Players will have to complete five missions in Gloomy Manor before being able to face its boss. The final main quest mission in Gloomy Manor is titled "Confront the Source," and it's then that gamers must finally face the spider down in the Cellar of the mansion. This will allow them to finally retrieve a piece of the Dark Moon and move onto the next mansion.

Luigi's Mansion 2: How to Get a 3-Star Rank

Here is how to get the best ranking in Luigi's Mansion 2.

This guide will show players how they can beat the spider in the Cellar, which is being possessed by a ghost called the Grouchy Possessor.

How to Beat the Grouchy Possessor in the Cellar

grouchy possessor luigi's mansion 2

There is a massive spider in the Cellar of Gloomy Manor, and gamers have to get past its three stages in order to catch the Grouchy Possessor that has taken control over it. This is how to complete each stage:

First Stage

In order to get past the first stage, players have to burn the wall of web behind the spider, which they can do setting fire to the web tangle attached to it. To grab onto the web tangle near its legs, they have to stun the spider by flashing the Strobulb in its face just as it's preparing to attack.

Next, players will have to drag the web tangle to the area in front of the armor holding the torch; they must do this while avoiding the purple goo. The armor will bring down its arm as Luigi walks past it, and they must hold the ball of web where the torch drops - all while being careful not to get hit by it.

The fire will destroy the spiderweb behind the spider and force the Possessor ghost to show itself. Players have to vacuum the ghost with the Poltergust 5000, as they would normally, and this will weaken him, allowing them to move onto the next phase of the fight.

Second Stage

luigi's mansion 2 spider stage 2

Next, players will first have to make the fan in the ceiling spin; this will get the webs attached to it to catch fire and consequently burn any other webs it touches, allowing them to get rid of the webbing around the second soldier's spear.

After this, gamers have to get the tangle from the web wall and drag it so the second soldier can stab it with its spear. Lastly, gamers must spin the ceiling fan once again until the tangle catches fire and is dragged back to where it was originally. Here is a video showing players how to do it:

Once the spiderweb catches fire, the Grouchy Possessor will appear once again, and gamers must repeat what they did the first time: remove its next layer using the Poltergust 5000.

Third Stage

luigi's mansion spider cellar stage 3

After the wall of webs is taken down, the spider will move farther back. There will be a web tangle on the floor that players must grab and bring back to the first soldier in order to get it to catch fire. They must then walk back, avoiding the falling columns and the red spiders in their way.

Next, players have to burn the webs restricting the third soldier's armor so it can bring its torch down. Once the torch has been lit, gamers must stun the spider, grab the web ball attached to the wall of webs, and drag it towards the newly-lit torch to spread the fire.

The Possessor will reappear, and this time players will finally be able to catch it and retrieve the piece of the Dark Moon.

luigi's mansion 2 hd
Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

June 27, 2024
Tantalus Media
Adventure , Horror