
  • The One Ring doesn't just make the wearer invisible, but transports them to the Unseen World, where wraiths can still see them.
  • The One Ring manipulates its wearer to become obsessed with it and gives them an insatiable attachment, even offering immortality.
  • The ring has the power to strengthen certain aspects of the wearer, such as enhanced vision and hearing, but its ultimate purpose is to return to Sauron.

In The Lord of the Rings, the Rings of Power were forged to create and uphold peace within Middle-earth in the Second Age. However, the Dark Lord Sauron forged his own trinket in Mount Doom, the One Ring, in an attempt to be more powerful than the other ring bearers and rule over Middle-earth.

Sauron's relentless fight for power resulted in a war between Sauron and the Elves and Men of Middle-earth, to which Sauron fell and lost the One Ring. But, the One Ring held part of Sauron's soul, thus making the Dark Lord virtually immortal. In the many centuries the One Ring spent away from Sauron and Mordor, it eventually found itself in the possession of various hobbits from Middle-earth.

RELATED: LOTR: Why Didn't Sauron Confront The Fellowship of the Ring?

Those who wore, or even possessed the One Ring in The Lord of the Rings experienced strange side effects and illusions, one of which was appearing invisible to those around them. So, why was it that of all the powers the One Ring could wield, invisibility was one of them?

Why Does the One Ring Turn People Invisible?

One Ring

To say the One Ring turns the wearer invisible would be an oversimplification. Yes, if someone were to put the ring onto the finger, they would disappear from the vision of people around them in Middle-earth. However, it doesn't so much turn the wearer invisible, rather it serves as a sort of interdimensional transportation device.

Whenever a normal person -- be it a hobbit, an elf, or any other mortal being from Middle-earth -- puts on the One Ring, they are pulled into the Unseen World, or the Wraith World. The Wraith World is the realm on Middle-earth unseen by mortals and where the dead and spirits roam free. With this, it's important to note that those who wore the One Ring weren't "invisible" to everyone.

Because whoever decides to wear the One Ring is brought into the Wraith World, any wraith, such as the Nazgûl, could still see them. A wraith is someone who was killed on Middle-earth, but somehow is able to continue living due to dark magic of some sort. The Nazgûl, for example, were each given a Ring of Power by Sauron and slowly faded from their mortal beings and became dark spirits known as Ringwraiths. They lost their mortality and became enslaved to the powers of the rings and obedient servants to Sauron himself.

Sauron, however, never had a physical body. So, when he put on the One Ring, he was not brought to the Wraith World because the ring only has the power to bring people of the physical world into the unseen world. Sauron simply created a physical body for himself to possess in order to show himself and strike fear into the people of Middle-earth.

To be a ring that rules over the other Rings of Power, it has to do more than just bring mortals into the Wraith World. The powers and effects of the One Ring go beyond just it's transportation abilities.

What Other Effects Does the One Ring Have?

Old Bilbo with the ring

The One Ring was forged in the fires of Mount Doom by Sauron, who gave part of his soul to live inside the ring. After Sauron was slain by Isildur in the Second Age, the semi-sentient One Ring would manipulate its wearer to bring it closer to its maker in Mordor. In turn, the wearer would possess various powers given to them by the ring in order for it to make its return home.

First, the One Ring would force the wearer to develop an insatiable attachment to it. This explains why Gollum, Bilbo, and Frodo all became obsessed with just possessing the ring, even if they didn't wear it very often. One of the addictions to the ring was its power to give immortality to the wearer. The wearer would feel the power of being able to live forever and would do anything to gain that power back. But the immortality came at a cost, as seen with Gollum, the wearer's body would age normally, eventually withering to an utterly weak stature as the person continued living.

A crucial power the One Ring holds is the ability to strengthen various aspects of any given wearer. For example, Frodo was able to see past vast landscapes for miles and miles, while fellow hobbit Samwise Gamgee could hear better and understand other languages, specifically Black Speech, the secret dialect of Sauron and his followers.

Ultimately, though, the One Ring's purpose was to return to Sauron, its maker and the remainder of its soul. Once it saw that its wearer wouldn't take it back to Sauron, it would even grow in size so that it'd fall off the finger it was on and wait for someone else to find it. It would also present false visions to its wearer that would further convince them to bring it to Mordor and reunite with Sauron. While Frodo did bring it back to Mordor in The Lord of the Rings, the ring doesn't realize that the place in which it could be reunited with its maker is also the place where it can be destroyed.

MORE: LOTR: What Happens To Mordor After Sauron Is Defeated?