Knock at the Cabin, based on the novel The Cabin at the End of the World by Paul Tremblay is M. Night Shyamalan’s latest adaptation to hit theaters. The director, knowing a good story when he sees one, seemingly took the novel and knocked it out of the park if the trailers are anything to go by.

Shyamalan took to Twitter to share the final trailer before the movie hits theaters February 3, 2023 and it’s as full of tension and mystery as any fan of Shyamalan could hope to see.

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The final trailer opens with Leonard (Dave Bautista) coming up to Wen (Kristen Cui) and asking to talk with her while she’s playing in the yard gathering bugs. In between some idyllic establishing shots of wooden fishing buoys Leonard’s “family” emerge from the woods, all four members carrying wicked looking homemade implements. The little girl, knowing what’s what, goes running back to the cabin and tells her fathers that they need to get away because she saw four people in the woods and they’re bad news. In typical horror movie fashion, the dads patronizingly tell her she shouldn’t make up stories—until there’s a pounding at the door that stops them in their tracks.

Her fathers approach the door as Leonard’s voice comes through, “Can you open the door, please?” This politeness goes away quickly when the cult members begin using their homemade weapons to bash in the windows. “They’re breaking in!” Andrew (Jonathan Groff) yells. The trailer cuts to an ominous establishing shot of the outside of the cabin, looking for all the world like nothing terrible is going on inside of it. Leonard reassures them that he and his cult members are not there to hurt them, going onto explain that throughout history families have been called upon to commit a sacrifice to prevent the end of the world (ironically it’s always someone else’s family in these scenarios) and that they need to do the same.

Things get worse when Leonard turns on the family’s TV and they all watch footage of people fleeing a beach with a gigantic tsunami pounding down and wiping everyone there out: There might actually be some truth in what Leonard is telling them. Wen slips her father a knife, crawls out through a broken door, and flees the house. Leonard searches for her as Andrew admits to his husband, Eric (Ben Aldridge), that he might actually think there’s something to what they’re being told. As much as everyone fights each other, it looks like destiny just might be even greater when Knock at the Cabin hits theaters.

Knock at the Cabin comes to theaters February 3, 2023.

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Source: M. Night Shyamalan/Twitter