essential livestock such as oxen.

Manor Lords: How to Get Influence and Claim New Regions

Learn how to get more influence to claim new regions and expand your territory in Manor Lords with this guide.

Fortunately players of Manor Lords have a few options for defending themselves in difficulty modes with combat. Players can choose to arm their own citizens to form a militia, or spend Treasury money on purchasing a mercenary defense force instead.

How To Form A Militia In Manor Lords

Raised Militia

In order to form a militia in Manor Lords, you'll first need to acquire weapons and gear for your citizens.

How To Get Weapons

Armament Gift

For citizens to actually become part of a functional militia, they need weapons. Weapons can be produced as part of a more complex resource chain involving iron mining and refining, but this is out of reach in the early game — the period during which bandit attacks are most damaging.

Instead, players are gifted with a small selection of weapons near the start of the game upon reaching certain settlement milestones. This is the easiest and fastest way of acquiring the appropriate weapons to outfit an early-game militia.

The weapons granted don't allow for the formation of militia types such as Archer , so that's worth considering before pressing the button.

How To Create A Militia

Form Militia-1 Manor Lords

The toolbar at the bottom of the screen has a button dedicated to warfare. Press it, and it will open the militia interface. Here players need to decide on the type of militia to be recruited — for early game, and especially when using the gifted weapons, it's best to select Spear Militiamen.

Once selected, the militia will fill up with eligible citizens. Even if there aren't enough citizens to fill the militia completely, it can still be raised when needed; it will just be weaker than a fully-organized militia. This usually doesn't matter early in the game when the main threats are smaller roving bands of bandits, but it does pay to get militia recruited early just in case.

How To Hire Mercenaries In Manor Lords

Hire Mercenaries-1

Hiring mercenaries is a tried and true medieval tradition, and it's an incredibly tempting option thanks to requiring only money instead of citizens and weapons. But money in Manor Lords can be difficult to come by during the early game, so mercenaries might seem out of reach without a way of earning money fast.

Still, it's a good option, especially to complement generally weaker militia. The best way to ensure a well-funded mercenary army is to have a strong economy, with excellent trade options, as well as having unlocked the taxation mechanic by building a manor house.

Once the Treasury is full enough, mercenaries can be hired through the combat category on the toolbar. Click it, and the option to hire mercenaries will appear next to the option to recruit militia. Click this, and choose the desired mercenaries.

manor lords
Manor Lords

April 26, 2024
Slavic Magic
Hooded Horse
Strategy , City Builder