The gameplay loop of Manor Lords revolves around harvesting, storing, processing, and managing resources throughout the campaign. While the devs have done an excellent job of making sure players understand what to do to obtain certain items, the sheer amount of information that players need to know can become overwhelming.

Planks are required to construct a Wooden Church, which in turn is required to upgrade a Burgage plot to level 2. While all other items needed to build a Church are raw materials, planks are processed goods, meaning players will need to figure out how to go about making some on their own. Here is what they need to know.

Manor Lords: How to Get Influence and Claim New Regions

Learn how to get more influence to claim new regions and expand your territory in Manor Lords with this guide.

How to Make Planks in Manor Lords

Players can produce planks by:

  1. Building a Sawpit.
  2. Assigning a worker to operate the Sawpit, turning timber into planks.
  3. Ensuring there is a reserve of timber for processing.

A Sawpit only holds one log at a time; it processes that log into a plank and stores that plank in its storage. Planks in storage can then be used for building anything that requires planks (like Churches). Planks can also be moved from the Sawpit’s storage to a Storehouse if a worker is assigned to the Storehouse.

To streamline plank storage, dedicate a Storehouse specifically for planks by opening the Storehouse’s Advanced menu, rejecting all other items, and allowing only planks.

How to Get & Transfer Logs in Manor Lords

Logs are just another name for timber. Timber is obtained by building a Logging Camp near trees. The assigned workers cut down the nearby trees and store them in the building’s storage. A transport is then needed to transfer the timber from the logging camp to the Sawpit to be processed into planks. Since the Sawpit only stores one log at a time, try to build it close to the logging camp and give the two a road connection to simplify logistics. But even then, someone will need to transfer the timber from the Logging Camp to the Sawpit. There are two ways this can happen.

  1. If a building is being made that requires planks, but there aren’t any, an unassigned worker will make the trek to wherever timber is stored—either a storehouse or a logging camp—with an Oxen or horse, transfer the timber to the Sawpit, wait for it to be processed, and then take it to the construction area.
  2. Players can assign Livestock to a Sawpit through the Advanced Tab. This will give the Sawpit worker the ability to transfer planks/timber independently.

Obviously, the second method is better, as it allows players to never have to think about planks again once it’s set up. It does, however, require a permanently assigned livestock worker to the Sawpit, which is not an insignificant investment in the early game.

Over time, Logging Camps will run out of trees to cut down, meaning they will need to relocate every so often. Remember to also move the Sawpit to the same area whenever this happens.

manor lords
Manor Lords

April 26, 2024
Slavic Magic
Strategy , City Builder