
  • In Fate/Samurai Remnant , players can make their character stronger by fighting enemies and earning experience points (EXP), which increase their attack power and HP. Polishing blades at home can also boost EXP gained from fights.
  • Players can use skill points to purchase upgrades in the skill tree for Iori, the main playable character. These upgrades can increase stats and unlock active and passive abilities, such as increasing the bankable points for Affinity Gauge.
  • Spells called Magecraft can be acquired through the skill tree and equipped using the face buttons on controllers. These spells, such as Fleeting Ember and Amber Glow, provide active abilities that aid in battles and healing HP.

Fate/Samurai Remnant is a Musou game complete with all of the standard gameplay mechanics. A bunch of opponents will swarm players, and then they will have to hack and slash away at them. Compared to the other games, there is a bit more challenge and strategy involved in combat this time around.

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Players will inhabit the body of Miyamoto Iori, a wandering samurai who gets thrown into a battle of light versus darkness. He is the main playable character, but others will join him on his quest. The question to starting any good RPG, whether it is a Musou game or not, is this. How do I make my character stronger? Let's dive into the upgrade mechanics of Fate/Samurai Remnant and find out.

6 Fight Enemies

Fighting enemies in Fate:Samurai Remnant

The easiest way to make Iori stronger is by simply fighting enemies in the game. This is an RPG through and through, and defeating enemies will net players EXP. Leveling up will increase stats like attack power and HP, along with rewarding players with skill points. Players can eventually polish their blades at home, too, which will increase how much EXP they can get from fights.

Roaming around the various districts of Japan will prompt random attacks like in old-school RPGs of the 80s and 90s. Players can also take a look at the map of each district, like Edo, and find red circles. These indicate a battle is awaiting players if they so choose. Finding these red circles is the faster way to grind for EXP in Fate/Samurai Remnant.

5 Use The Skill Tree

Magecraft Amber Glow Skill in Fate:Samurai Remnant

The aforementioned skill points can be used to buy things in a skill tree for Iori, which is common in a lot of modern RPGs. Some of these skills will increase stats, while others will give him active and passive abilities. For example, Affinity Gauge Up will increase the allotment for Affinity points in battle.

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Players will mainly control Iori, but he will quickly be accompanied by Saber. She has abilities that players can use, like Tidal Fury, and they all cost Affinity points. Players will begin with three, but Affinity Gauge Up will increase the bankable points up to four. Saber and the other partners Iori will encounter have separate skill trees and have their own skill points.

4 Obtain Spells

Equipping spells in Fate:Samurai Remnant

Besides stat boosts and passive skills, the active abilities players can unlock in the skill tree are called Magecraft. These are spells that can be equipped using the four face buttons on controllers, like Triangle on PlayStation consoles. Players will begin with Fleeting Ember, which will shoot a fireball at opponents.

One of the first Magecraft spells players should unlock manually is called Amber Glow. This spell will cast an aura on players for a period, and it will heal HP. It won’t eliminate the need for food in battle, but it will decrease it. Be sure to keep Magecraft spells in mind while going through the skill tree.

3 The Mounting Options

Equipping swords in Fate:Samurai Remnant

There is gear in the game that players can equip to Iori, but it is handled differently than in RPGs traditionally. Iori is set with his twin swords, but replacing guards, scabbards, and so on will increase stats. Increasing attack stats, for example, makes less sense in this way rather than replacing the blade or sword overall.

It may sound weird, but players should keep an eye on the Mounting menu in Fate/Samurai Remnant. New parts for Iori’s swords will unlock by completing quests, and sometimes, these rewards can be missed as the screen is blanketed by them. Unwanted parts can be sold or broken down for materials used for various crafting exercises.

2 Raise Your Bond With Saber

Fighting enemies with Saber in Fate:Samurai Remnant

Saber and other characters will become more effective in battle when they bond with Iori. The bond can be increased in several ways. For example, while exploring the marketplace in districts like Edo, Saber will stop at local vendors with an exclamation point over her head.

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Interacting with her during these moments will create a short scene, sort of like the skits in the Talesof series. Be aware of these moments, and don’t let them slip by. Similar exclamation points will appear on the world map for short interactions, too. The stronger partners like Saber are through bonds; the stronger Iori will be.

1 Tackle Side Quests And Commissions

Commissions list in Fate:Samurai Remnant

When grinding through random battles for EXP becomes tedious, make sure to tackle a few side quests. The side quests will rarely have any memorable stories attached to them as they are often fetch quests or kill quests like in most RPGs. Still, the rewards are worth it, from healing items to gear. There are also side quests that are sort of like Achievements on consoles, and they come in a wide variety in Fate/Samurai Remnant.

For example, Commissions can come from most districts in the game, and they have a representative players need to talk to. In Edo, that would be Sukenoshin, and these Commissions range from talking to certain NPCs or defeating a group of thugs. Players should check Commission lists so that they can actively work toward these goals, as they might need to change their play styles temporarily.

Fate/Samurai Remnant was released on September 29, 2023, and is available on PC, PS4, PS5, and Switch.

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