With the Nintendo 3DS title now on the Nintendo Switch, Luigi's Mansion 2 HD offers a fair variety of ghosts that the titular Mario brother has to deal with. Beyond the far more challenging boss ghosts, the average ghost Luigi stumbles across can easily be even worse to fight.

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD: Every Possessor Form, Ranked

Each Possessor fight in Luigi's Mansion 2 HD poses its own unique challenges.

While most ghosts that Luigi hunts are pushovers, a fair few of them are downright obnoxious to deal with, especially in large groups. Some ghosts are so annoying that players may actively dread dealing with them, as opposed to being scared or spooked. From the most manageable to the most annoying, the ten common ghost varieties fall quickly into line.

10 Gold Greenies

A Blessing And A Curse

Gold Greenies Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

Perhaps the rarest common ghost Luigi can find, the Gold Greenies, beyond having a somewhat confusing name, are essentially the gold and riches-filled variant of the extremely common Greenie. While this ghost is rare enough and simple enough to fight that it's always a benefit to find, it can be annoying to find these ghosts at the wrong time.

For players already fighting ghosts or in areas with limited movement, trying to actually suck up the Gold Greenie might be more trouble than it's worth. Outside of that, there is little worse than capturing the ghost, but having all the treasure that flies out of the Poltergust landing somewhere unobtainable.

9 Polterpup

Luigi's Best Friend And Foe

Polterpup Pool Key Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

An iconic addition to the Luigi's Mansion series, Polterpup is unfortunately a little too mischievous in this earlier entry. While this ghost dog is kind enough to grant Luigi an extra life should he have a golden bone on hand, it often leads to many of the trials and tribulations the ghost hunter has to go through.

Often stealing important items in an attempt to play, the Polterpup appears fairly frequently after Gloomy Manor, as both an adorable surprise and a twinge of annoying hide and seek.

8 Slammers

Bigger But Easier To Fall

Slammer Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

One of the easiest ghosts to deal with in the entire game, the Slammers may initially seem intimidating, but players quickly realize how simple they are compared to practically every other ghost. With Slammers being a large and often slower ghost type, they're often a breeze for Luigi to vacuum up.

Although the Slammers have various attacks, even in close quarters, these ghosts are dispatched with ease. Introduced in Gloomy Manor, capturing these ghosts is occasionally tedious with their sound attacks, but they are almost always pushovers.

7 Creepers

A Middling Floor Hazard

Creepers Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

Found first in the Haunted Towers, these odd ghosts are mostly environmental hazards over the usual combat threat ghosts present. Creepers, which oddly resemble Pac-Man in what may be a throwback, are often the most rewarding ghosts to find, so long as players are aware of their surroundings.

Since these ghosts have infinite health and don't really move from where they appear, getting the maximum amount of money from them is practically guaranteed. It's often annoying to slip into these ghosts when trying to suck up others in the same room, but on the whole, they're nothing to worry about.

6 Hiders

Terrible At Hide And Seek

Hiders Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

Living up to their name, the Hider ghosts are always found in objects Luigi can inspect with the X button, startling them from their hiding spots. While Hiders have fairly low health, dealing with these ghosts in already haunted rooms can be awful.

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD: Every Mansion, Ranked

With the release of Luigi's Mansion 2 HD on Nintendo Switch, the game's mansions have been given a fresh coat of paint for players to experience.

When in rooms with plenty of other ghosts, having the Hiders constantly throw garbage to trip Luigi can turn a simple Poltergust job into pure tedium. Thankfully, actually weeding these ghosts out of their hiding spots isn't difficult.

5 Greenies

A Constant Annoying Presence

Greenies Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

The most basic version of a ghost in the game, the initial appearance of the Greenies in Gloomy Manor isn't anything to write home about. However, what makes the simple Greenie so excruciating is the constant presence of these ghosts, and how they evolve between encounters.

Between finding makeshift armor and having energy shields, these ghosts both feel so easy for players to take down and seem like they take forever to vacuum up. With their Strobulb shields making them invulnerable, Greenies are often more threatening than stronger ghosts.

4 Sneakers

Tricky Foes To Catch

Sneakers Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

Found at the pool in the Haunted Towers, Sneakers are easily the trickiest ghosts for Luigi to hunt down, and given their gimmick, it's clear as to why. Since Sneakers stay invisible more often and scare Luigi out of whatever he's doing, including vacuuming up other ghosts, players have to be careful with these ghosts.

There is little more frustrating than being startled out of sucking up three ghosts at once. Beyond that, with Sneakers being so quick, catching multiple Sneakers at once feels impossible, making the fight even longer.

3 Boos

The Hidden Completion Factor

Boo Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

The classic Mario ghost, Boos naturally have a strong presence in the Luigi's Mansion series, and especially within missions in Luigi's Mansion 2 HD. Since Boos count towards being able to fully complete a given mansion, trying to find them all is often the most annoying aspect of backtracking across missions.

Beyond missions only containing one catchable Boo, the most aggravating part of finding a Boo is paying special attention when using the Dark-Light. Since Boos only hide in hidden, invisible items, only players that explore every possible corner will actually find Boos organically.

2 Poltergeists

Obnoxious Nerdy Ghosts

Poltergeist Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

A ghost often treated like a mini-boss, the Poltergeist is one of the most tedious ghosts for players to deal with. Even outside of the mini-boss battles for this distinct ghost, Poltergeists are just as annoying as they are funny.

Every Luigi's Mansion Game, Ranked

Mario's brother's series of spinoff games see him facing his fears to rescue Mario in haunted locales. Which among Luigi's games is the best?

The most enjoyable aspect of trying to suction up a Poltergeist is hearing their various "me-me-me-me-me" noises as they use telekinesis to attack Luigi. The most annoying aspect, consequently, is trying to blind a Poltergeist and vacuum it up while flying books home in on Luigi.

1 Gobbers

The Most Annoying Of Them All

Gobbers Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

Outside of any ScareScraper ghosts, the most annoying ghosts for players and for Luigi to deal with in Luigi's Mansion 2 HD are the Gobbers. Found first in the Haunted Towers, these ghosts seem to do everything wrong when it comes to fighting them.

Since Gobbers hardly move from their spawning locations, they would initially seem easy to handle. However, as these ghosts are practically unaffected by the suction of the Poltergust and will happily attack Luigi directly or spew slippery ectoplasm for him to slip in, actually capturing these ghosts is a nightmare.

luigi's mansion 2 hd
Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

June 27, 2024
Tantalus Media