The internet was taken by storm at the reveal of the fan-dubbed “Baby Yoda,” a character that was introduced in the first episode of Disney Plus’ very first Star Wars live-action series, The Mandalorian. Since this first episode of The Mandalorian, “Baby Yoda” has seen many adventures, yet the mystery around his character remains a centerpiece in the Star Wars mythos.

As episodes continue to come out for The Mandalorian, more answers are slowly being fed to fans of the franchise. The first piece of knowledge fans got was a name, as “Baby Yoda” can now be officially called Grogu. Though Grogu’s fate remains to be seen in the galaxy far, far away, there are a few pieces of information fans have learned.

9 Technically Not A Baby

Baby Yoda Mandalorian Cropped

Although the internet loves to call him Baby Yoda, Grogu is not the age one would think a baby is. Despite appearance and mentality, Grogu is older than his father Din Djarin, as Grogu is over 50 years old. Although this may shock some fans, it’s not a surprise he is still a baby. His species can reach over 900 years old, yet they do not grow physically, making them lack the size of some of the biggest creatures in Star Wars.

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Grogu certainly exhibits the traits of a young child. At times he does not listen, and is helpless in certain situations. Perhaps one day, fans of the Star Wars franchise will see Grogu reach his prime, and become one of the best Mandalorians and Jedi to ever live.

8 He's An Order 66 Survivor


The looming scar on every Jedi is the great purge of the Jedi. Order 66 was initiated by the supreme chancellor Sheev Palpatine, an act that caused all inhibitor chips of the clone troopers to activate, and turn them against their Jedi allies. Order 66 saw the death and genocide of the Jedi, where survivors were hunted across the galaxy.

Anyone who was Force-sensitive was a target to the Empire, and Grogu was certainly one of them, as he was in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant the night Order 66 commenced. However, Grogu survived both Order 66 and the fall of the Empire.

7 Species Of Unknown Origin

Yoda In Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith

One of the reasons fans are so interested in Grogu is not only based on how adorable the baby is, but for the fact that there is such a mystery and intrigue surrounding his species. Grogu is the third of his species that fans have seen. The first, is notably Yoda, the grandmaster of the Jedi who was featured in the Star Wars prequels and the original trilogy. The second, is Yaddle, a Jedi Master who left the Jedi Council and was later killed by Count Dooku and Darth Sidious.

Considering that fans have only seen this little green species three times, and each time they are Force sensitive, it begs the question of where they come from, and whether are they all like this. It remains to be seen if the answers of Yoda’s home planet will ever be answered with Grogu at the forefront and the last survivor.

6 Experimented Genes


It’s no secret that Grogu must have a high count of Midi-chlorians. Midi-chlorians is the measurement of Force power within each being, and it is what the Jedi used for years to see if a child was gifted in the ways of the Force. When Grogu was captured by the Empire, he was experimented on for his blood and DNA, most likely for his Force capabilities.

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As more episodes of The Mandalorian release, audiences learn more of what this experimentation could be for. Doctor Pershing confirms that his experiments were to take the best traits of someone, meaning Grogu’s blood samples could haunt the future of Star Wars.

5 Saved By A Jedi

ahmed best as Kelleran Beq

Although audiences know that Grogu survived and escaped Order 66 in the Jedi Temple, it was unknown just how that came to be until now. Many expected Anakin Skywalker to intervene, and perhaps be the reason Grogu was in the hands of the Empire, yet it was thanks to a brave and talented Jedi that Grogu escaped.

Grogu was rescued by a dual-wielding lightsaber Jedi named Kelleran Beq. Hopefully, there are more stories to tell about this great and kind Jedi who saved Grogu’s life at such a young age.

4 He Trained With Luke Skywalker For 2 Years

Grogu and Mark Hamill CGI Luke Skywalker in a forest The Book of Boba Fett

When Luke Skywalker came to the rescue in the season 2 finale of The Mandalorian, he was given Grogu to train in the ways of the Force. Grogu trained with Luke Skywalker on Ossus, a planet where Luke decided to create a new Jedi Temple. Although the time of this training seemed short, it was confirmed that it was close to 2 years.

Here, Grogu learned many abilities and lessons from Luke Skywalker, but ultimately chose to give up the ways of the Jedi so that he could return to Din Djarin as a Mandalorian rather than a Jedi. Inevitably, Luke’s training will come to aid Grogu’s future.

3 Clan Mudhorn

Grogu uses force to stop Mudhorn beast in The Mandalorian

Grogu is the son of Din Djarin, a Foundling brought into the Watch after Din Djarin saved his life. Considering that Din had no clan of his own, he forged his own with the symbol of the Mudhorn, the beast that almost took his life.

Din Djarin represents his clan through a shoulder pauldron with the Mudhorn symbol, and now Grogu wears the same symbol on his chest. Grogu and Din Djarin are the only members of Clan Mudhorn for now, but it further shows that Grogu is indeed a Mandalorian.

2 He Can Understand the Language

Din Djarin and Grogu

Despite being so young, and not being able to speak yet, Grogu is verbally aware of the situations around him. Grogu reacts accordingly, and assesses the situation at his speed, even if at times he chooses to ignore the advice and warnings of what is around him due to his childlike stubbornness and curiosity.

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Grogu’s verbal awareness is seen in how characters talk to him. Grogu is especially attentive to Din Djarin, and will often listen closely to everything he says, and even follow orders and requests. At times, Grogu tries to verbally respond, but it just comes out as adorable coos, so he probably isn't the best person to come to if one spots a Mythosaur.

1 Offered Yoda’s Lightsaber

Baby Yoda Grogu lightsaber in Book of Boba Fett

Whilst training with Luke Skywalker, Grogu was given a choice. Grogu could have taken Yoda’s lightsaber, and in doing so, would continue his Jedi training and forgo the attachments he has to Din Djarin. Alternatively, he could take Din Djarin’s gift, and return to the ways of Mandalorian culture.

The first option is the most intriguing, as Yoda’s lightsaber is perfect for Grogu based on the fact that their heights will be similar as they are the same species. The fact that Luke was so willing to offer the lightsaber shoto blade of his old grandmaster shows that perhaps Grogu will wield a lightsaber in the future.

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