The new League of Legends MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online game) has been highly anticipated since Riot Games’ announcement in 2020. It has enormous potential to build on one of the biggest games over the last decade. League of Legends has many interesting characters, an ever-expanding detailed universe, and a huge fan base, so with the right application, it could become an incredible MMO.

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Riot Games created a huge interactive map of Runeterra in 2018 with the 10 regions of their world. They can build a dynamic, captivating, and intricate environment that will bring Runeterra to life. So here are the main regions to expect in the League of Legends MMO and how they are likely to feature in-game.

10 Piltover And Zaun

Piltover and Zaun from Arcane and the League Of Legends MMO

After the remarkable success of the Arcane Netflix series, it seems certain that the game will be centered around Piltover and Zaun. Also known as the City of Progress, Piltover is the great city that Arcane is set in. In-game it is likely to be a central trading hub with futuristic hextech features.

Here players should expect quests and storylines from popular characters such as Jayce, Vi, Jinx, Victor, and Heimerdinger. But do not forget the dark and dinghy slums of Zaun underneath Piltover. Which are sure to be full of mystery and deceit. There is so much lore that Riot Games could build on here, especially off the back of Arcane’s huge success. Expect Piltover and Zaun to be the main hub of the League of Legends MMO.

9 Noxus

Noxus from Runeterra that will be in the League of Legends MMO

The world of Runeterra would not be complete without the warring nation of Noxus. Home to Darius, Draven, Samira, and many more, the Noxians respect strength above all else. Anyone can rise to power here regardless of influence, money, or social standing. They seek to threaten and invade nearby empires to increase their strength and power.

Noxus is a huge part of League of Legends lore and is a perfect setting in an MMO. Players can come here to prove their strength, gain power, and wage war. Expect the region to be full of violence, great armies, and mighty warriors.

8 Demacia

Demacia in Runeterra that will be in the League of Legends MMO

If you have played League of Legends then you will surely have heard one of the Demacian champions boast about the region’s greatness. Demacia was once seen as the home of justice, honor, and duty. They have a prestigious military history and take great pride in their culture. However, the mighty kingdom is now in turmoil after the sudden death of King Jarvan III, it is a region facing steep decline as the mysterious evil powers look to take advantage of the chaos.

The home of many iconic champions such as Garen, Jarvan IV, Fiora, Kayle, and many more. Players should expect to attempt to bring the once mighty kingdom back to its glory days or even to be a key cog in its downfall.

7 Freljord

Freljord in Runterra that will be in the League of Legends MMO

Deep in the far north, The Freljord is a cold, harsh, unforgiving land where just surviving is a challenge. Riot Games have taken inspiration from old Viking tales to create the tribes of the north. It is a fiercely proud nation that remains largely independent and isolated from the rest of Runeterra.

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The home of champions such as Volibear, Sejuani, Ashe, Braum, and more is in the civil war with three tribes battling for the future of the frozen wilderness. One tribe values the region's traditions to aid their survival and believes the old ways should guide them once more. Another tribe follows a young idealist who believes in a united future between the tribes to create a better future. The final tribe worships the sorceress Lissandra, they believe her magic will ensure they survive and thrive.

6 Ionia

Iona in Runeterra that will be in the League of Legends MMO

Ionia is a massive series of islands made up of natural beauty and magic. Also, known as the first lands, they are spiritual people who seek harmony and the perfect balance with nature. They were mostly separated from the rest of Runeterra and stayed neutral in world events until they were invaded by the Noxian armies.

This brutal occupation has forced them into a new way of thinking, many are searching for dark powers to fight back against their oppressors. Home to Irelia, Yone, Yasuo, Ivern, and more, players should expect a world of beauty and mystery plagued by war. Whether players help or hinder the new occupation could decide the future of Ionia.

5 Bilgewater

Bilgewater in Runeterra that will be in the League of Legends MMO

Home to pirates, marauders, smugglers, and many shady characters, Bilgewater is a dangerous haven for those brave enough to take advantage. Free of law, government, and moral constraints, coin is the only constant in this criminal paradise.

Miss Fortune, Pyke, Twisted Fate, and Gangplank are just some of the champions that have harnessed the chaos to their benefit. Players should expect, lies, betrayals, and robbing a plenty in this lawless port.

4 The Shadow Isles

The Shadow Isles in Runeterra that will be in the League of Legends MMO

The Shadow Isles was once a beautiful realm home to an enlightened civilization known as the Blessed Isles. However, a thousand years ago, a terrible cataclysm brought ruin to this once great nation. Now it is a region of death and despair, a black mist surrounds the islands and drains the life force of any creature trapped there.

They are turned into spirits of the dead that seek the souls of others. Viego, Hecarim, Karthus, and Thresh are just a few of the champions that are condemned spirits who are trapped for eternity in this hell. Players should expect danger at every turn and will do well not to be consumed by the black mist to be dammed to a fate worse than death.

3 Shurima

Shurima in Runeterra that will be in the League of Legends MMO

The empire of Shuirma was once the pride of all Runeterra that spanned the entire southern continent. However, the emperor of Shurima (Azir) was betrayed by his closest friend (Xerath) which brought ruin to the once mighty nation. The capital was destroyed by the cataclysm known as "The Fall".

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Now Shurima is nothing more than a desert wasteland full of history and ancient powers. Akshan, Amumu, Nasus, and Sivir still call this desert home. Players will find a vast desert with ancient magic rising from the sands. Many want Shurima restored to its glory days and players may be able to play a big part in that.

2 Ixtal

Ixtal in Runeterra that will be in the League of Legends MMO

Lying deep in the jungle, Ixtal is a nation of great natural magical forces. They draw the surrounding wilderness to form a shield to protect the region from evil forces. Champions such as Rengar, Neeko, Qiyana, Nidalee, and more reside in this wild jungle. They look down on outsiders and don’t believe they are worth their time.

Ixtal used to be a part of the Shurima empire but gained independence after The Icathian War. Players should not be expected to be welcomed here, the jungles of Ixtal are full of mysterious and dangerous creatures. It is a region surrounded by mystery and should be approached with caution.

1 Targon

Targon in Runeterra that will be in the League of Legends MMO

Targon is a mountainous region that draws dreamers and madmen alike to its rocky terrain. It is a sparsely populated region with little in the way of civilization. Very few survive the dangerous pilgrimage up the mountain but those that do will find the gateway to the celestial realm. It is the home of Aphelios, Diana, Leona, Zoe, and more.

Many have tried to harness the power of the celestial realm and trick the godly beings. Wars have been fought over these powers. The stakes have never been higher with Aurelion Sol wanting revenge for his worshiper's deception. Players should expect rough terrain and epic battles with the gods and celestial beings of Runeterra.

League of Legends is available now for Mac and PC.

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