Hobbits, the small and unassuming beings known for their charm, loyalty, and love of simple pleasures, possess a shorter life expectancy than some of the other races in Lord of the Rings. However, during the events that shape the fate of Middle-earth, these humble creatures from the Shire endure, stretching their lifespan beyond many of their mortal counterparts. But how long exactly do hobbits live?

What sets Hobbits apart from other races in Middle-earth is their love of food, comfort, and nature. They are known for their gardening and farming skills. Simple pleasures, such as sharing a good meal with their loved ones in the comfort of their cozy homes, make an important part of Hobbit culture and contribute to their overall sense of contentment. Throughout Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, fans get a glimpse into these friendly beings’ culture and lifestyle, and can gather some insight into why they can live longer than some of the other mortal races.

RELATED: How Much Time Passed Between The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings

How Long Do Hobbits Live?

The four hobbits

Although Hobbits are smaller and not as physically strong as other races, they possess some remarkable skills and a longer life expectancy than other mortal beings. The average lifespan of a Hobbit is around 100 years, an impressive duration compared to the relatively shorter lives of Men. It is important to note, however, that Hobbits who live in the Shire, a region mainly unaffected by external conflicts, tend to live longer lives than those residing in more dangerous areas.

The long life of Hobbits can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, their rustic and peaceful lifestyle, focused mostly around agriculture and community, fosters an environment of harmony and contentment. The absence of wars and trouble contributes to the Hobbits’ well-being and allows them to live relatively stress-free lives.

Additionally, all three types of Hobbits have a fondness of simple pleasures and a connection with nature, which further nurtures their physical and emotional health, extending their lifespans. The fertile soil and fresh air of the Shire also contribute to their great health. It is also worth noting that Hobbits are more resistant to sickness, which contributes to their lengthy lives. However, despite their longevity, hobbits are not immune to the effects of old age, and their physical and mental faculties may start to gradually diminish as they approach the end of their lives.

Who Was the Oldest Hobbit?

the hobbit lotr bilbo time passing

Among the many beloved Hobbit characters in Tolkien’s works, the one that stands out as the oldest is none other than Bilbo Baggins, the beloved Hobbit and protagonist of The Hobbit and a central character in Lord of the Rings.

After the events of Lord of the Rings, Bilbo Baggins turned 131, an exceptional age by Hobbit standards, making him the oldest Hobbit who has ever lived. The key to his longevity can be attributed to many factors, such as the many adventures he embarked on since Gandalf chose him for the quest, which kept him mentally sharped and engaged with the world around him.

Bilbo’s encounter with the One Ring during his quest on the Lonely Mountain played a key role in his long life. The Ring extends the life of any mortal who possesses it indefinitely, preventing natural aging, at the cost of their well-being and sanity. However, when Bilbo took the Ring, he showed compassion towards Gollum by sparing his life, which could be a sign of why the Ring didn’t affect him the same way it did other Ring Bearers.

In the later stages of his life, Bilbo’s decision to accompany Frodo on a journey to the Undying Lands also played a part in his extraordinary lifespan. The Undying Lands possess qualities that prolong the lives of all who stay there. When Bilbo was last seen, he, aged 131, along with Frodo, Gandalf, Elrond, and Galadriel, boarded a ship at the Grey Havens and sailed away from Middle-earth. His fate afterward is unknown, but as he was a mortal being, it is safe to assume that he died in the Blessed Realm of Valinor.

It is worth noting that the creature Gollum, back when he was Sméagol, was a Stoor Hobbit. However, as he held onto the Ring and it took over him and extended his life, he became what fans came to know as Gollum, and left no trace of his former self. Gollum/Sméagol died at the age of 589, and while the debate of his true identity remains a popular one amongst Lord of the Rings fans, under a technicality, he could be considered the oldest Hobbit that ever lived.

MORE: Every Important Quest of Middle Earth Would Have Failed If Not For Hobbits