Luigi's Mansion 2 has five haunted mansions that gamers will have to enter and explore thoroughly for each mission. Once players complete a level, they'll receive their mission stats and a Star Rank, which will be attributed based on their performance. Fans who want to achieve 100 percent completion in Luigi's Mansion 2 will have to get a perfect score, which means getting a 3-Star Rank for every level in the game.

Luigi's Mansion 2: All Gloomy Manor Gem Locations

Here is where players can find all the amethyst Gems in Gloomy Manor in Luigi's Mansion 2.

This guide will tell players what they need to know about mission ranking and stats so they can plan the perfect strategy the next time they hop onto a level.

Mission Stats

confront the source luigi's mansion 2

When gamers finish a mission in Luigi's Mansion 2, they'll be able to check out their stats. If they've done the mission before, they can also compare each stat to their best attempt. Here are four stats that are taken into account when calculating a player's final mission rank:

  • Clear time: how long it took for the player to complete the mission
  • Ghosts captured: the total number of ghosts the player caught with the Poltergust 5000
  • Health lost: health lost by the player throughout the mission
  • Treasure: the sum of the coins, bills, gold bars, and Gold Bones found by the player during their quest

To get the best Star Rank in Luigi's Mansion 2, gamers need to make sure that they beat the level quickly and without taking too much damage while collecting as much gold as possible and capturing every ghost they come across.

How to Increase Your Star Rank

stats luigi's mansion 2

Here are some tips and tricks to increase your Star Rank in Luigi's Mansion 2:

Dismiss Collectibles

While it's possible to get a 3-Star Rank on your first try, it's definitely hard to do while trying hunt down Boos and get every gem hidden in the mansion. So, when trying to get a good ranking, gamers will want to avoid going out of their way to get these collectibles.

Loot As You Progress

To improve a level's Star Rank, players should be quick and thorough, so they should stick to their main objective and only get the treasure that isn't too out of the way. This way, they can keep their clear time in check and complete the level with a decent amount of gold.

Gold Bones are converted into 200G once the mission is complete , so they're the only treasure worth the higher clear time stat.

Upgrade the Poltergust 5000

To catch ghost faster, prevent time and health loss, and get more money from captures, players should upgrade the Poltergust 5000 as soon as possible. There are five upgrades, and they can be unlocked by gathering 20,000G.

Check Previous Stats

luigi's mansion a-3 stat comparison

Before starting a mission, gamers can check their best stat for each category and they should in order to plan a more efficient strategy.

Since improving stats is crucial to increasing a mission's Star Rank, players must make note of the stats that are preventing them from doing better and focus on them during gameplay.

luigi's mansion 2 hd
Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

June 27, 2024
Tantalus Media
Adventure , Horror