Last year, Mafia 2: Definitive Edition leaked online, and now the game is finally available. From Mafia 3 developer Hangar 13, Mafia 2: Definitive Edition attempts to update the original Mafia 2 for modern consoles, and while there are undeniable enhancements, there are some things about the game that can't really be fixed without a full-blown remake.

Mafia 2: Definitive Edition is still largely the same game that launched a decade ago, and so a lot about it feels outdated. This is most apparent with its mission design, which consists of a lot of busy work, like simply driving from point A to point B. There are long, boring stretches of Mafia 2: Definitive Edition that consist of nothing but driving, and there are some design choices that make this process even more tedious.

Unlike the Grand Theft Auto series that Mafia 2 emulates, driving is not particularly fun. In an effort to make the game feel more realistic, Mafia 2: Definitive Edition straddles players with things like easily destroyed cars and police that chase them if they're caught speeding. So not only do players often have to drive excessive distances, they have to do so cautiously or else they will find themselves hiding from police or getting out to fix smoking engines.

It doesn't help that when Mafia 2 players reach their destination a lot of the missions aren't all that exciting. Stealth missions in Mafia 2: Definitive Edition are tedious and uninspired, and there are some missions that require players to just slowly follow NPCs around. Some of the missions revolve around fistfights, which aren't all that exciting because the hand-to-hand combat is mind-numbingly easy.

Mafia 2 missions shine when things break out into firefights. Mafia 2: Definitive Edition shootouts control like a dream with a mouse and keyboard setup, and each combat encounter is plenty fun. The gunplay may actually be one area where Mafia 2 outshines its inspirations, with the game playing like a proper, cover-based third-person shooter as opposed to having the shooting just tacked on. Gamers who are more used to modern-day standards for shooters may not be quite as impressed, but what's where still mostly holds up.

Mafia 2: Definitive Edition combat is mostly a blast, so it's a shame that many of the missions focus on other things. Along with the aforementioned slow driving segments and following NPCs, Mafia 2 also has players complete menial tasks like carrying crates, which may help the game feel more realistic, but doesn't make it particularly entertaining.

mafia 2 definitive edition review

On one hand, it's easy to see how Mafia 2's attempt at realism hurts the game's entertainment value. On the other hand, it does do a good job of immersing players in its setting. Mafia 2: Definitive Edition is primarily set in the 1950s in the city of Empire Bay, which is an obvious imitation of New York City. The music, the cars, the voice acting, and the story all do a great job of bringing the game world to life, and while players may find the driving tedious, the city is at least visually impressive.

Mafia 2: Definitive Edition is a definite visual upgrade from the original game, with improved character models and more detail in the environment. Some things still look a little stiff and dated, but otherwise, Hangar 13 did a great job updating the look so that it more closely resembles modern games. It's also worth pointing out that the screen-tearing issues prevalent in the original release are nowhere to be found in the Definitive Edition. All that being said, Mafia 2: Definitive Edition on consoles has some pretty significant visual and technical issues, but we didn't encounter anything like that during our time with the PC version.

Mafia 2: Definitive Edition on PC delivers on the visual upgrade promised by the "Definitive Edition" subtitle. Some of the gameplay woes simply couldn't be helped without Hangar 13 making some extreme changes, but there are other aspects of the game that still hold up, particularly the story.

Mafia 2: Definitive Edition tells a classic period piece mob story. Players take on the role of Vito Scaletta, who gets wrapped up in Empire City's organized crime after the mafia helps him get out of his World War 2 military service. Conflict erupts between rival gangs, and Vito very quickly finds himself over his head. The Mafia 2 story was great when the game originally launched in 2010, and it's just as engrossing in Mafia 2: Definitive Edition.

Another way Mafia 2: Definitive Edition lives up to the name is the inclusion of all the post-launch DLC that released for the original Mafia 2 back in the day. This includes The Betrayal of Jimmy, Jimmy's Vendetta, and Joe's Adventures, all of which go a long way in addressing some of the mission structure issues apparent in the base Mafia 2 game.

mafia 2 definitive edition review

Whereas Mafia 2: Definitive Edition's base game is more of a linear experience than it is a truly open world experience, The Betrayal of Jimmy and Jimmy's Vendetta play more like a typical open world action game. This removes some of the linearity from Mafia 2: Definitive Edition and gives players more freedom when it comes to progressing through all of the content.

Joe's Adventures, meanwhile, adds a bit more flavor to the Mafia 2 story, letting players take on the role of Joe Barbaro to complete missions. Joe is a key character in the base Mafia 2 game, and while this DLC isn't really can't-miss, it still helps to fill in some gaps present in the main story.

Mafia 2: Definitive Edition is a decent buy for anyone that hasn't played the original (on PC, anyway). It's a more complete package with superior graphics, but there are definitely aspects of the game that haven't aged well. However, Mafia 2: Definitive Edition itself is really just one piece of the bigger picture. Later this summer, Hangar 13 will be releasing a full Mafia 1 remake, which, combined with the Mafia 3: Definitive Edition, should make the Mafia Trilogy a much more appealing prospect overall.

Mafia 2: Definitive Edition is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Game ZXC was provided a PC code for this review.

mafia 2 definitive edition
Mafia 2: Definitive Edition